Although it is very important that children develop knowledge and understanding as well as skills relating to sustainability, it is more beneficial to develop informed attitudes to maintain sustainable development

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Sustainable Development

Word count 1479

BEd (Honours) Year 1

Task 1

In June 1992, Leaders from over 150 different Countries met at the ‘Earth Summit’ in Rio de Janeiro, to discuss and resolve some solutions to the damage caused to Earth as a result of human behaviour. They came up with Agenda 21 which hopes to accomplish sustainable development throughout. All local authorities have been encouraged to consult with their own communities in order to produce a Local Agenda 21 and to focus on all major environmental issue such as, the protection of the atmosphere, the forests, the oceans and rivers, land resources and waste.

There are four main sections to Agenda 21, these are;

Social and economic dimensions- A vital part of Sustainable Development which addresses issues such as poverty, health, economy, population and consumption patterns. All of which are necessary to maintain a sustainable livelihood.

Conservation and management resources- Which includes everything related with the physical environment such as atmosphere, forests, oceans, agriculture, sewage and so on.

Strengthening the role of major groups- This section is where Agenda 21 recognises that to truly achieve a sustainable development more than the government alone need to be involved, for example young people, non-government organisations, businesses, industries farmers and workers and trade unions etc.

Means of implementation- This section is mainly concerned with how the changes required to be made can be implemented and organised. For example, financial mechanisms, the role of science, laws, raising public awareness and the communication of relevant information between all agencies.

Most if not all of what agenda 21 is trying to achieve relates to what is already in the National 5-14 Guidelines for Environmental studies, which includes science and technology.

Although it is very important that children develop knowledge and understanding as well as skills relating to sustainability, it is more beneficial to develop informed attitudes to maintain sustainable development and interdependence not only within the school setting but outside it as well.

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Since studying Sustainable development I now realise the importance of looking after our environment and how important it is to transfer that belief onto children, after all they are the future. We could start by looking at issues at home, at school and in the local area such as, pollution, recycling, energy usage etc. and how we can affect any changes that can be made, this is something I can do as an individual and as a parent but it is also a starting point for teachers and myself as a student teacher to use in the classroom. ...

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