Volcanic and seismic events are major pieces of evidence towards proving that plate-tectonics theory is valid Discuss the extent to which you agree with this statement. [40 marks]

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“Volcanic and seismic events are major pieces of evidence towards proving that plate-tectonics theory is valid” Discuss the extent to which you agree with this statement. [40 marks] DefinitionThis approach turned out to be plate tectonics—the theory that the continents are carried along on huge slabs, or plates, of the Earth’s outermost layer. In other places plates have been slowly converging, forming compressional features like huge mountain ranges. In other places plates have been moving apart, forming expansional features like the great rift valleys. The theory of plate tectonics provided, for the first time, a coherent, unified explanation for all of these features of the Earth’s surface.Continental drift – Jigsaw modelIn 1910, Alfred Wegener began lecturing and writing scientific papers about continental drift. The  continental drift hypothesis suggested that the continents have not always been in their present locations but instead have “drifted” and changed positions. Wegener’s idea was that the continents had once been joined together in a single “supercontinent,” which he called Pangaea (pronounced PanJEE-ah), meaning “all lands” (Fig. 4.1). He suggested that Pangaea had split into fragments like pieces of ice floating on a pond and that the continental fragments had slowly drifted to their present locations. But Wegeners main problem was that he could not find a mechanism with which such movement was possible to his ideas were largely dismissed.If you look at a map of the world, it’s obvious that the Atlantic coastlines of Africa and South America seem to match, almost like puzzle pieces. The southern coast of Australia similarly seems to match part of the coast of Antarctica, to its south; the same is true of some other continental coastlines. Is this apparent fit an accident, or does it truly support the hypothesis that the continents were once joined together?To answer this question, we must first recognize that the edge of the land, that is, the shoreline, usually isn’t the true edge of the continent (Fig. 4.2). Along a noncliffed shoreline (such as the Atlantic coasts of North America and Africa), the land usually slopes gently toward the sea. This gently sloping land, some of which may be above sea level and some below, is called the continental shelf or platform. At the edge of the continental shelf there is commonly a sharp drop-off to the steeper continental slope. At the bottom of the steep continental slope, the land begins to level off again. This more gently sloping land is called the continental rise; it marks the transition to the much flatter ocean floor, called the abyssal plain. (Recall from chapter 1 that continents consist primarily of granitic continental crust, whereas ocean floors consist primarily of basaltic  oceanic crust. The place where the two types of crust meet is covered by sediment.) The actual configuration of the shoreline depends on several factors, including sea level, the presence or absence of cliffs, and the details of the topography of the continental shelf in any particular locality. Thus, parts of the continental shelf may (or may not) be underwaterSo, how do we identify the true edge of a continent? Usually, the edge of a continent is defined as being halfway down the steep outer face of the continent, that is, the continental slope. When we try to fit the continents together, we should fit them along this line—the true edge of the continent—rather than along the present-day coastline. Figure 4.3 shows an example of such a fit. This example was constructed visually, but today this kind of map is usually drawn by computers programmed to find the best fit between the continents. In the case of Africa and South America, the fit is remarkable; in the “best-fit” position, the average gap or overlap between the two continents is only 90 km (56 mi). Interestingly, the most significant overlapping areas consist of relatively large volumes of sedimentary or volcanic rocks that were formed after the time when the continents are thought to have split apart.Geology – Rock sequences and mountain ranges similarityThe exceptionally close fit between Africa and South America does suggest that they were once joined together. But if this is true, one would expect to find similar geologic features on both sides of the join. Indeed, such correlations provided some of the most compelling evidence presented by Wegener in support of the continental drift hypothesis. However, matching the geology of rocks on opposite sides of an ocean is more difficult than you might imagine. Rock-forming processes never cease. Some rocks were formed before the continents were joined, some while they were joined, others during the splitting of the continents, and still others after they became separated. How can we tell which rock formations and geologic features are significant in trying to find a match between the continents? A logical starting point is to see if the ages and orientations of similar rock types match up across the ocean. In Wegener’s time the technique of radiometric dating was just being developed, so it was not easy to determine the exact age of a rock. But now we know that there is, indeed, some similarity in the ages of rocks and correlations in rock sequences across the oceans. As shown in Figure 4.4, the match is particularly good between rocks about 550 million years old in northeast Brazil and West Africa. This suggests that the two continents were joined together for some period of time prior to 550 million years ago.Another thing to look for is continuity of geologic features such as mountain chains. Figure 4.5 shows a reconstruction of the continents at a time when they were joined together in the supercontinent Pangaea. Notice how mountain belts of similar ages seem to line up when the continents are moved back into this position. The oldest portions of the Appalachian Mountains, extending from the northeastern part of the United States through eastern Canada, match up with the Caledonides of Ireland, Britain, Greenland, and Scandinavia. A younger part of the Appalachians lines up with a belt of similar age in Africa and Europe. These and other correlations of bedrock features are strong evidence that the continents once were joined together.If the continents were at one time joined, then the rocks and mountain ranges of the same age in adjoining locations on the opposite continents should closely match. Such is the case for the Gondwana continents (  Figure 2.4). Marine, nonmarine, and glacial rock sequences of Pennsylvanian to Jurassic age are almost identical on all five Gondwana continents, strongly indicating that they were joined at one time. The trends of several major mountain ranges also support the hypothesis of continental drift. These mountain ranges seemingly end at the coastline of one continent only to apparently continue on another continent across the ocean. The folded Appalachian Mountains of North America, for example, trend northeastward through the eastern United States and Canada and terminate abruptly at the Newfoundland coastline. Mountain ranges of the same age and deformational style are found in eastern Greenland, Ireland, Great Britain, and Norway. In fact, the same red sandstones used in the construction of many English and Scottish castles are used in various buildings throughout New York. So, even though the Appalachian Mountains and
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their equivalent-age mountain ranges in Great Britain are currently separated by the Atlantic Ocean, they form an essentially continuous mountain range when the continents are positioned next to each other as they were during the Paleozoic Era.Glacial EvidenceAnother geologic feature that matches up across continental joins is the deposits left by ancient ice sheets. These are similar to the deposits left by relatively recent (Pleistocene) glaciations in Canada, Scandinavia, and northern United States, among other places. In South America and Africa there are very thick glacial deposits of the same age (Permian-Carboniferous). The deposits match almost exactly when the continents ...

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