Industria de tutun De la nceputul timpului, tutunul a avut un impact vizibil asupra vieii celor implicai (cei implicai fiind absolut toat lumea) att igrile ct i tutunul mestecabil afecteaz att consuma

Festila Andra-Elena Antropologie Anul III, grupa 1 Industria de tutun De la începutul timpului, tutunul a avut un impact vizibil asupra vietii celor implicati (cei implicati fiind absolut toata lumea) atât tigarile cât si tutunul mestecabil afecteaza atât consumatorii de aceste produse cât si pe cei din jurul lor. În timp ce cu ani în urma, tutunul nu a fost neaparat o industrie ci mai degraba era folosit sub forma de cadouri sau o simpla placere pentru sine, acum cu siguranta a devenit o mare industrie. Aceasta industrie a evoluat foarte mult de-a lungul anilor pentru a fi acum una dintre industriile cele mai importante din lume. Din istoria ei de pâna acum, daca aruncam o privire mai în profunzime la partea sa economica, se poate afla o multime de informatii despre industria tutunului, în general. Istoria tutunului din Statele Unite poate fi identificata odata cu descoperirea continentului de catre Cristofor Columb. Dupa o saptamâna de cercetat pamântul si localnicii, Columb a observat pasiunea localnicilor de a mesteca frunze aromatice uscate sau de a inhala fumul lor printr-o conducta. Marinarii lui, în mod inevitabil, au început sa ia parte la aceste obiceiuri cu care indienii devenisera atât de obisnuiti. Chiar daca oamenii lui Columb au fost certati pentru prestarea lor la nivelul salbaticilor, deoarece acesta credea ca acest obicei atât de

  • Word count: 3328
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: European Languages, Literature and related subjects
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Alfred Harmsworth

ALFRED HARMSWORTH Alfred Harmsworth was the son of an English lawyer, who was born on 15 July 1865, near Dublin. Attended a private school in St.John 's Wood, where he began to interest the news and thus began editing the journal of the school. After leaving school, Alfred found work in Youth, an illustrated magazine for boys belonging to Illustrated London News. The great success of the time of publication was a magazine called Tit-Bits, which sold about 900,000 copies per month. In 1888, Alfred decided to join his brother, Harold Harmsworth, to publish a kind of magazine like Tit-Bits, the magazine that called Answers to Correspondents. Alfred told his readers that all the questions answered would be sent, and those of general interest would be published in the magazine. Answers to Correspondents was a huge success and in less than four years have sold millions of copies a week. This success allowed him to finance a magazine for children, Comic Cuts, and a magazine for women, the Forget-Me-Nots. His interest in the publication of newspapers starting in 1894. The Evening News was almost in bankruptcy when it was purchased by Harmsworth. With some modifications in terms of presentation, the newspaper said it had now reached the 394.447 sales. With all this success Harmsworth decided to publish a new journal based on the type of newspaper published in the United

  • Word count: 1009
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: European Languages, Literature and related subjects
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Tom Jones

James Kelly EL 327.1 Eighteenth Century Novel A Discussion of Tom Jones Henry Fielding wrote Tom Jones on February 28th, 1749. This novel is divided into eighteen smaller books. Tom Jones is a comic novel. A comic novel, by definition, is a novel that amuses the reader, sometimes with subtlety and as part of a carefully woven narrative. This novel is filled with comical scenes that the reader will find hilarious. Any reader that is a fan of comedy will find this novel to be something that once you read, you will not be able to put down because of the hilarious scenes and great plotline. This novel has the qualities of a comic novel, much like Joseph Andrews. Tom Jones has a great plot, intertwined with characters that help move the story along in a funny, witty way. Right at the beginning of the novel Squire Allworthy, who is a wealthy squire with an estate in Somersetshire, returns to his estate to find a baby sleeping in his bed. The readers already can tell from this that something is amiss. This is also funny to us. The reader can picture what Allworthy's reaction is to this baby sleeping in his bed. The reader is already left wondering who this baby is and who are the parents. This is only just a taste of the plot of Tom Jones. As the novel continues we get more hilarious scenes as well as a thick, rich plot. For example, in book seven, when Tom has a bandage

  • Word count: 1270
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: European Languages, Literature and related subjects
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Thoughts about the book Ian McEwan: Enduring Love

Thoughts about Ian McEwan: Enduring Love The starting thought would be: How dangerous is the new reader type (Booth)? Is the unreliable narrator reliable? . What does the title say - without knowing the text and after reading the book - to the reader? Enduring love, or enduring loves? Which one is the most strenuous? 2. How is the plot built up? The most important sub-plot: Jean Logan How many short stories are there in this piece of literature? 3. Why does the narrator tell the story in first person singular? 4. Is the story teller reliable or not? Main character and his narration 5. What do the characters stand for? Are they faithful to their features/characteristics in their action? 6. Social dilemmas 7. Love triangles in this piece of art 8. How can a story be equally closed and open at the same time? 9. What is Ian McEwan's style? 0. Is the similarity of the author and main character coincidence? 1. How did Parry and the accident change Joe's life? 2. Real story=fiction a real case can be fiction, the past reality is fiction (szakirodalom: 9.o., 134.o.) 3. What does the implicated author look like? (18.o) 4. Freud's super ego, ego and unconscious in the novel . We cannot blame the author that the title is misleading for the first reading: the novel is really about an enduring love (as later I will state I think it is more than that) - without

  • Word count: 1335
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: European Languages, Literature and related subjects
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Al ver voordat het televisie toestel zoals we het nu kennen beschikbaar werd voor de normale consument, waren er experimenten met het medium, meestal in de vorm van het elektronisch verzenden van beelden.

TELEVISION AS A NEW MEDIUM By J. D. van den A NEW INVENTION Al ver voordat het televisie toestel zoals we het nu kennen beschikbaar werd voor de normale consument, waren er experimenten met het medium, meestal in de vorm van het elektronisch verzenden van beelden. Deze vroege apparaten hadden nog geen vaste functie zoals de televisie nu heeft. Het apparaat kon nog alle kanten uit. In deze begintijd verschenen er veel artikelen over deze nieuwe, wonderlijke apparaten. Aan de hand van enkele van deze artikelen (afkomstig van de internetsite "Histoire de la télévision"1) zal ik in dit essay kijken hoe de perspectieven van toen passen in de waarneming van het medium televisie nu. In deze vroege artikelen (de meeste verschenen tussen 1880 en 1900) werd er nog heel anders tegen het medium televisie aangekeken. Veel artikelen gingen nog over de strijd rond wie welk patent had aangevraagd of wie nu het eerste kwam met het idee welke de basis zou leggen voor het medium. Veel artikelen halen dan ook verschillende uitvinders aan als de oorsprong van de televisie techniek. Zo ziet Cleveland Moffet vooral de Pool Jan Szczepanik en zijn 'telectroscoop' als de uitvinder van de techniek. Ook Paul Nipkow geeft in zijn artikelen aan dat hij zijn eigen uitvinding voor een deel baseerde op het apparaat van Szczepanik. Het tijdschrift The Electrical Engineer zet daarentegen in hun artikel

  • Word count: 2538
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: European Languages, Literature and related subjects
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Mini One diesel niet voor Nederland.

TELEGRAAF: Mini One diesel niet voor Nederland RIJSWIJK - BMW Nederland gaat de nieuwe Mini met dieselmotor níet in ons land voeren. Hij wordt volgens de importeur circa 15 % duurder dan de vergelijkbare benzine-uitvoering. Daardoor zal er vanuit de markt te weinig belangstelling voor de Mini One Diesel bestaan. De eerste diesel van Mini, 1,4 liter groot en 75 pk sterk van Toyota-makelij, is volgens de importeur bedoeld voor exportlanden met een dieselcultuur in de klasse van 1,4 tot 2,0 liter en een in deze categorie gunstig fiscaal klimaat. Overigens geeft BMW Nederland aan de Mini met zelfontbrander "vooralsnog niet op te nemen in het modellenprogramma 2003". BMW sluit haar schrijven af met de mededeling dat het nog niet bekend is of er "op korte termijn krachtiger dieselvarianten komen" do 24 okt 2002, 14:55 Mini razendsnel onderweg AMSTERDAM - Er was een tijd dat BMW dacht op jaarbasis zo'n honderdduizend Mini' s te bouwen en te verkopen. Inmiddels is al gebleken dat dat aantal aan de heel lage kant is. Ook dit jaar, slechts zeven maanden aan de gang, is in Oxford de honderdduizendste Mini van dit jaar gefabriceerd. Tot en met eind juli leverden de Mini-dealers exact 106.603 auto's af. In vergelijking met dezelfde periode vorig jaar bedraagt dit aantal 39,4% meer, toen de tussentijdse meter op 76.471 stond. De meeste Mini's vinden nog altijd hun weg naar een

  • Word count: 4200
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: European Languages, Literature and related subjects
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De kunst van het verleiden

C De kunst van het verleiden Doormiddel van oogcontact fysiek contact en door aandacht en interesse te tonen kun je laten merken dat je iemand aantrekkelijk vindt. 2 Bij een reclame van rexona is duidelijk te zien dat aantrekkingskracht een duidelijke rol speelt. Een vrouw loopt over straat met een grote tas boodschappen, ondertussen loopt er een homofiel stel langs. Op het moment dat zij de tas laat vallen schiet een van de twee haar te hulp, als zij beiden gehurkt zitten blijkt overduidelijk dat de man haar aantrekkelijk vind ondanks dat hij homofiel is, het moet dus wel de aantrekkingskracht van rexona zijn. Ik heb deze reclame gekozen omdat ik hem wel grappig vind en omdat het een perfect voorbeeld is van hoe aantrekkingskracht in de reclamewereld wordt gebruikt. 3A Stoffen die een zekere erotische tot seksuele uitstraling hebben zijn bijvoorbeeld satijn, fluweel en zijde, maar stoffen als leer en latex worden erotisch gevonden. De meest voorkomende kleuren als je kijkt naar erotische stoffen zij wit, zwart, rood en ook roze, verder wordt er ook vaak gebruik gemaakt van een dierenprint, vooral de luipaard en tijgerprint is erg in trek. B Bij de jurken die worden gedragen in de flamencodans worden de heupen en de borsten van de vrouw heel duidelijk geaccentueerd door de jurk er strak te maken bij deze delen. Maar het grote contrast komt juist door veel meer stof

  • Word count: 5934
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: European Languages, Literature and related subjects
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Analyse the poem, "A Work of Artifice", using strategies/tools of feminist criticism.

A Work of Artifice by Marge Piercy The bonsai tree in the attractive pot could have grown eighty feet tall on the side of a mountain till split by lightning. 5 But a gardener carefully pruned it. It is nine inches high. Every day as he whittles back the branches 10 the gardener croons, It is your nature to be small and cozy, domestic and weak; how lucky, little tree, 15 to have a pot to grow in. With living creatures one must begin very early to dwarf their growth: the bound feet, 20 the crippled brain, the hair in curlers, the hands you love to touch. Analyse the poem provided using strategies/tools of feminist criticism. Feminist criticism, by definition, deals with a criticism which advocates equal rights for women in a political, economic, social, psychological, personal, and aesthetic sense. In general, feminist critics have focused on the growing inequalities which continue to exist between males and females. Some feminists have emphasized on male violence and men's control over women's sexuality and reproduction. Others have looked at the economics and domestic labour and have discussed to what extent men benefit from it. Still, others have concentrated on the fact that even though we are moving forward in society, the discrimination and stereotypes against women still prevail. We are still living in a patriarchal,

  • Word count: 3261
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: European Languages, Literature and related subjects
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Gilgamesh v. Monkey

Gilgamesh vs. Monkey When comparing the ancient heroes, Gilgamesh and Monkey, the similarities in both characters are surprising and interesting in nature. The parallels are interesting because the two stories basically have the same theme but were written on two separate continents during two distinctly different eras, yet the themes of both stories sound very familiar. Gilgamesh is the world's first superhero and the reader realizes the stories of his fantastic deeds on tablets dating back to around 2000 B.C. The tablets describe Gilgamesh as "two-thirds god and one-third human, is the greatest king on earth and the strongest super-human that ever existed; however, he is young and oppresses his people harshly" (Hooker, 1999) Similar to Gilgamesh, Monkey is also described in a super human manner and obtaining various super human skills and abilities. Initially, Monkey is portrayed as a 'stone monkey' with astonishing skills. "This stone monkey is an extraordinary creature of boundless energy and "steely eyes" that shoot "golden light." It immediately attracts the attention of the divine forces of intelligence, called Thousand-League-Eye and Wind-Knowing-Ears" (Study). In both the story of Gilgamesh and the story of Monkey, each hero travels on a journey that could be known as a journey of life. It is appealing to note that both characters begin their journey by

  • Word count: 1002
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: European Languages, Literature and related subjects
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They smell your breath lest you uttered the words I love you. Discuss the battles of the poet and censor in the 20th and 21st century Iran.

Essay Title: 'They smell your breath lest you uttered the words I love you'. Discuss the battles of the poet and censor in the 20th and 21st century Iran. 'They smell your breath lest you uttered the words I love you'. Discuss the battles of the poet and censor in the 20th and 21st century Iran. Censorship of all forms of writing, including poetry, has existed in Iran during most parts of the 20th and 21st century and it seems be easier to count the times of relative relaxation1 than the ones of harsh censorship. According to Human Rights Watch "control and censorship are deeply rooted in Iran"2 and many of the poets censored, imprisoned or harassed after the revolution had already faced censorship and persecution before. Nevertheless for reasons explained below the situation today is unique and in this essay I will solely focus on censorship since the Iranian revolution in 1978/9. The cultural policy in Iran today has developed out of a cultural revolution and cannot be separated from the system of governance, valayat-e faqih. This system is based on the idea that every individual needs spiritual guidance and is constantly in danger of being stirred away from the right path. Therefore, censorship is both proscriptive and prescriptive. The Press Law of 1985 places a duty on every Iranian citizen to "serve the prevailing Islamic value system and promote the public

  • Word count: 2361
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: European Languages, Literature and related subjects
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