When I was doing research into this topic I found one interesting quote I want to introduce to you: Prostitution is a combination of sex and the free market. Which one are you against? This side belief, that prostitutes are not committing an inherently harmful act. They agree that problem of prostitution are sexually transmitted diseases, but that addressing prostitution as crime is a way of expressing moral excitement and not accepting it into cultural norms. In this view is prostitution victimless crime as no one is harmed by it as it consists of consenting adults. For example here is quote of male prostitute: "We chose sex work after we did a lot of things we couldn't stand. Sex work is better. For me, sex work isn't my first choice of paying work. It just happens to be the best alternative available. It's better than being president of someone else's corporation. It's better than being a secretary. It is the most honest work I know of."
So we may ask our selves why is it illegal to charge for what can be freely dispensed? Sex work is no more moral or immoral than the chocolate or fashion industries.
So is it more moral for you that a man rapes a girl or that he pays for prostitute, which is willing to do this? In this aspect legalizing prostitution may decrease rape. Further more if prostitution would be legal we could easily face with problems that are harmful. Sex worker should have same human and labour rights and same health care. This may possibly lower spreading of disease with being tested more frequently.
If we look at states and countries where prostitution is legal or at least social accepted – such as Nevada, Japan, China, and parts of Germany, the situation is very different. Prostitutes have the same legal protections as all other workers, and can settle disputes in courts rather than on the street. They regularly undergo testing for sexually transmitted diseases, take the appropriate precautions, and are even rated on the quality of their services. To the extent that their business is legal, there is little connection with organized crime, at least any more than there is in any other business. In the most socially liberal countries, sex is viewed as entertainment, and wives will pay for their husband’s visit to the brothel as a gift to be enjoyed.
Video? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nLIxDgO6Q4E
But prostitution like seen in video is not always the case. Prostitution may be connected with human trafficking, corruption and against free choice. We can find many police reports about how people have been tricked that they will get a job and nationality but at the end they become sex slave workers a property of a PIMP. Prostitutes also often become victims of violence. So in this perspective is prostitution totally immoral and not ethically.
For religion prostitution is institution of evil. It has been a major reason of continuing downfall of the Christian Religion.
Moreover, even if prostitute is tested for sexually transmitted diseases every week, she will test negative for at least the first 4-6 weeks, possibly up to 12 weeks after being infected. As a result of this while test is becoming positive and results are known, prostitute may infect 630 clients with HIV. This is under best circumstances with testing every week over one month period. It also assumes that the prostitute will quit working as soon as she or he finds out that test is positive, which is in my opinion highly unlikely.