Examining social work values and my personal values and development:

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In my essay I will be looking at what social work and values are. Due to the essay 1500 words constraint I look at the arguments for and against 1 of (Biestek 1961) 7 traditional values and then look at 1 of the new values before looking at a radical social work value. Secondly, I will re-evaluate my personal values and experiences to see how they relate to past and current social work values. Thirdly, I will identify the origin and development of my personal values, and look at the main influences and contributing factors. I will then look at the key areas of my personal values and attitudes that need further development as I progress and acquire new skills and knowledge in my course. I will conclude by highlighting and stressing the importance of values and self-awareness in working towards 'knowing and owning my fears, aspirations and values' (Antony, 1996).

Social work is a human profession that promotes social changes, problem solving in human relationships and the empowerment and liberation of people to enhance well-being. Utilising theories of human behaviour and social systems, social work intervenes at the points where people interact with their environments. Principles of human rights and social justice are fundamental to social work (BASW 2001) and values in social work are the principles, beliefs, missions or philosophies of an individual, society or an institution that have been elaborated to guide personal or professional behaviour (IFSW 2001) i.e. Traditional values: individualisation, purposeful expression of feelings, controlled emotional involvement, acceptance, non-judgemental attitude, client self-determination and confidentiality (Biestek 1961). Confidentiality is described by chambers dictionary as indication of privacy or secrecy of matters or information. It enables client to feel comfortable enough to discuss sensitive or personal matters (Neil, 2000. p. 40). It is also important to emphasis that confidentiality is to the agency rather than to the individual worker (Neil, 2000. p.60). However confidentiality is not absolute. At times, invoking confidentiality can be dangerous in instances where a social worker asks a client or colleagues to keep quiet if they come to work late as its between them, there could also be ethical dilemmas in a situation where a social worker does not declare conflicts of interests and gives confidentiality as the reason. Overall confidentiality is necessary as a basis for social work interventions based on Trust and respect for equality.
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Equality is described by chambers 21st century dictionary as having the same status; having or entitled to the same rights. Practising equality treats and shows respect for all persons; individual beliefs, values, culture, goals, needs, relationships and affiliations (BASW, 1987). Promoting equality also increases access to services for individuals who have been oppressed against. On the other hand as Neil (2000) states; treating everybody problems and experiences the same simply has the effect of reinforcing existing inequalities. This shows that it is important for one to be aware of anti-discriminatory practices and personal prejudices and realise that roots ...

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