Why Mao won the civil war in China.

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Why Mao won the civil war

On 1st October 1949 Mao Zedong declared the People's republic of China, after his victory over the Guomindang (GMD). The justifications for the Communist Party of China (CPC) prevailing over the Guomindang (GMD) lay within their leaders as well as other factors. The civil war began in 1946, but the real tension began in 1927 after the Shanghai massacre and ended in the declaration of China in 1949.

The reasons for Mao's victory over the GMD began long before the civil war. They begin with the establishment of the CCP in May 1921 by Chen Duxiu and Li Dazhao. The nationalist party in China, GMD, soon recognised the CCP as a threat but were forced to work together with them in the first united front in 1926. The GMD and CCP had formed a United Front and set out on the northern expedition to eradicate the warlords from China. Cooperation on the ouside seemed to be working well as the national revolutionary army won victory upon victory against the warlords, until April 12th 1927, the United Front had lasted a year and was half complete when Field Marshall Jiang Jieshi ordered the purging of the communist troops. This event for many historians marked the begin of the civil war. It resulted in the in the Shanghai massacre and showed that the cooperation didn't work that well afterall. The true goals of the two parties had for one been the defeating of the mutual enemy of warlords, but the GMD had also with the United Front attempted to control the CCP from within. On the other hand the CCP had by working with the GMD tried to use their numerical superioty to spread communism in China. On April 12th the tension burst and what had at first seemed like a mutual cooperation turned into a powerstruggle in China. Mao heard of this and throughout his long carrer as a politician and leader of the CCP never forgave Jiang for the incident. Following April 12th, Mao established a peasent army to fight against GMD. This marks Mao's first stuggles to retaliate against the GMD, and increased Mao's dedication against the nationalists which is an important factor because the communists could only win with a leader of good leadership and complete dedication. After the Autumn Harvest uprising was surpressed Mao fled to the Jinggang mountains, where the foundations where lade for the change in tactics.

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The autumn harvest uprising marked an important cooperation between the peasents and the CCP. This is veiwed as maybe the decisive factor as to why Mao won the war. This where the two opposing parties have the greatest difference, Jiang relied on the cities for his support while Mao gained his followers from the countryside who made up about 80% of the poppulation so about 400,000,000 men. The communists relied on the peasent support to give the CCP access to food and other resources without which they would have been unable to fight the war succesfully. Communist troops had ...

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