Piltdown man fake

Background information

In the year 1912, 50 years after Charles Darwin published his theory of evolution, in which he had put forward that humans were descents of apes, people wondered what kind of creature would have existed that bridged the gap between human and ape, the “missing link”. Then, Charles Dawson, an amateur palaeontologist uncovered what was to become a significant artefact of human evolution for the next 50 years. Dawson discovered the remains of a skeleton that bridged this gap. Dawson named the skeleton after himself (Eoanthrupus dawsoni – Dawson’s Dawn Man), but it is more commonly known as “Piltdown Man”.

Sussex Digging site - Discovery of Piltdown man

In 1908, Charles Dawson initially found fragments of Piltdown Man and by 1912 had contacted Arthur Smith Woodward and Pierre Teilhard de Chardin to form a digging team in order to find more in the Piltdown quarry in Sussex, England. From 1912 till 1915, other discoveries where found in the same area, a jaw, animal fossils, flints and stone tools.

The Findings

1. Jaw: dark brown jaw, ape-like, with two unusually flat molar teeth, like human teeth. It is the same colour as the human skull pieces.

2. Animal fossils: found near the human remains. They included many fragments of teeth, a deer antler, two large mammal bones (elephant) and a sea urchin.

3. Skull: Several pieces of an unusually thick human skull, considered to be a hominid characteristic.

4. Flints: Chipped flints that might have been used as crude tools.

Who dunnit files

The Truth - We've been tricked

Piltdown Man was considered one of the greatest scientific discoveries of the 20th century, then 40 years later, on the 21st November, 1953, the Piltdown Man skull was proven to be a forgery and subsequently became the greatest embarrassment in scientific history.

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The forgery was detected with the introduction of a new dating technique, the fluorine absorption test. Using the fluorine absorption test, the Piltdown skull fragments were revealed as being relatively modern. Following this exposure, all manner of falsities were discovered of the Piltdown Man.

(I left the “evidence” part. We can work out how to organise this)

The Evidence

Piltdown man was considered to 500,000 years old. However scientific examination of the skeletal remains, the fossils and other artifacts found proved that these bones were less than 1000 years old.

The Skull 

Radiocarbon dating of the skull justified ...

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