"Jonah and the Whale" by Viola Meynell
Jonah and the whale by Viola Meynell The parable of "Jonah and the whale," from the Bible, is a didactic parable intended to teach readers that God loves everyone and anyone who repents their sins will be forgiven. In Viola Meynell's poem, she mainly focuses on describing the qualities of the whale in the first seven stanzas in order to show how the whale symbolizes repentance of sins by God and then adds a twist in the last stanza as Jonah enters the whale unexpectedly. Meynell allows readers to vicariously experience the world of the whale, the majestic king of the lake; she uses various sound techniques, diction with symbolic connotations, and vivid imagery to emphasize the significant features of the "watery world" the whale lives in. Meynell uses an ABAB rhyme scheme where the last word rhymes every other line of a stanza. There are eight stanzas in total, each stanza contains four lines. The first and fourth line of each stanza has nine syllables while the second and third lines contain 10 syllables. Overall, Meynell uses these stanza patterns and rhyming scheme to create a "wavery" effect. In other words, when readers read the poem out aloud, they vicariously feel like the whale 'rocking' through the sea waves. The first five stanzas are dedicated to vividly describe the "watery world" where the whale resides. Meynell chose special diction such as "sported", "rich
Long Days Journey Into Night
Explore the significance of the past in the play "Long Day's Journey Into Night" by Eugene O'Neill At the very start of Long Day's Journey Into Night, O'Neill sets the scene for the theme of the past being integral to the play directly with the dedication to the love and tenderness of his wife - "... which gave me the faith in love that enabled me to face my dead at last and write this play - write it with deep pity and understanding and forgiveness for all of the four haunted Tyrones." This admittance that the play was written as a sort of autobiography, a partial re- telling of O'Neill's personal history, means that it seems almost intrinsically connected to the past right from the beginning, the intimation from the author being that he wrote it as a form of catharsis in order to deal with the real events from his own life. Consequently the theme of the past is introduced before even the first Act has begun. The idea that he is 'facing his dead' is a particularly apt one as at the time of writing the play, the people upon whom its characters are based - O'Neill's family - had all passed away some years before. His father, mother and elder brother Jamie are all portrayed in the same roles in the play as they had in real life, and with similar histories. The only alteration is that instead of the middle son being named Edmund, O'Neill changes the baby's name to his own, and
French Essay - Emma
Dear diary, I just had one of the best experiences of my life! When I was flying from Singapore to England, I met my favorite actress on board - Emma Watson! It was just by coincidence and even better, we were sitting next to each other in Business Class. As you know on most flights I usually sit and watch a movie, but on this flight I was talking with her nonstop and I must say dear diary, it was lots of fun. Since we are the same age (well she is two years older than me), we had loads to talk about. She kept asking me how it was to be an average kid and how she's always wanted a normal life. She even told me that the media are outside her window every time she opens her curtains. She has no privacy! It's ironic because I've always dreamt about being famous and having interviews, but now that I think about it, maybe it isn't the best idea. She also asked me about my school as how it was like to have normal, "non- celebrity" friends. It made me feel special and that my life wasn't a waste as people would kill to have the life I have dear diary. However, she did mention that there were a lot of "perks" to being a celebrity. She told me that every time she walks into a store, she gets free stuff. Also she gets to go to all these fancy award shows where she meets people like: Lady Gaga and Miley Cyrus who have the same life as her. However, as you know she is "Hermione
French essay on health
En quoi notre alimentation influe-t-elle sur notre santé ? Notre alimentation influe beaucoup notre corps et santé parce que c'est ce qu'on mange qui nous donne de l'énergie pour vivre. La nourriture pour nous est comme l'essence pour les voitures ; si vous mettez de l'huile d'olive dans une voiture, elle ne va pas marcher, si vous mangez que du sucre votre corps ne va pas marcher correctement non plus. N'oubliez pas que tout ce que vous mangez à une certaine influence sur votre corps car cela passera par votre system digestif qui essaie de extraire toute l'énergie possible de ce qu'on mange. Alors, si on mange trop, on aura fait une réserve d'énergie qui est effectivement de gras. C'est pour cela qu'il faut manger un peu de tout, mais avec modération. En effet notre corps a besoin d'une certaine quantité de fruits, légumes, produits laitiers, féculents, protéines, sucre et sel par jour. Le problème est que les gens ne savent pas que manger trop d'une chose en excès n'est pas bon pour notre santé, ni même manger trop de tout. Au total, l'idéal pour notre corps serait de manger 5 fruits ou légumes par jour, 3 produits laitiers, des féculents à chaque repas, des protéines (comme la viande, le poisson, les œufs) 1 à 2 fois par jour, et manger du sel et sucre en modération tous les jours. Cette commination vous donnera dont votre corps a besoin pour la
Laura Dekker is een dertien jarig meisje dat de jongste solozeiler wil zijn dat rond de wereld zeilt.
Laura Dekker is een dertien jarig meisje dat de jongste solozeiler wil zijn dat rond de wereld zeilt. Niet lang geleden heeft een 17 jaar oude jongen van Engeland dit gedaan in 9 maanden.Laura zou er twee jaar over doen. Laura wil zeer graag hiermee in het Guinnes Book of World Records geraken, maar zij zeggen dat ook al moest ze het doen zouden ze haar er niet in vermelden. Laura zou twee jaar lang moeten zeilen zou ze dit doen, dus zou ze ook twee jaar school missen. Ze zegt dat dit geen probleem voor haar zal zijn want zij zou elke dag op haar bootje leren wat andere kinderen op dat moment zouden leren. Iets wat ik denk dat ze zal laten vallen na een maand of drie. Laura's ouders zijn gescheiden haar vader wil absoluut dat zij gaat zeilen rond de wereld maar haar moeder wil het niet.Omdat haar moeder het niet wil,dreigt Laura contact te breken met haar moeder maar zij zei "Ik heb liever een levende dochter dat ik niet meer zie dan een dode dochter." Natuurlijk zijn er dus gevaren, ze gaat op zeer gevaarlijke zeen varen en psychologen denken niet dat zij twee jaar alleen kan zijn. Laura's bootje is ook vrij klein, maar 8 meter lang en zij zal in zeer brutale stormen moeten varen. Moest haar bootje omkappen zou ze niets kunnen doen en zou ze helemaal alleen op zee zijn en zou ze haar bootje niet recht kunnen zetten. Laura is momenteel onder staatszorg en psychologen
A Literary Commentary: the L-Shaped Room
A Literary Commentary At rock-bottom, pregnant, in a dark, dirty room, and sharing the building with prostitutes, one may still (surprisingly!) have thought to spare in noticing the irony of their situation. The extract from "The L-Shaped Room," by Lynne Reid Banks, is taken from page 1 of chapter 1, so even without reading, it can be understood that the purpose of it is to 'set the scene' and introduce the main character, or at least provide an interesting and grasping introduction to the novel. It is not too clear if there was a definite intention other than that in three paragraphs, but there is a substantially big revelation in relation to the narrative character at the end of the last paragraph, that she was pregnant. The extract takes readers into the mind of that woman as they read her thoughts in relation to the place she is in and the people around her, which are many times ironic and to a certain extent funny (black humour), even though, at first glance, the extract seems dull, melancholic and bleak. For example, the sign that read "Don't Leave Tap Driping" with its orthographical error, her decision not to clean the window since "what the hell, no one's going to see it," which shows that she is not as depressed as we might be lead to think of as she has enough energy to comment on her surroundings. Her conversation with the woman about the prostitutes also
"After Apple-picking" by Robert Frost
After Apple-picking by Robert Frost > Symbolisms: The "apple": In this poem, Robert Frost uses the symbol of picking apples to represent the speaker's hard work and decisions throughout his life. In the Bible, the apple symbolizes knowledge; this analogy reinforces the knowledge gained from the speaker's life experiences. "My long two-pointed ladder's sticking through a tree/Toward heaven still" emphasizes that the act of picking apples can be interpreted as something related to religion. In the book of Genesis in the Bible, Eve was tempted by a snake to eat the forbidden fruit of the apple because the snake convinced her that eating it would make her more knowledgeable than God. This story can be related to the poem because when Eve eats the apple, she can go up the "ladder to heaven" because she is "omniscient" enough to do so. A freshly picked apple could also symbolize opportunities in one's life. In the poem, the speaker does not successfully pick all the apples, this shows that there were a lot of opportunities in his life that he never accomplished. "Apples I didn't pick upon some bough/But I am done with apple-picking now" show that the speaker is quick to give up on the opportunities he was offered during his life. The imagery of the thousands of apples that struck the earth and became bruised also means that the speaker has wasted a lot of opportunities in his
"Die Kraniche des Ibykus" German A2 Commentary
Die Kraniche des Ibykus Die Kraniche des Ibykus wurde im Jahre 1797 geschrieben, von Friedrich Schiller, einer des berühmtesten deutschen Schriftstellers. In dieser Ballade sieht man seine Interesse für die Antike, in dieser Ballade Griechenland, was man mit Goethe vergleichen kann, ein anderer Schriftsteller in Schillers Zeit. In Die Kraniche des Ibykus ist ein Schriftsteller unterwegs zu den Isthmischen Spielen und wird vor Korinth ermordet. Das ganze griechische Volk trauert um ihn und will die Mörder verurteilen. Leider war keiner Zeuge des Mordes, ausser einem Kranichzug, was über die Szene rüber flog. Während den Spielen fliegen die Kraniche über das Publikum. Die Mörder entlarven sich dann selbst, indem sie "Die Kraniche des Ibykus" ausrufen. Sie werden dann bevor den Richter gebracht und verurteilt. Die Antike spielt eine wichtige Rolle in dieser Ballade, nicht nur weil sie dort spielt, aber auch wegen den Göttern und in diesem Fall, wegen dem Schriftsteller, der den sogenannten Helden spielt, obwohl er uns ganz früh in der Geschichte verlässt. Der Schriftsteller ist auf dem Weg zu den Isthmischen Spielen, was fast wie die Olympiade war in der Zeit, für Schriftsteller und andere Künstler zum Beispiel Musiker. In der antiken Zeitepoche war Kunst und Literatur besonders wichtig, darum reagiert das Volk so erschrocken und wütend. Für die Griechen war
Evaluacin de el poema El Abuelo por Nicols Guilln
Evaluación de el poema "El Abuelo" por Nicolás Guillén En un ensayo coherente y bien desarrollado de no mas de dos paginas, explora el siguiente tema. Analiza el poema que sigue en cuanto a su forma y su contenido. Cual es su verificación? Cuales son sus elementos temáticos y su estrategia? En que consiste su originalidad? Su significado social? El Abuelo Nicolás Guillén Esta mujer angélica de ojos septentrionales, que vive atenta al ritmo de su sangre europea, ignora que lo hondo de ese ritmo golpea un negro al parche duro de roncos atabales. Bajo la línea escueta de su nariz aguda, la boca, en fino trazo, traza una raya breve, y no hay cuervo que manche la solitaria nieve de su carne, que fulge temblorosa y desnuda. ¡Ah, mi señora! Mírate las venas misteriosas; boga en el agua viva que allá dentro te fluye, y ve pasando lirios, nelumbios, lotos, rosas; que ya verás, inquieta, junto a la fresca orilla la dulce sombra oscura del abuelo que huye, el que rizó por siempre tu cabeza amarilla. Rianet De Leon Periodo 3 Sr. Montero Viernes, Mayo 21, 2010 Nicolás Guillén, orgullo Cubano, se destaca por la exaltación de la influencia Africana en la sociedad hispanoamericana. El valor sincero de su obra sobre la raza negra ha adquirido renombre y categoría dentro del escenario de la literatura hispanoamericana. El soneto nombrado "el Abuelo" de
För mig finns det många olika definitioner av ordet kunskap.
Skriftlig uppgift filosofi . För mig finns det många olika definitioner av ordet kunskap. Jag brukar dela upp det hela i 3 tre kategorier av kunskap god kunskap, ond kunskap och nyttig kunskap. När jag själv talar om kunskap så brukar det inte låta så filosofiskt men jag ska förklara vad jag definierar med kunskap. Om man slår upp kunskap i en ordlista står det " kunskap kunskapen kunskaper subst. vetande, lärdom" Om jag får reda på att en person tycker illa om mig så är det en sorts kunskap och det kallar jag ond kunskap. Det är kunskap som inte är rolig att veta eller inte gör dig gladare. Sedan kan jag få reda på att en person gillar mig det är god kunskap enligt mig. Det finns också en tredje kategori kunskap så kallad nyttig kunskap. Ett exempel på nyttig kunskap är något som är viktigt att veta i samhället t.ex. allmänbildning eller något man lär sig i skolan som hjälper en i framtiden. Jag tycker inte man kan säga att kunskap är gott eller inte gott eftersom det finns olika typer av kunskap. Det går helt enkelt inte att generalisera ett sånt stort ämne som kunskap. Själv har jag aldrig varit något för filosofi men när jag hörde Sokrates försvarstal så som Platon hade tolkat det så öppnade det sig en dörr för mig. I Sokrates försvarstal så lägger han en stor vikt på om det är viktigt med vishet. Vishet