This is a positive concept of health and well being Today, more than ever, personal health responsibility or taking charge of one's own health is an essential step in disease prevention as well as protocols for healing and recovery from disease. Personal health responsibility involves active participation in one's own health and healing plan through education and lifestyle changes. And although the concept of personal health responsibility seems simple, it's often overlooked when people are diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder and seeking a quick fix. To ensure they are eating well a sensible intake of nutritious healthy foods such as lots of fresh fruit and vegetables, wholegrain cereals, learn proteins foods and a few processed foods. Also only a limited amount of alcohol also regular exercise will be required. In addition health and well being people will go for regular screenings for example regular smear tests every three to five years. People who agree with personal responsibility have a positive view and feel that they are responsible for their own health and see others who not look after there own health as unhealthy.
The illness wellness continuum
The model shows that there are various degrees of illness as well as wellness. This continuum shows that most people could improve their health to best possible wellness. In opposition everyone could also deteriorate to premature death.
The diagram shows that the further left you go the nearer you are to premature death. It is likely for a person to exhibit signs of disease but go to the doctor for treatment causing the signs to be exterminated. So when the person has had the disease exterminated the person will return back to the neutral point. Conversely if untreated the signs can go to the next stage of symptoms which then is untreated could disable the persons wellness. As the diagram shows the earlier the treatment the easier it is for the patient to return to health. Signs and indications will have been eased therefore returning the patient to the neutral point.
Once at the neutral point the person can then build up to the best health or wellness. As shown in the diagram the person must have attentiveness of all the contributes to wellness. This includes physical emotional, intellectual social and spiritual features of health. For physical health you need.
The effects of ill health on the quality of an individual’s life
There are a number of definitions as to what environmental health compromises of one definition states: Environmental health comprises those aspects of human health, including quality of life, that are determined by physical, chemical, biological, social and psychosocial factors in the environment. It also refers to the theory and practice of assessing, correcting, controlling and preventing those factors in the environment that can potentially affect adversely the health of present and future generations. As you can see the concept of environmental health can be varied and involve a whole excess of components which are to some extent intrinsically linked.
Health as an absence of illness
If your ignoring smaller disease which could lead to a long term illness. So in this view absence of any symptoms of illness such as aches or pains is seen as good health. Any one subscribing to this view would take good health for granted. This therefore implies that health involves every aspect of an individual's life. This includes their physical, social, emotional, mental, societal, and spiritual health. Nevertheless, most people today define health in a negative view as the feel it is the absence of illness or disease. The extent to which an individual or group is able on the one hand, to realise ambition and satisfy needs and on the other hand, to change or cope with the environment. Health is therefore seen as a resource for everyday life, not the objective of living: it is a positive concept emphasising social and personal resources. This therefore implies that health involves every aspect of an individual's life. This includes their physical, social, emotional, mental, societal, and spiritual health. Nevertheless, most people today define health in a negative view as the feel it is the absence of illness or disease.
Health and well being can be described in different ways like: The achievements and maintenance of physical fitness and mental stability. This is a positive definition of health and well-being. The absence of physical illness and disease and mental distress is a negative definition of health and well-being. The holistic definition of health and well-being is the combination of Physical, Intellectual, Emotional and Social health. I think health and well-being means being able to run a mile because if you can't run a mile you are not healthy. You might not exercise regularly so you are not healthy. I think hardly ever going to the doctor means that you are not healthy because you don't now if you have any diseases and you don't know if you are ill so you have to go to the doctor.
Activity 2 (A01)
The biomedical model of health looks at individual physical functioning and describes bad health and illness as the presence of disease and symptoms of illness as a result of physical causes such as injury or infections. It does not take into account social and emotional factors. It is dominated by considerations of genetically determined disease and biological status, and weakness or conflict to shock and disease. The social model of health looks at how society and our environment affect our everyday health and well-being, and includes factors such as social class, occupation, education, income and poverty, poor housing, poor diet, and pollution.
The focus of these models is principally to explain why health inequalities exist and persist. The key cultural explanation places emphasis upon diseases (i.e. personal/individual) consequences of behaviour such as poor diet, excessive alcohol consumption, smoking, drug addiction, sexual practices or lack of exercise. On this argument, variation in health will be reduced when people make healthier personal behavioural decisions. The health selection explanation argues that people in ill health will certainly fall to the bottom of society and that therefore difference is predictable and will persist. People in this group are also least likely to change unhealthy lifestyles. The structural explanation sees factors outside the individual's control affecting life and health chances. Issues relating to the form and nature of employment and unemployment are critical; as is the individual's position in society relating to, for example, home ownership, education, income, quality of life, living conditions and poverty. Knowledge of health issues and of how poor health can be avoided or treated is equally significant.
What is the Social model of health?
The social model of health carefully considers how wider determinants than the
Presence or absence of disease has an impact on people’s health. Some of
These wider determinants are a person’s culture and belief system or levels of
Relative income, access to housing, education attainment and opportunities as
Well as the wider environmental, political and socio-economic conditions in which
People live. People’s social and community networks also have an impact on health.
What is the medical model of health?
The medical model defines health mainly as the absence of disease. This is
Driven by the belief that medical science must find cures for diseases in order to return people to health. This concept of health may be easier to understand as it Makes health an quality you can measure simply by determining if a disease is Present or not. However the strong importance on the absence of disease as an indicator of good health, and the trust on the authority of medical science in health, ignores the power of other important influences.
Why should we consider the wider determinant of health?
Considering this model of health enables us to have a better Understanding of why some people find it easier than others to look after their health. We all know the difference between ‘knowing’ and ‘doing’ in Relation to how we can achieve best possible health. For example most people know that smoking is unhealthy but some continue to smoke. Most people know what healthy food is but do not always eat it. Some of the difficulty comes from how various barriers exist which comprise health. This is where a broader understanding of the determinants of health helps to identify what influences health and therefore what can be a barrier to individual and public health.
The biomedical model of health focuses on the eradication of illness through diagnosis and effective treatment and also it is the most effective way to of treating short term illnesses where a cause is identified and the relevant treatment is given. It is least effective with chronic illnesses.
The differences between medical and social models have been two important approaches as ways of attempting to make sense of the pathways of health, disease, and well-being. The medical model considers disease to be mainly a failure within the body, resulting from infections, accidents and inheritance and does not regard any social and emotional aspects of illness within the model. The social model is the major model of understanding illness today. Social and emotional factors into the current medical model. It is a better way of understanding how health and illness are affected by many levels of systems, from medical to the social, and how these can affect the overall well-being of the patient. There are many differences between the two models and so these two models will be compared with each other to show how each understands illness and how it maintains health and well-being.
5 a day initiatives is in place to encourage all members of the school community to consider seriously how healthy (or otherwise) their eating habits are and to offer opportunities and encouragement to make improvements to their diet to collect the benefits of better overall health.
It show the development of 5 A DAY initiatives aimed at increasing fruit and vegetable Consumption can contribute to achieving national targets for disease prevention, and can support local and regional strategies on issues such as food, health, economic development and sustainability. It draws together the evidence on the health benefits of fruit and vegetables in the diet, current consumption levels and the influences on consumption.
The Government recommends an intake of at least five portions of fruit or vegetables per person per day to help reduce the risk of some cancers, heart disease and many other chronic conditions. Eating five fruits and vegetables is the most important element of the healthy eating plan.
Fruit and vegetables help set you up for a healthier lifestyle. Best of all, there is so much variety to choose from, all year long, there's enough to keep even the fussiest eaters happy.
To get the best health benefits, your 5 A DAY portions should include a combination of a variety of fruit and vegetables. That's 5 portions altogether, not 5 portions of fruit and 5 portions of veg.
The health benefits of eating 5 A DAY
Eating a variety of fruit and vegetables will give you plenty of vitamins and minerals, as many of them are naturally high in folic acid, vitamin C and potassium. They’re also a good source of fibre and antioxidants. These are all important for your health not only now, but for the future too.
Fruit and vegetables are also usually low fat, low calorie foods (provided you don’t fry or roast them in lots of oil). So by choosing to eat those over less healthy foods that are high in fat and added sugars can help you to maintain a healthier lifestyle and weight.
And if all that wasn't enough to get you down to your nearest grocers straight away, they also help reduce the risk of heart disease, some cancers and stroke. In a nutshell, eating 5 A DAY will keep you looking and feeling good inside and out.
Five a day will have an effect on everyone who eats five Fruit and vegetable consumption has been linked to a reduced risk of each of the three leading causes of death you could be prevented from the following if you eat five fruits or vegetables a day Heart Disease, Cancer, and Stroke. It has also been linked to reducing the risk of diabetes, hypertension, and other chronic diseases. So from my point of view I think 5 a day is really good because it encourages people to buy fruit and vegetables whilst shopping also by looking at signs that they have to buy more fruit and vegetables. In addition the life expectancy will be higher than a person who does not eat any fruits or vegetables, so eating fruits and vegetables is really good. One other thing that is really good is that fruits and vegetables contain vitamins and minerals which are really good for the body. A person that will eat fruit and vegetables will also have good quality of life so the healthier you are the better with exercise leading the pack in ability to improve quality of life.
Increasing consumption of fruit and vegetables can significantly reduce the risk of many chronic diseases. It has been estimated that eating at least 5 portions of a variety of fruit and vegetables a day could reduce the risk of deaths from chronic diseases such as heart disease, stroke, and cancer by up to 20%.
Higher consumption of fruit and vegetables also reduces the risk of coronary heart disease and stroke. Eating 5 a day that each increase of 1 portion of fruit and vegetables a day lowered the risk of coronary heart disease by 4% and the risk of stroke by 6%. Evidence also suggests an increase in fruit and vegetable intake can help lower blood pressure.
Many schools believe that eating healthier food increases school performances and reduces the risk of obesity. Having obesity would mean poor quality life as much of the daily needs are difficult to maintain. For example if a person is obese this could result in them finding it difficult to run and would get out of breath easily.
Advertising the five a day campaign would encourage people to eat more. It is both personal and parental responsibility to eat 5 portions of fruits and vegetables a day. TV advertisements on children’s programs would help children eat more fruit and vegetables, also the children would persuade there parents when they go shopping to buy fruit and vegetables.
Also businesses can give cheaper offers like buy one get one free on fruit and vegetables so then people would be able to buy two for the price of one.