The Palestine Liberation Organisation: What does it really want?

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   The Palestine Liberation Organisation: What does it really want?

Israel is a constant source of threat vis-a-vis peace in the Middle East and the whole world (PLO Covenant 1968: Article 22).

In 1964, the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) was established as a military and political agent in fighting against Israel and as being the ultimate weapon in successfully liquidating the Jewish state’s existence (Rubin 1994: 1).  The organisation was created by the governments of Egypt, Syria, Iraq, and Libya after failing to defeat Israel militarily (JBD 1982: 2).  In accordance with the popular Arab and Islamic view of the 1960’s, Israel, as a sovereign, Jewish state, was unacceptable and was seen as the:

Instrument of the Zionist movement, and geographical base for world imperialism placed strategically in the midst of the Arab homeland to combat the hopes of the Arab nation for liberation, unity, and progress.  Israel is a constant source of threat vis-a-vis peace in the Middle East and the whole world (PLO Covenant 1968: Article 22).


From this viewpoint, one can understand that so long as the sovereign State of Israel exists, the PLO, as with her governing parents, will never succumb to full peaceful relations with Israel.  This essay will give the reader an in-depth analysis into the history behind the Palestine Liberation Organisation, as well as a background history of the disputed land, in order to help one understand what their aspirations are as a liberation movement, and their political and ideological claims.

Before 1948, the Middle Eastern region known as ‘Palestine’ was a British territory mandated as a result of the Council of League of Nations’ ‘Mandate of Palestine’ in 1920 (Friedman 2005).  During and before the onset of the League of Nations’ declaration, migrants from Russia and Eastern Europe were finding their way towards Palestine in search for greater opportunity and an escape to continual pogroms played upon them.  In addition, the World Zionist Organisation (created by and headed by Theodore Herzl) declares a need for a Jewish National State in the land of Palestine.  This declaration was a result of the former stated pogroms and the false charging of Captain Alfred Dreyfus – a Jewish officer in the French army who was charged for espionage in 1894(Friedman 2005).  

Throughout the early 1900s, the land of Palestine witnessed an influx of some 103,000 new Jewish immigrants from Russia and Eastern Europe (Friedman 2005).  With these new immigrants came new settlements and new developments, such as schools and regional infrastructure.  In addition, there was a new sense of belonging and freedom within the community.  This new sense of freedom helped promote a safeguard from the ongoing acts of anti-Semitism occurring throughout Europe.

As a result of this influx of immigrants, the British Government had to deal with the ongoing civil unrest between the Palestinian Jewish and Arab populations.  One source of solution was to separate the eastern section of the mandate from the western one by renaming it “Transjordan.”  By doing so, the government was hoping to resolve ill-feelings between the two ethnic groups by dividing their mandated Palestine in to two sections: Palestine - the Jewish Homeland, and Transjordan – the Arab homeland (Friedman 2005).  This failed, however, as in 1929, 133 Jews were killed by Arabs as a result of the continual ill-feeling between the two ethnic groups (BBC 2005).  

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During the time period preceding and including the Second World War (1930-1945), another major influx of European immigrants arrived in Palestine in order to flee the rise of Nazism.  As a result, the British Government continually tried to halt these migrations in order to calm the already tense region between the Arabs and Jews.  After the War, however, the regional affairs were handed over the United Nations (UN) in order to regain a sense of calm and organisation.  A further setback to the calming of relations was the result of the systematic genocide by the Nazis of European Jewry, ...

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