The Arab-Israeli Conflict

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Both the Arabs and the Jews have lived in this fertile area of Israel since Biblical times.  Both also claim to be descendants of Abraham;

Jews are descended from Isaac.  Arabs are Ishmael.

After biblical time the Romans conquered the Middle East, the Jews living in Israel were persecuted, and so when they revolted against the Romans in AD 135 they were expelled and never allowed to return.  As a result of this Jews were dispersed and resettled in Europe and Asia.  Meanwhile the Arabs stayed in this area and renamed in Palestine.  In 1516 the Ottoman Empire conquered Palestine and drove the Romans out.  By the beginning of the 19th century the Ottoman Empire was becoming weak and other European countries were becoming interested in the Middle East.  The United Kingdom in particular were interested in this piece of land as they had colonised India and the Suez canal, Egypt, meant that this would make transporting goods like spices and silks a lot easier than having to go round Africa.  The United Kingdom even bought shares in the canal because they were so interested in the use of it.  The reason why the canal was of such great importance to the British was because journeys to the east would be a lot faster and safer than travelling round the south of Africa.  The Arabs wanted to be independent as they were sick of being dictated to by the Turks and they looked for help from strong countries like Britain.  In World War 1, the allies protected the Arabs from the Germans but they also promised the Jews that they would help them set up their own state and give them protection from the Germans. For example the Balfour Declaration which was for the protection of the Jews and how the British government acknowledged the set up of a Jewish homeland.  In a letter from McMahon to Sherif Hussein he stated how “Great Britain is prepared to recognise and to support the independence of the Arabs in all regions within the limits demanded by Sherif of Mecca. Obviously, by the end of the war, there was a lot of confusion over the Middle East situation as the British had promised both the Arabs and the Jewish independence.  In addition, during this time a secret agreement was made between Sir Mark Sykes and Charles Georges –Picot about the eventual partition of the Turkish Empire.  Here are some of the terms of the Sykes-Picot Agreement:

  1. That France and Great Britain are prepared to recognise and protect an independent Arab states in the area (A) and (B) marked on the annexed map, under the suzerainty of an Arab Chief….

3.    That in the…. Area {marked C on the map} there shall be established an international administration, the form of which is to be decided after consultation with the other allies, and representatives of the Sherif of Mecca

In addition, with the set up of Zionism it seemed that the creation of a Jewish state was a reality rather than a dream.  With both sides claiming to have equal share to the land and neither willing to back down and  the series of wars that followed only worsened the situation in fact all they did was cause bitterness between the two.  So if they could not solve it through violence after fifty years will they be able to solve it through peaceful means now in the year 2000 and beyond.


For the last nineteen centuries, the Jews have had no homeland, since they were forbidden to return by the Romans.  Because of this they were scattered throughout Europe and were constantly being persecuted as during the Spanish Inquisition, the Crusades and even the Black Death.  So they have always traditionally been used as escape goats.  In  the 19th century Jews suffered a lot, 1.5 million Jews resettled in the U.S.A. after the terrible persecution they had had.  Because of the persecution so many were forced to endure, Theodor Herzl set up Zionism in 1880.  In 1896, he published his first book called ‘The Jewish State.’  Then in 1897 he held a congress in Switzerland where he made an official statement called the Basel Declaration, which the main means was the creation of a Jewish State.

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The Basal Declaration:

        Theodor Herzl                                        Numbers taken from Encarta dated 1996.

The Arabs had always wanted liberty from the Turks and it seemed as though they were going to be given this opportunity after the First World War by the british.  In 1905 they set up the League of Arab Father Land, this was set up by Sheriff Husan of Mecca who had two son Abdilla and Fisal whose aim was to set up a Arab empire and unite all of the Arabs together because they had the same religion, Islam, and language, Arabic.  In 1913, they ...

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