Investigating the Resistance of wire.

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Investigating the Resistance of wire.

Prediction: I predict that if the length increases then the resistance will also increase in proportion to the length.

Hypothesis: my predication is based upon the fact that the longer the wire the more atoms and so the more likely the electrons are going to collide with the atoms. So if the length is doubled the resistance should also double. This is because if the length is doubled the number of atoms will also double resulting in twice the number of collisions slowing the electrons down and increasing the resistance. My graph should show that the length is proportional to the resistance.

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The diagrams below show my prediction and should explain it more clearly:

Because the length of the wire is only half the length of the wire below there should be half the number of collisions between the electrons and the atoms. The wire below is twice the length of the wire above and so there should be twice the number of atoms resulting in twice as many collisions and a predicted doubling of the resistance.



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