Discussing commerse - shopping, banking and auctions.

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Shopping, banking and auctions has become easy to deal. Nowadays you can do your shopping’s, banking and auctions in the internet. These have got lot of advantages and same time disadvantages. It depends on you, do you want to use internet to deal these. Some people might feel that online services are convenient and some people don’t trust online services.


Shopping is something what everyone has to do. Some people might find shopping annoying and some people love shopping. To people who don’t like shopping, there is an easy way to make shopping. You can shop from your home. This is possible by internet. Shopping from internet is called online shopping. Almost every shop has its own website. The websites are updated and you can make your purchases from there. You can find all products which are available in the shop. You can buy anything you want from internet. Clothes, home electrical, groceries and so on. In some shops you have paying ways. Usually paying is made by credit card. Before giving your credit card details, you need to make sure that your card is secured.

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Advantages of online shopping:

  • Makes shopping much more easier.
  • Save lots of time.
  • You can compare prices.
  • Online shopping is helpful, if you are trying to look for an item, which is hard to find. You can search for it from one place. This means you don’t need to go different places like when you are not shopping online.
  • You can find out if the item you are looking for is available.
  • Items cheaper in online shopping.

Disadvantages of online shopping:

  • You pretend to spend more money.
  • Privacy and security issues.
  • Some websites are ...

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Here's what a star student thought of this essay

The writing is quite informal, and there's a number of grammar mistakes which the student has made. For instance, the report states 'Nowadays you can do your shopping’s, banking and auctions in the internet.'. This should be 'Nowadays you can do your shopping’s, banking and auctions on the internet.'. The student should check though their work, and correct any spelling/grammar mistakes that there have made.

The report states that some people like shopping, and some people don't. This is quite simple, and this is useless to place in the report. If the student does want to include this statement, then this will need to be justified. The student uses bullet points on a number of occasions though-out the report. This is fine, as long as these bullet points are detailed enough. The student hasn't made the bullet points detailed enough. For example one bullet point could be 'Using the internet allows a consumer to compare prices using a number of price comparison websites such as CompareTheMarket.com. This is easy, rather than using traditional methods, as with traditional methods a consumer would have two walk into a number of shops and write down the prices of the product, if there have this in stock.' A similar length should be written on each of the bullet points as this justifies their reasoning.

In summary, the report is very poor. The student doesn't show detailed knowledge of how eCommerce works, and the student shows that there haven't undertaken any market research. On the flip side, the report does have a good starting point, but this needs expanding. The student states that a user is able to purchase items such as Clothes, home electrical and groceries. However the student hasn't explained the difficulties of the internet for items such as Clothes and Groceries, as these two items are usually purchased via an high street store using traditional methods. This is due to that the consumer requires to touch/view the product first before purchasing. This shows the examiner, that the student has a poor understanding of consumer's, in regard to purchasing items on-line.