Explanations of abnormality - Psychodynamic model

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Explanations of abnormality – Psychodynamic model

Sophie Wong EMA


The psychodynamic model attempts to explain abnormality through the sub-conscious state of mind and not though surroundings or genetics. It’s a Freudian theory and believes that all problems arise from the psyche- the dynamics of the personality. He believed that any traumatic event you experienced as a child lead to your abnormal behaviour as an adult because there are unresolved emotional conflicts in early life, now repressed in the subconscious.

The theory says that the psyche is made up of three parts. The Id, lying completely subconscious, is completely selfish. It has its own set of voracious instincts that have to be satisfied, regardless. The Superego, aware of what is right and wrong, it develops through socialisation and knows the exact expectations and moral standards set for them. And finally, the Ego – conscious and rational, the ego attempts to build a bridge between the demands of the Id and the superego.

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If the individual is well adjusted to life’s pressures and demands, they will develop a strong ego and be able to cope. If not, abnormality arises, resulting in conduct disorders as a child and psychopathic disorders as an adult.

When the Ego is managing to balance the two extremes, it employs defence mechanisms to help.  These are used to distort or deny reality to help the body to protect the body from distress when trying to cope with the demands of each. Some of the defence mechanisms employed are: Repression – pushing unacceptable desires or emotions to the ...

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