Analysing the goalkeepers position to find an area of the goal to place the shot
Time on the ball, weather he is being closed down by an opponent or not.
Judging the balls movement and pace if it is being crossed or passed
Bullet points 1 and 5 are essential and most complex in shooting.
Passing is complex like shooting as the principles are the same, as in both striking the ball is the key point. Though passing is complex I have decided to place it bellow shooting because though it has the same principle, passing is about accuracy and anticipation where as shooting is both those plus power.
The performer must take the following into account,
Possible team mates to pass to and there position
Degree of power and height depending on position
Possible interception by opponent
What part of the body to pass to, i.e. head if crossing in for goal.
Every bullet point in this one is essential to a successful pass.
Even though heading is a skill people find hard, itself is actually fairly simple, it is the fear factor of heading a ball which is most off putting to a performer. Heading involves,
Attacking form of heading is in most cases redirecting a pass or cross to an area, though this is no means a simple task it is however the only skill really involved.
Defensive is the opposite hear it is essential to simply clear the ball out of the danger area and high and hard as possible.
The only other skill I would say is involved is loosing a marker and running or jumping to the ball in synchronisation to ensure a clean header is made.
Though people find heading complex, it is not actually the heading that makes it complex it is the fear of heading which restricts performers ability to header.
2) Muscular Movement
For me dribbling requires the most muscular movent hence it is towards the gross side of the continuum. Dribbling requires running and even in cases, sprinting with the ball this is by far the most movement out of all the skills. Not only is it movent of the legs but also the arms and the hip when running at angles or "cutting in" or turning etc.
Strength and power are essential when running and therefor the legs muscles are worked hard and hence dribbling is considered to be a gross muscular movement.
I have placed heading in second place for the following reasons. Heading requires Powerful and explosive leg movements to out jump an opponent and also required movement of the arms and more essential the neck when power is needed to put into the ball. Occasionally running and then jumping is required to gain dominance of the air in order to win the header that is why I consider it to be a gross muscular movement.
There is little between shooting and passing but I have placed shooting ahead due to the fact that when shooting power is not restricted. Therefor more gross muscular movement is required in shooting.
When shooting the performer must use the gross muscles in the legs and in the body to gain power on the shot. However some shooting techniques, i.e., Lobs or chips require fine movements. Hence shooting is only just above the halfway point towards gross.
Passing in principle is almost the same as shooting, it is a connection between the ball and the foot to make the ball move. But the difference is in shooting power is essential to beat goal keepers where as passing on occasions can be simple fine movements of the leg. But if crossing the ball or performing a long ball, more gross muscles in the leg are required. But all in all I have decided that halfway between fine and gross is a suitable position.
3) Environmental Influence
I have decided to place dribbling towards the open end of the environmental continuum. This is essentially for the reasons that,
One or more of the opposition will try to tackle you
The ball must be kept under control and not over hit when running with it or it may run out of play or intercepted.
Wet conditions make it very hard to keep the ball under control
Windy conditions will effect this severely as it is very hard to keep the ball under control as the ball might be under the influence of the wind.
The fact that the opposition will try to tackle you every time is a massive environmental factor, a wet surface is also a large factor.
I have decided to place Passing towards the Open end of the continuum. This is because the time gap between the ball being release and the ball reaching the player there are many factors that could prevent the outcome.
The ball could be over or under hit, by wet conditions or simply lack of judgement
The opposition may intercept the pass
Deflection, intentionally or unintentionally
Long balls are particularly prone to windy conditions
Rules and regulations may delay a pass or effect a pass, i.e. the offside rule.
This skill is more towards the open end of the continuum because again like passing, there are factors which could effect the outcome of the shot. Although essentially you control the shot you may have to resort to delaying your shot due to challenge by another player. Too many players in the way of your shot. And The outcome is never definitive due to the goalkeeper being a barrier as well as defenders blocking the shot.
Heading is very close in the continuum with shooting as most of the factors apply, though rarely you have a player in your way you may have challenging the ball with, as you do in shooting, and you also have a goalkeeper to beat. Also a wet ball is a lot harder to control head that a normal one.
4) Organisation
For me passing has a high organised feel to it. When passing it can build up to an attack, clever thought out passing can cause a gap in the defence allowing for a break through or a goal scoring opportunity. Before making a pass forward thinking is involved as to what can happen next, e.g. a one two.
Some but not a lot of organisation is involved in shooting, when a striker shoots there is little room for organisation however when taking a penalty or a free kick a lot of organisation is involved. Also the build up to a shot, i.e., loosing a marker requires a little organisation. Therefor I have placed it in between the two extremes.
Like shooting, heading is not very organised. The build up to header maybe organised but not the heading it self as you have to make a decision instantaneously, therefor you have no real organisation. It is more towards the Low end than the shooting because in shooting you can have free kicks and penalties. You do not have these in heading. The only form of organisation in heading is in set pieces, when one has to loose a marker or make space for the header.
Dribbling has practically no organisation. I say this because when running with the ball the performer can only alter or change his dribbling when a challenge is made, but even then its is instinctive or instantaneous The only form of organisation involved with dribbling is choosing a direction to run with the ball. The rest is down to what the opposition does to prevent the performer and therefor there is no organisation.
5) Continuity
Dribbling is considered to be serial because it involves running and momentum. Dribbling the ball with momentum means that the skill is being performed and this can be over a prolonged period of time.
This is some ways similar to dribbling running is involved and therefor categorises it as serial. One needs a strong run and jump in order to meet the ball first. The skill is achieved once the head connects with the ball.
Shooting is a discrete, as it has a brief process. This is due to success. If the shot was prolonged it would either be intercepted or blocked. It is a single piece of skill. And only involves striking the ball.
And finally passing like shooting, is a discrete skill. This is basically due to the skill being in the same nature as shooting. It is a quick piece of skill and is brief as it is a single movement and not prolonged.