PPP Action plan 2003

Identification of;

  1. Skill components
  • Set shot from at least 15 foot. (My weakness)
  • Defensive steals (my strength)
  1. Fitness component;
  • Upper body strength
  1. Tactic/Strategy
  • Offensive movement

To identify and help plan achievable goals I am using the SMARTER system, this consists of.

S        Specific

M        Measurable        

A        Agreed

R        Realistic                

T        Time

E        Enjoyable

R        Recorded

Skill 1)

Specific: I have decided to concentrate on the preparation phase, namely my stance.

Measurable: This can be measured by recording the shots on video in conjunction with watching a recording of the correct posture and stance however it is possible to gauge an improvement in this specific area by looking at the success rate of my shooting as the technique used will have a direct effect.

Agreed: I have agreed with my coach that by the end of my training I should be aiming for 70% success from 15feet away anywhere around the key. We also discussed the fact that I may initially see a decrease in percentage as I have to consciously break my individual motor programme with the sub routines and correct them so the plan is stored in my Long Term Memory.

Realistic: Realistically this target is achievable in the time provided based upon assumptions using the learning curve. By which I mean I will accelerate rapidly initially with the percentage as I get more proficient in the new stance, but that will gradually slow up. If I were to make  it to 70% if I were then given another 6 weeks, I would not improve by such a margin in that time as I would reach a plateau.

Time: I have between the 3rd of January 2003 to the 14th of February in this time span I intend to implement specific practises etc to improve all the areas identified, see the meso cycles etc for a break down.

Enjoyable: To make sure that I remain fully focused I will change the programmes and practises and involve different stimuli each time to prevent the onset of boredom from repetitions.

Recorded: I have decided to use a digital camera, diary and tabulated results table to show my progress through the weeks.

Skill 2)

Specific: Ball control whilst being “pushed” up the court, this is specifically, sprinting with the ball.

Measurable: This is done by noting how many bounces it takes to get from one end line to the other whilst maintaining full control of the ball.

Agreed: I agreed with my coach that an reachable target is 3-4 bounces followed by a layup.

Realistically: This is a challenge, as currently, I can complete this exercise in around 5 bounces.

Time: I have between the 3rd of January 2003 to the 14th of February in this time span I intend to implement specific practises etc to improve all the areas identified, see the meso cycles etc for a break down.

Enjoyable: This is something that could easily be incorporated into several drills to avoid repetition of the same one.

Recorded: I will be using the diary as a way of recording my results as well as my coach’s final statement at the end of the time period.

Fitness component)

Specific: I intend to work heavily on my bench press weight being able to be lifted, thus concentrating on the shoulders and pectorals.

Measurable: This will be done in accordance with how much I can lift, in a set position, with the same grip etc. making sure it’s a fair test.

Realistically: Currently I can lift a weight of around 75Kg`s. Realistically I aim to be able to lift around another 15kg`s taking the total to around the 90kg mark.

Time: I have between the 3rd of January 2003 to the 14th of February in this time span I intend to implement specific practises etc to improve all the areas identified, see the meso cycles etc for a break down.

Enjoyable: Working out, can be boring, thus I have decided to join a gym, to change the atmosphere, and workout with peers etc, hopefully being able to support and encourage each other to strive further.

Recorded: This will simply be tabulated showing how I attain through out the time period.


Specific: In general my offensive movement needs improvement, for example space hunting, however specifically I believe it would be most beneficial to work on “one two’s” with team mates.

Measurable: This is slightly more complicated, I have asked my father who comes to games to keep a count of the number of times I receive and pass the ball with out turning over the ball to the other team in games.

Agreed: I have agreed with my coach that I want to aim for as many one twos as I can, with out setting a limit and to move into open space all the time as it appears throughout the duration of the game.

Realistically: Realistically I want to eliminate all turn overs as possible and to always be an option to my comrades whilst playing, I want to receive or be available every single offence.

Time: I have between the 3rd of January 2003 to the 14th of February in this time span I intend to implement specific practises etc to improve all the areas identified, see the meso cycles etc for a break down.

Enjoyable: The Training for this will be done solely at training with the team, the players and coach have agreed to help me out as much as possible and think of new ways of getting me to move offensively, as well as running some drills for the whole team, as coach thinks we would all benefit from such drills.

Recorded: I will of course have my fathers results, as well as a few comments from my coach as to how he thinks I have improved

2) Timescale


It is vital to take into consideration that I have not forgotten my tactical weakness, I have decided not to build this into a micro cycle, as it will be worked on in borough trainings which re specifically detailed in my diary, and updated by my coaches comments

Weekly session plans. For all the sections the daily plan will follow the same routine, thus I have drawn up a daily plan that accommodates all the weeks training sessions.

For specific details

Strength split routines

Although I am concentrating my action plan on upper body strength, it is vital to also improve my lower body strength at the same time so as to remain muscularly balanced, even though the sessions are frequent, sufficient recovery of muscle groups between training sessions is possible because the same muscle groups are not being trained consecutively. I will be trying to increase the resistance as I advance through the programme, I will be completing 2 sets of 6-8 reps unless stated otherwise for each exercise.

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Skill specific trainings

For detailed specifics, such as scores, weights lifted etc consults section 4; the diary.

3) Method of achieving goals

It is initially important to assess where I am now as the action plan is about to start. I consider myself a sporty person with athletic build qualities. In the Christmas period I wa lucky enough to be tested on the beep test, as part of basketball training, I got a personal best, scoring 13.6, this in accordance with score sheets for my age shows I have excellent lung capacity and stamina, Strength ...

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