But evolutionists, very easily, deny the truthfulness of the first 3 chapters of Genesis because if the first 3 chapters of Genesis are denied, then the whole concept of Christianity falls because its foundation is in these 3 chapters. This is exactly what evolutionists want, for Evolution was invented to effectively do away with a Supreme God that has dominion over our lives imposing on us the concept of sin, as an offence against Him, for which we will have to give an account of our lives, and receive our just due.
In the first 3 chapters of Genesis Good spells out what sin is. The Lord gave everything freely to Adam, but put him under a test of obedience, effectively telling Adam that He had power over his life, a thing the evolutionist hate most heatedly, that is why they deny these 3 chapters. Adam did fail to obey and died spiritually as warned, but God in His Grace promised a Saviour that would pay for Adam and for his sins, as elected by God, the man Jesus Christ.
The Evolutionists would say: "we do not believe in the first 3 chapters of Genesis and therefore we do not need a Saviour for in our eyes we are not sinners." Well, from their stand point of view, this conclusion is quite logical as long as they consistently believe in Evolution.
There are those who appear to try and balance on this uncertain tightrope of compromise. But it is breaching two essential basic foundation stones of the Christian faith. As human beings, we are firstly made in the image of God. Secondly, we differ from the animal kingdom, in that, God breathed into Adam the breath of life, and he "became a living soul." (Gen 2:7) A human being IS an eternal soul. This life is the beginning, not the end. Heaven, Hell, an Eternal relationship with God, are all fundamentals of our faith based upon this truth, and taught by Christ. The Bible at no point gives so much as a hint, that this is also true of animals. Human beings, from the beginning, are presented as being quite distinct and different from anything else
For the Christian, surely this makes belief in man evolving from an animal, impossible.
In today’s Christianity many are disregarding passages and changing the Bible as they wish. The problem with that is that different people disregard different parts of Scripture and then we end up in a situation that nobody knows what is reliable and what is not. The whole package must be accepted as true, the way it is, as the breathed Word of God.