PBL Writeup-Birth Asphyxia

Faraaz de Belder

A male baby at term is delivered using forceps.  There had been Type 2 dips on the fetal heart rate tracing during the labour, and the baby was born covered in meconium.  He did not breathe.  The neonatologist arrived to resuscitate the baby, but after 20 minutes the baby still only had a heart rate of 60 per minute and was only giving occasional gasps. Apgar scores at 1, 5, and 10 minutes were 0, 1 and 1.  He was attached to a ventilator and transferred to the neonatal intensive care unit.  Regular respirations were established and he required no further ventilation after 12 hours.  However, he remained very jittery with a high-pitched cry and the nurses reported that he felt floppy.  On the 2nd day he was noticed to have tonic-clonic convulsions and apnoeic attacks.  Blood glucose at the time was 3mmol/l.  He required ventilation again but the tonic-clonic convulsions continued despite large doses of phenobarbitone.  An urgent MRI scan showed possible areas of infarction of both cerebral hemispheres and evidence of periventricular leucomalacia, indicating a poor prognosis.  The neonatologist arranged to talk to the parents about the prognosis, and to discuss continuation of life support with them.


  1. Terms: APGAR scoring, Type 2 Dips, Periventricular leucomalacia
  2. What are the normal foetal and neonate vital parameters and what assessments of the neonate are made at birth?
  3. What are the causes and implications of a diagnosis of foetal asphyxia?
  4. What is the clinical relevance of meconium staining and what risks are associated with it?
  5. What assisted vaginal delivery options are available and when are they indicated?
  6. What is the prognosis of this neonate?

  1. Terms

APGAR scoring- A method of assessing neonates in the immediate postnatal period, to ascertain the need for resuscitation and long term CNS prognosis. It is commonly performed at 1 and 5 mins after birth. APGAR refers to the mnemonic used to remember the five steps performed in carrying out the test, each individual letter will be explored in detail in Objective 2.

Type 2 dips: Also known as late decelerations, these are falls in the foetal heart rate that are deemed to be pathological, associated with a maternal uterine contraction. These decelerations are greater than 40 beats per minute from the baseline rate and the lowest rate occurs around 1-2 minutes after the peak of the uterine contraction.

Periventricular leucomalacia: Literally means a softening and whitening of the tissue surrounding the ventricles of the foetal brain, commonly seen on MRI imaging of the head.1 The periventricular areas are often at high risk of ischaemia as they have one of the poorest blood supplies of the brain, with the thalamus most commonly affected. The prognosis is poor, with a risk of cerebral visual impairment as the lateral geniculate nucleus that relays visual impulses from the retina to the cortex is commonly damaged.2

Image 1: Periventricular leucomalacia

  1. What are the normal foetal and neonate vital parameters and what assessments of the neonate are made at birth?

Normal foetal parameters include a heart rate that ranges from 120-160bpm baseline rate, with accelerations greater than 40bpm of the basal rate concordant with movement, with no late decelerations and a good baseline variability rate of at least 15bpm.

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The neonate’s normal parameters are listed in table 1 below.

The neonatal period is a time of a great deal of rapid checks and procedures, to ensure any abnormality or defect is caught early to maximise the chances of recovery and a successful development. Initially, after the suction of the babies’ mouth and pharynx to prevent inhalation of liquor and/or meconium, an APGAR test is performed at one minute and five minutes, as explained in Objective 1.


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