Operation CAMPFIRE stands for Communal Areas Management Programme for Indigenous Resources. The programme teaches local people how they can use wildlife as a resource. The locals sell hunting quotes to professional hunters and safari companies; the money from the quotes goes towards build schools, clinics and other community facilities these include wells, fences, roads and food. The quotes system for hunters insures that the animals they hunt don’t get in dangerous numbers, be that too low, so the species is endangered or too high so the environment can’t cope with the numbers. This makes sure that future generations have enough wild animals but not so many there are ruining the environment. The operation is improving life because of the extra money going in to schools and faculties, the locals also have food from the animal which they cull. By culling and selling certain amounts of animals the population of animals will remain stable. The operation has no future unless it is taught to future generations through schools; if this is not carried out the work that has gone in to current projects will have been in vain. The Project also gives the local people the knowledge off protecting the planet for a better tomorrow so they can help look after the planet rather than destroy it. Once the village has got the programme running they can trade with other villages which are doing the same and if not they can teach that village how to do it. The Programme also gives the locals the chance to make there own decisions about matters concerning them rather than people that they have never met before.
Water Aid is an independent charity working with people in 15 countries in Africa and Asia, to improve their quality of life through lasting improvements to water, sanitation and hygiene using local skills and practical technologies. Water Aid works with partner organisations in each of these countries and aims to influence governments, local communities and other Non-Governmental Organisations in order to achieve its vision of a world where everyone has access to safe water and effective sanitation. The Water Aid Project is making sure that the people of today can drink and wash in safe water, once the project has taken place with a village the wells, bole holes and pumps remain there, so future generation are insured clean water. As the equipment is brought in from outside the country no trees or wildlife are needed to be chopped down. Water is also aloud to flow on to the land so crops can be grown which out the threat of polluted water killing them. Water aid is also a charity and they don’t need the people to pay them back so, future generations don’t have a big debt to pay off.
As the water comes from wells which go down to groundwater, no water is being taken from the surface which would dry out the land even more causing animals and plants to die which would put future generations in even more trouble as there will be no food.
Once the local people have seen how the water can be extracted, and is safe to drink they can teach other near by villages how to do the same and gain the benefits of clean and easy to get to water, no more long journeys to a mud hole in a dried up river which is polluted with chemicals and waste.
Because the extra water is used on the land crops and plants can now grow where only dried up soil lay before, the land can be transformed a baron, desert like landscape to a lush green landscape with budding wildlife with can in turn provide food for the local and making the life of future generation a lot less painful. But in less the past is taught to the future generations all the work which has gone in to the project so far will have been in vain.
I think that the projects Operation CAMPFIRE and Water Aid are very good for the struggling communities of the world as it isn’t giving them handouts for quick time solution with no long time benefits its giving them the chance to have a proper future for them and there children without the risk or debt to pay off in the future.
The central aims for Sustainable Development I now believe are:
- Giving people who are willing to try and make a better life for themselves and their children a head start.
- Insuring that the environment isn’t exploited, and resources run dry
- Making sure the world is a better, safer place to grow up in the future.
- To give the people of less developed countries the chance to live there own lives without