Alternative Solution One:
The first solution I thought of was to improve Mr. Ahmads manual system. I could input his data in a filing cabinet in alphabetical order. I could also color co-ordinate different sections, like the addresses of members, the books that have been loaned, the date they’ve been loaned and the date it’s due back. This is a cheap but time consuming method.
Alternative Solution Two:
the second solution that is possible to solve this problem is to use word processing as a software to record your data. A computer system will be needed to use this option. The problem with this solution is that it takes a long time to draw up and input data. Word processing also requires frequent editing and saving of new information each time. It also takes time to find and search for each individual file for every customer. These files are not ordered in alphabetical order and can be hard to find when needed. Creating records and forms will take a long period of time to create. Overall, this solution is not recommended for this problem.
Alternative Solution Three:
Another type of software i could use is Microsoft Excel. It is spreadsheet software which already has table drawn out so there is no need in making one on the computer. However the spreadsheet software is used for calculations and generating graphs and charts which is not needed for storing data about the video shop.
Real User
The real users are the staff members of the video shop. The reason for that is because that they are the ones who are going to be using the system.
Why is ICT a suitable way of solving this problem:
Why is ICT a suitable way of solving this problem:
Using an ICT solution will be a suitable way of solving this problem because it is quicker, easier and more accurate to use. Data can be saved on the computer; this allows you to print lost data easily. You can keep large amounts of information in a small place. Searching for records will be quick and fewer staff will be needed to look after the system. A computerized system would save time, would look far more presentable than a paper based one and be more accurate A paper based system is time consuming and errors can be made easily. Duplicates of mistakes on a hand written system are likely and the system would have to be rewritten, which will waste Illegible handwriting would be hard to read and could create errors and confusion.
I am going to use a Mc Access so that I can create a database that will store necessary details and allows easy input of data. It will enable to sort and filter information and provide useful reports. It would be easier to create registered forms and input them within the database. Queries can also be made to search for data meeting a certain criteria. Forms and reports can be prepared almost instantly. The database can be password protected to allow certain people to access the database tables. Microsoft Access also allows you to access information from several files, files can be linked together which means if you change one of the files or update them, then the other files linked to the same files will automatically be updated or changed. This is known as relational database.
User Requirements
- He wants to be able to see details of the members quickly and easily.
- To be able to record video details.
- The system should be easy to use.
- To design a logo.
- To be able to record all members details.
- To print information of the shop or members of the shop.
- The system should be fast.
- The printout should fit onto a sheet of A4 paper.
- To create a database that will be organized into fields and records.
• Keyboard
• Mouse
• Monitor
• Laser printer – a laser printer will be suitable for this job because it offers both high speed and excellent print quality fir text and graphics. Although an injek printer is quite cheap, it does not satisfy the user with decent quality printouts.
Microsoft Word (Ms Word)
Microsoft Word is a word processing program that is used to enter, edit, format, store and print documents. The program formats your documents quickly and by using quick styles and document themes, you can quickly change the appearance of text, tables, and graphics throughout the entire document to match your preferred style or colour scheme.
Microsoft PowerPoint (Ms PowerPoint)
Microsoft PowerPoint helps the information look more professional – looking. PowerPoint handles text, outlines, drawings, graphs and clip – art in the design of presentations and “slide shows”. Dynamic Smart Art diagrams can easily create relationship, workflow, or hierarchy diagrams from within Office PowerPoint 2007. PowerPoint also allows you to save your own custom slide layouts so that your presentations have a consistent and professional look and feel.
Microsoft Excel (Ms Excel)
MS Excel is a spreadsheet based program which allows you to get the most out of your data. The tools within the software are great and enable you to analyze, capture ad share information which can be protected and controlled more efficiently. Data can be put into charts, graphs and tables. MS Excel has a range of functions (e.g. SUM) that let you analyze numerical information accurately.
Microsoft Access (Ms Access)
Microsoft Access allows you to create powerful databases solutions that let you analyze, organize and share information more effectively, quickly and easily. Tables from other MS Access and MS Excel files can also be linked to your work checking feature allow common errors in form and reports ,to be tested and fixed faster and if you alter a field is bound to be updated automatically. Most often Access databases are used for mailing lists, phone lists and as address books. Access is a relational database management system that can allow the use of complex searches such as queries.
I have chosen the software Microsoft Access:
Access is the preferred software over other types of software because of its capability to create complex searches called queries, produce reports, and convenient data entry forms. The database created on Access can also be made relational to link files together and further improve it. Mistakes are limited because of the many and useful validation checks like presence checks, length checks and character type or format checks. The database can also be made password protected to ensure its security.