The factory system took little account of the needs of workers - How far do you agree with this statement?

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The factory system took little account of the needs of workers

How far do you agree with this statement?

On the whole I agree with this statement. Most factory owners did not take into the account the needs of their workers. However, there were some exceptions, sir Titus salt for example. To begin with I shall look at the factory system in general and the appalling living and working conditions it imposed on its workers.

In the factory towns houses were squeezed into the centres of towns or around the factories. Landlords crammed as many people into houses as they could. The water supply was another problem. Sewage and rubbish was left in the backyard, piled up in the street or thrown into open drains, which ran down the roads. Even where there were drains and sewage pipes, they normally ran into the local rivers – where people collected their water.

Most factory owners built the house quickly which made them not safe and also built them closely together witch meant diseases, people having to share toilets which caused dirty water. People had to buy fresh water from carts and rich people.

“Sixty thousand of the population had no running water except from wells and rain water”

(From the commercial directory of Leeds – 1834)

The dirty water caused lots of disease such as cholera. Cholera was a disease that arrived from the continent. It could kill a person very quickly. People only used to live to 19 on an average due to disease.

The reason for this was that people worked at least 9 hours a day and only had four hours sleep. Most people were too tired to eat after they came home from work. Most people only got paid fifteen shillings, which is equal to fifteen pence per week. If they wanted to work over time they only got a further three pence. Many people went to live in the towns so that they could find work in the factories. Before this they had worked in their homes. Factory life was very different.

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Children were often beaten black and blue with a strap or kicked in the ribs. If you got injured. For example lost your finger in a machine you wouldn’t have got any wages. Girls who had long hair often had their hair chopped off as a punishment for bad work. The power loom would of would of made a terrible noise this causing harm/ear acre for the factory workers most of the time they was nothing to stop the workers from breathing in the dust from the machines.

“ My eldest. The cog caught her finger and screwed ...

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