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Megan Tsui 12N2



When viral particles of a certain virus enter the human body, they replicate rapidly. In about four hours, the number of viral particles has doubled. The immune system does not respond until there are about 1million viral particles in the body.

The first response of the immune system is fever. The rise in temperature lowers the rate at which the viral particles replicate to 160% every four hours, but the immune system can only eliminate these particular viral particles at the rate of about 50,000 viral particles per hour. Often people do not seek medical attention immediately as they think they have a common cold. If the number of viral particles however, reaches 1012, the person dies.

Modeling infection

  1. Model the initial phase of the illness for a person infected with 10,000 viral particles to determine how long it will take for the body’s immune response to begin.

Since we know that in 4 hours the viral particles would double its number. Therefore we know that the formula for 4 hours would be

However to work out the growth rate of the particles in 1 hour we would need to work out

From this we can work out that the general formula for would be:


Since we need to work out the total number of particles for each hour, we put 2 to the power of t divided by 4.

This is because the body would only start response when the viral particles go up to 1 million. We could then put:

Solve t.



From this table we can see that after about 26 to 27 hours, the immune system starts to react to the viral particles.

  1. Using  a spreadsheet, or otherwise, develop a model for the next phase of the illness, when the immune response has begun but no medications have yet been administered. Use the model to determine how long it will be before the patient dies if the infection is left untreated.

When the patient starts to fever, the replicate rate of the viral particles would decrease from 2.0 to 1.6 growth rate per 4 hours. When the growth rate is 1.6 per 4 hours, the equation would be:

Therefore the equation of the replicate rate viral particles for 1 hour would be:

Since the replicate rate of the viral particles is cumulative, we could figure out the rate of 1.6 to the power of , where t is time. The decreasing number of a 4-hour period is 200000, however if we are to work out the decreasing number of viral

particles in 1 hour, we would need to divide 200000 by 4, which gives 50000

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If medication were not administered, the immune system would not be able to eliminate a lot of viral particles. Then the particles would accumulate and grow faster and faster. When the particles reach to 1012, which is between the 98th and the 99th hour, the person would die. This mean the patient would die on the 4th day if he or she has not taken any medicine.

Modeling recovery

An antiviral medication can be administered as soon as a person seeks medical attention. The medication does not affect the growth rate of the viruses but together with the immune ...

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