I Fight For Justice… I Think.

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I Fight For Justice… I Think.

Propaganda is an extremely difficult item to analyze, considering there has to be a variance of truth and fabrication. It is the duty of all people intaking it, to disseminate it in entirety, then fuse truth with reality to synthesize their own interpretation of that certain piece of propaganda. In theory, this may sound rather easy, as a majority of people are surly convinced of their own opinions, never truly realizing where their sources originated from, readily willing to convey "knowledge" that may not even be valid. Perhaps Plato put it in greatest perspective in stating: "Absolute knowledge is being able to admit that one does not know." However, this statement in itself creates controversy. It condones a certain degree of apathy or passivity to the lazy "intellectual" in relation to the exposure of information, possibly due to dissent of acknowledged fabrication- ‘I don't know what is the truth, therefore I will not even bother absorbing anything.’ This is an unfortunate consequence of propaganda, especially propaganda that plagues the "trustworthy" news media covering events such as the recent Gulf War.

This aforementioned consequence is what we are witnessing to date, throughout the tribulations of a regime fundamentally established on a grand scheme of propaganda and fabrication. From a personal account, the comments I have received through out the duration of this Imperial war (propaganda right there) have varied; all conducive to 'discovery' of truth and personal 'deciphering' of state and individual propaganda. Initially, the majority of individuals I had spoken with were absolutely convinced Iraq had nuclear weapons capabilities, armed and ready to launch in the direction of Israel, Britain or the United States. Then valid statistics were released on a more public level, that Iraq did not have weapons systems and equipment capable of launching a stockpile of 110 obsolete scud missiles further than 125 km (Cairo Campaign). These are obvious indications of Iraq's archaic weapon systems. To add to the evidence, reports of ancient WW2 weaponry being used by Iraqi soldiers during the conflict confirmed their military insignificance. With that new information, the Bush and Blair regime decided to pursue a public relations fiasco in covert operations. "They must be hiding their advanced weapons technology from us"; a far more effective time lapsing devise. "Iraq is a large country. It will take time for us to adequately search all possible facets", Donald Rumsfeldt in a news conference on CNN. In fact, it was estimated that the Allied forces had demolished an astonishing 85% of Iraq's (Baath regime) military capacity after the first Gulf conflict. There were 1,400 individual inspections of suspicious compounds and areas in Iraq after the first Gulf War; four minor infractions were noted- nothing to the caliber of verifying WMD capabilities or intentions. It has been, without doubt, confirmed that the allegations of possession of WMD were over-inflated by a bureaucratically linked Office of Special Plans, consisting of hard-liner hawks and the American funded Iraqi National Congress. Some of whom, produced "paper work" incriminating the Baath party of WMD manufacturing/intentions, through administratively fabricated documentation (BBC). Instances like these confuse me, as they provide hard evidence of manipulation in truth, in the meantime catalyzing no formidable opposition-although the solidarity in movement it created against administration unjustly killing people and running 'amok' may build in the future. It is a vulgar display of power, one such power that nobody wishes to antagonize with dissent, in fear of consequences for just defiance.

A majority were convinced that Saddam Hussein was in complete cooperation with the Al Queda leader, Osama Bin Laden.  Then it was later conveyed that Osama Bin Laden, on several occasions, had condemned the 'infidel' Saddam Hussein for his leadership tactics and disobedience of Islam. Was this in itself propaganda to divert attention from collaboration between the two, state and organization? I have spun myself, and I digress from the immediate issue. But wait, I haven't! This is exactly the mentality of all "absorbing" the vast array of messages being shot out at incomprehensible speeds. What the hell is going on? Then we revert back to the apathetic mentality of ‘nothing is the truth, therefore I will not bother with any of it!’ Unfortunate.

Instead we easily attribute the conflict to a mythological insanity in martyrdom. Therefore, it is "easy" for a secular nation to have a profound hatred towards a group of terrorists, organizations and societies who kill people in the name of their own personal beliefs. Al Queda's attack on September 11th 2001 was guerilla warfare against an international oppressor that held a power vacuum for a very long time, preventing any sort of retaliation against them for economic domination and oppressive slaughter. To outsiders this may sound extreme; however, subjectivity is another perspective. A perspective that was demonstrated in the 4,000 dead in New York. A subjectivity that suggested 500,000 Iraqi children died due to economic strangulation through sanctions, not just direct negligence by their own government. One which saw an alarming amount of Iraqi refugees displaced in unsanitary conditions, in non-sustenance regions, 700,000 to be exact. Depleted uranium in Southern Iraq after the first Gulf War left a cancer rate increased by 700% and a birth defect ratio per capita third to Vietnam and Japan-can you see the link? Aside from these statistics, which I understand may all easily accommodate an argument in any direction, rest other repercussions of US foreign policy.

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There appears to be war of values taking place. In one corner, we have capitalism, democracy and liberty, which are confusing in themselves as they are practically all diametrically opposed in their current contexts; however, the parameters of this paper will not do this argument justice, just a brief mention. In the other corner we have "import substitution, fascism and oppression." Although the other corner is guilty in committing half of these crimes, they are quick to assert another of debauchery in action- thus providing a premise for a mass campaign of propaganda, with a little justification of death on ...

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