statistics coursework

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Investigation between key stage 2 results and IQ

I will investigate if higher Key Stage 2 has an affect on IQ. I am going to collect IQ and Key Stage 2 Maths Results randomly. I am going to get the data for this investigation from the Mayfield High School folder. I choose this source of information because reliable as it is the only data the school gave me, it was easy to get and it is easy to use. Any data that is missing or anomalous I will delete. I will use a total sample size of 30 if there are not enough results I will use all of them.

I will use this data to establish if there is a relation ship between IQ and Key Stage 2 Result

The calculations I will use in this Coursework are

Inter-quartile range                              Upper-quartile

Cumulative frequency                         Lower-quartile




Box plots

These calculations will help me in the following ways:

Average will help me by singling one data from a whole bunch to make it easier to compare.

The frequency shows how often certain data occurs.

The inter-quartile range will help me in a similar way.

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Box helps explain data visually.

Cumulative frequency will show in tables and in graphs.

IQ averages

Level 2     -     76.17647

Level 3     -     93.36667

Level 4     -     101.2


Level 5     -     110.9

Level 6     -     119.15789

Overall     -     100.36592

Cumulative Frequency Tables

Level 2

Level 3


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