is entirely an online E-commerce business, therefore the website needs to ensure that their customers information will remain 100% safe from the time which it is submitted.

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                           Section C – Security

Risk Assessment is entirely an online E-commerce business, therefore the website needs to ensure that their customers information will remain 100% safe from the time which it is submitted. The way in which companies do this is by hiring a security team with a lot of background knowledge and experience in ethical hacking. The security team should also be aware of the best firewall and antiviral services that are available. The security team at have a lot of practice in ways, which hackers would attempt to gain entry into a business server system. They will frequently test the security systems and if a problem arises they can resolve it quickly. Furthermore it is important that image doesn’t get duplicated as this leads customers to sign up to mimic, meaning that the customers personal information and financial information will be use for fraud and other internet crime.

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Physical security

Physical security falls varies from anything like protecting a company’s information on their computers to a simply locked door to more complex methods of security. It is the measures that prevent or detect hackers from using a service, resource or information stored on physical media. As is a company based solely online I would expect they have a very good physical security measures in their premises. I think will have a protected server room with alarms, CCTV etc. this is necessary as so that the company can assess and monitor the server room ...

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The presentation of the report is quite good, as the report clearly shows the three sub-heading which allows the examiner to read each section clearly and with ease. The report could include an screenshot of the website, to allow the examiner to visualize the student's though of mind.

The report states how a back-up should be made to ensure that any data loss can be restored by using the back-up. However it's important to state that any back-ups should be around 100 miles away from the original data, as the data will need to stored in a secure location away from the original data. This would ensure that if there were a flood within the area, the data would still be recovered. This would show the examiner the potential risk, and the solution to this situation occurring.

In summary, the report is quite good. The sections are quite short, however there do give detailed information. Some area's do need a little altering though, to improve the level of the report. The report mentions how a business may hire a security team, however this is only one option. The business will have the option of implementing this in-house (if there have the skills required within their own employees), to undertake the work required.