Governor Kathleen Blanco was persuasive in her address to rebuild New Orleans. Her speech takes on a motivated sequence design

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Baron Muth


CMST Sec. 29


In a speech given on Wednesday September 14 2005, Governor Kathleen Blanco addressed the Joint Session of the Louisiana State Legislature in Baton Rouge, Louisiana about hurricane Katrina’s aftermath. The audience included President George W. Bush, the Speaker, members of the House and Senate, clergy members, commanding officers, and honored guests. In her address, Kathleen Blanco focused solely on New Orleans. She thanked everyone involved in the relief effort, outlined ways to get the people who are displaced home and safe, and focused mainly on a plan of action to rebuild New Orleans back to normal.

        Just two weeks after the storm, governor Blanco was ready to address the nation about New Orleans. News crews were at the scene including the local news and CNN. The speech was recorded and is available online. She stood behind a podium in the chamber, and used a microphone to amplify her speech to the stadium seated audience. Kathleen Blanco’s main objective was to get funding and support from the federal government for rebuilding the rampaged city of New Orleans. She is credible to ask for federal funding because she is the governor of Louisiana. She established even more credibility because she promoted identification, commemoration, plans of action, and personal experience in her speech.

        First, she ushered in a sense of community to all the people of Louisiana by speaking to the, “brave and resilient”. Positive trigger words like brave and resilient unified everyone involved in the storm, made the people of Louisiana appear strong, and helped those not involved feel more compassionate about what happened. She explained to the audience, “Katrina tore across Southeast Louisiana leaving a path of physical destruction and human tragedy unprecedented in our nation’s history.” At the very beginning of her speech, Blanco made the audience realize how detrimental the storm was to Louisiana.

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Kathleen Blanco established identification and goodwill early on in her speech. She explained to the audience how she has met families that have been ripped apart, and how she has seen children torn and tattered because they have witnessed things no child should witness. She says, “my heart goes out to every family.” She promoted identification and empathized to the citizens of Louisiana by telling all the displaced people, “your loss is our loss,” and “we will worry with you.” Her pathos is firmly established at this point because the audience believes she is a loving and a compassionate governor ...

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