Investigate the effect of temperature on the rate of a reaction catalyzed by the enzyme trypsin.



To investigate the effect of temperature on the rate of reaction of the enzyme trypsin and from this, determine the enzymes optimum temperature.


Enzymes are globular protein molecules, which are often defined as biological catalysts. They catalyse the breakdown of a substrate into two or more product molecules, using the cleft in its surface called an active site. The substrate molecule has a complementary shape. The random movement of the enzyme and substrate brings the substrate into the active site. An enzyme-substrate complex is temporarily formed. (1) This is because the R groups of the amino acids in the active site interact with the substrate and this interaction breaks the substrates apart. The two product molecules then depart the active site, leaving the enzyme molecule unchanged and ready to bind with another substrate molecule.

Trypsin is a digestive enzyme, known as a protease, secreted by the pancreas. Trypsin attacks peptide bonds of proteins and polypeptides, thereby converting large peptide chains into shorter polypeptide segments. There are two basic types of proteases, the endopeptidases and the exopeptidases. Trypsin is an endopeptidase that is found in the alimentary canal of nearly all invertebrates and vertebrates organisms that digest in this way. It is specific for digestion of peptides and esters of the amino acids lysine and arginine. The enzyme attacks bonds located deep within the substrate protein, thus transforming large peptide chains into shorter polypeptide segments.

Powdered milk (Marvel milk) contains a white phosphoprotein called casein. It is found in milk as a suspension of particles called micellae, which are held together by calcium ions. When the enzyme, trypsin, is added to its substrate, the amino acid chains that are located in the protein; casein, will be broken down and white opaque suspension becomes translucent.


I predict that at low temperatures the reaction will take place relatively slowly. At lower temperatures, the molecules will have less heat energy to be transferred into kinetic energy and as a result, the molecules will move more slowly and binding between the substrate and enzyme is less common. This is because the substrate molecules will not often collide with the active site of the protein. When molecules collide, the kinetic energy of the molecules can be converted into chemical potential energy of the molecules. The chemical potential energy of the molecules at low temperatures is relatively small because they do not often collide and so a change in chemical state will result much more slowly, thus the reaction will too, take place more gradually.

As the temperature rises, the enzyme and substrate molecules move faster. This is because collisions will happen more frequently which results in the substrate molecules binding with the active sites more often. When they do collide, they will do so with more energy. This makes it easier for bonds to be broken so the reaction can occur. Thus the greater the kinetic energy of the molecules in a system, the greater is the resulting chemical potential energy when two molecules collide. As the temperature of a system is increased it is possible that more molecules will reach the activation energy more rapidly and the rate of the reaction will increase. As the temperature increases further, the speed of the movement of the substrate and enzyme molecules also continues to increase until an optimum temperature is reached. The optimum temperature is the temperature at which enzymes catalyzes a reaction at the maximum rate.

Most human enzymes have an optimum temperature of around 40°C. By keeping our bodies at temperatures around 37°C, it is ensured the enzyme catalayzed reaction occurs closest to its optmum temperature. The trypsin used in this experiment is obtained from bovine (cow) pancreas. Since cows are mammals like humans, the enzyme is likely to have an optimum temperature similar to human trypsin, approximately 40°C.

Above around 40ºC I predict to see a reduction in the rate of reaction. As the temperature is increased, past this temperature, the internal energy of the molecules will increase. This internal energy may include the translational energy, vibration energy and rotational energy of the molecules and the energy involved in chemical bonding of the molecules as well as the energy involved in nonbonding interactions. (2) This will cause the molecule to vibrate vigorously. Some of this heat may be converted into chemical potential energy. If this chemical potential energy increase is great enough, some of the bonds between the chains of amino acids that determine the three dimensional shape of the active proteins will be broken due to this vigorous vibration. This could lead to thermal denaturation of the protein and thus inactivate the protein. The enzyme molecule will begin to lose its shape and initially the substrate molecule does not fit as well into the active site of the enzyme and the rate of the enzyme catalyzed reaction will decrease. Eventually, the substrate or enzyme will no longer fit at all, or can no longer be held in the correct position for the reaction to occur.

This can be visualised with the ‘lock and key theory.

There are a number of other factors that affect the rate of reaction.

Because I know these will affect it, I will keep them constant.


To investigate the effect of temperature on the rate of reaction and discover the optimum temperature, Marvel milk suspension and trypsin solution will be used. Trypsin solution and Marvel Milk suspension will be heated, to the same specific temperature in a water bath. The two solutions will then be mixed together and timed for a period, before the mixture is placed into the colorimeter to measure the level of hydrolysis it has undergone. The procedure will be repeated at a range of temperatures.

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Preliminary Work

Preliminary work will be used to investigate the amount of time the Marvel milk suspension and trypsin solution should be left to hydrolysis for. From my scientific prediction, I expect the optimum temperature to be around 40°C. Therefore I will conduct all preliminary work at the predicted optimum temperature as this will provide the fastest rate of hydrolysis that my experiment is likely to undergo.

From the experiment I can see that from 150 seconds and above, the rate of reaction is so fast, it appears that the colorimeter is not measuring a dramatic difference ...

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