Analyse - Database

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Chosen Hardware:

Below is a table of the hardware, which will be used when implementing the system. Both input and hardware devises have been considered.

Inappropriate Hardware:

The table below illustrates the hardware that is not going to be used, as it is not needed.  

Choice of Software:

In order for the system to be suitable for Mr Browne to use an appropriate software package will need to be selected. In the identify section it was distinguished a database would be suitable system to store the data concerning the bookshop. However, the database software package was not considered. Below, is a table of the software solution that have been considered. Furthermore, the advantages and disadvantages of each software package has been discussed.

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Chosen Software and Justification:

I have chosen to use Microsoft Access. Excel can be used as a database however it is more suited to performing calculation or ‘data modelling’ functions. In Access or FlexiDATA there are complex searches called queries, which produce quality reports and convenient data entry forms. You can also improve the database by making it ‘relational’.

A relational database application such as Access is better than a flat file database programme, such as Excel because it means spending less time on data entry and fewer errors.

Access is not the only relational database ...

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