As the concentration of these gases grows, more heat is trapped by the atmosphere and less escapes back into space. This increase in trapped heat, changes the climate, causing different weather patterns that can bring extreme precipitation or dry spells and more severe storms. [6]
What has the global warming done to the environment so far?
The greenhouse gases (which include carbon dioxide, methane and water vapour) have damaged the ozone layer (O3) which acts as a protection to the Earth. This means the Earths average surface temperature has increased by 1oF during the 20th Century. If global warming continues, the world could become extinct. The ozone layer is destroyed by compounds (a mixture of two or more elements) such as CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons). CFCs are used in some refrigerators and packaging materials.
This graph shows the depletion of the global ozone layer. It proves the ozone layer is becoming thinner.
Arguments for
We should be worried about global warming. This is the view of some people. There is evidence that average global temperatures are on the increase. The graph (right) shows the increase of temperatures from 1860 to 2000. General global warming is expected to lead to an increase in the number of extremely hot days and decrease in the number of extremely cold days. Warmer temperatures will lead to more severe droughts and floods in some places, and because rapid climate changes are unpredictable, it may lead to a few weather ‘surprises’. Even if humans adapt to the weather conditions, many animals and crops will not and this will prove to be a massive problem for generations.[2] Also sea-levels will rise, as the polar ice caps melt, meaning animals such as polar bears on the North Pole will become extinct and parts of the world will flood. Why should animals have to suffer because humans use too much CO2?
Arguments Against
We should not be worried about global warming. This is the view of some other people. According to Number Watch “Britain is one degree cooler now than it was at the time of the Domesday Book”, “computer models are worthless, as they are based on predictions” and “carbon dioxide is a minor greenhouse gas and we need greenhouse gases to survive”. Also according to, Global Warming is a positive thing, because:
1. There would be more land with moderate climate for all those people who are "overpopulating" the earth to live on. (Overpopulation problem solved)
2. There would be more fresh water available for irrigating desert lands. (Food Shortage solved)
3. There would be more arable land to grow crops. (Food Shortage solved)
4. There would be milder winters. (Heat fuel shortage solved)
5. There would be milder winters. (Less sickness)
6. There would be more Ultra Violet rays getting to earth. (UV kills some bacteria)
7. There would be longer summers, longer tourist seasons. (More national income) [10]
It is still massively undecided on whether global warming is actually happening in the world. When I look at the sources on either side of the ongoing dispute, I think I find the “arguments for” more credible. I decided to evaluate all the sources on 5 criterions, and I decided that the source must meet at least 3 of these criterions. The criterions were:-
- Is the source biased?
- Does the source carry a good reputation?
- Have they written other stories on this topic?
- Does the source have much relevance to the topic?
- How significant is the source
After using these criterions, I decided all my sources were reliable, except the UCSUSA website as this only matched 2 of the credibility criterion, whilst the other sources matched at least 3, whilst Wikipedia and BBC News matched all 5 criterions.
Some people still think Global Warming is a massive problem in the world, whilst others think it is a money-making scam.
I believe we should be worried about global warming because of what could happen, such as high temperatures and flooding land. The defining sources for me were BBC News, Wikipedia and as they had key information to my case study.