Account for the emergence and growth of the transnational environmentalist movement

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Account for the emergence and growth of the transnational environmentalist movement

Environmental politics many argue is an area of politics that goes back even before the formation of the nation state “severe wood shortages led to conservation efforts in Babylonia during the time of Hammurabi”.  However, environmental politics has been transformed in recent years from an area of politics that generated often only minor policy concerns dealing with local issues, being of relatively little importance to the sphere of international politics, into a movement that is “amongst the most vibrant diverse and powerful social movements occurring today across all corners of the globe”.  Its long standing as a political issue cannot explain the rise of the transnational movement which has grown up around it.  This essay will explain what has caused the rise of this transnational movement and discuss factors that have contributed to its growth.

How has the environmental movement framed itself?

The growth and the roots of the power of the environmentalist movement lie in its clever ‘framing’.  Through the use of the media and large numbers of information advertisement campaigns it has cleverly framed many well recognised global environmental issues, such as global warming, and linked them with local issues that themselves occur on a transnational basis “think globally act locally”.  A prime example being, carbon-dioxide emissions which, thanks to the vast mobilizing structures of the environmentalist movement, many now recognise as the cause of ‘global warming’.  But, due to the framing of the environmentalist movement of associating their transnational goals with local issues such as flooding and land loss etc… people are now able to view their individual actions as important globally to the transnational movement some say this is because this movements is truly dealing with a global issue “because the system under stress in globally interconnected in a physical sense”.  This encouragement by the movement to empower individuals in their cause in turn means that the movement itself becomes readily accessible to everybody - because they have framed the transnational issue as having ‘global implications with local solutions’ “it was within movements that a modern enviromentalism sensibility was born”.  This empowerment makes the movement highly attractive to a wide spectrum of people, making them feel that they can truly make a difference and filling them with enthusiasm about joining and facilitating the movements growth “people increasingly speak of global environmental problems”.

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Also, the environmentalist movement has begun to frame the issues it pursues in a more open light to people of wide-ranging political persuasions. Rather than focussing on the political terminology of individual property rights, it has begun to focus on issues relating to public good .  This is an important change, because traditionally, particularly in America the concept of environmental protection has its origins in the Government’s protection of an individual’s property rights, for example, one individual has no right to pollute the water of another.  In the past, this environmental idea often became bogged down in political philosophical ...

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