An examination of how far Elyot's Dictionary, Johnson's Dictionary and the Oxford English Dictionary

An examination of how far Elyot's Dictionary, Johnson's Dictionary and the Oxford English Dictionary In any discussion of the way in which dictionaries reflect their era we must consider three things: the intellectual environment which gave rise to a given dictionary; the factors that contributed to its compilation and how each one effected subsequent lexicography in England. Let us look first at the Renaissance to see how contemporary concerns about language helped shape the dictionaries of the day. The Renaissance, (circa 1500-1650), was a period of revolution. Changes were wrought in virtually every area of life and this necessitated a fitting development in the vernacular because every class of man wanted access to the fruits of the Renaissance; its influence would have been limited if works of the period had not been translated into English. Thus the language grew to accommodate these changes and several key points heavily influenced this expansion: The 'Revival of learning' (that is, the renewed interest in Classical literature); the introduction of the printing press by Caxton in 1476; better education and the expansion of trade with the growth of the Empire; all these factors led to an awareness of the deficiencies of the vernacular to reflect such momentous changes. The printing press provided the literate public with dozens of replica texts but, without a

  • Word count: 4545
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Creative Arts and Design
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Anlise e Desenvolvimento de Filtros Digitais Adaptativos para Imagens Mdicas

Projeto de Iniciação Científica RELATÓRIO PARCIAL Análise e Desenvolvimento de Filtros Digitais Adaptativos para Imagens Médicas Bolsista: Maria Luísa Cantadori Orientador: Sérgio Shiguemi Furuie Introdução As imagens médicas são muito importantes para o diagnóstico e tratamento de diversas doenças. No entanto, há vários tipos de ruídos que causam a degradação dessas imagens, que dependem do seu processo de formação e dificultam um diagnóstico preciso. Como exemplo, tem-se: ruído térmico dos sensores, ruído de dispositivos eletrônicos, ruído estatístico de emissão radioativa (Poisson), interferência de ondas mecânicas (speckle) e não-homogeneidade de sensibilidade dos transdutores. Todos eles afetam a precisão e a qualidade de imagens de Raio-X (e Tomografia Computadorizada), Medicina Nuclear e Ultra-Som. Portanto, é necessário que as análises e segmentações desse tipo de imagem sejam precedidas por pré-processamentos que levem em conta a natureza das degradações, mas mantenham as características essenciais das imagens. Objetivos Este projeto objetiva desenvolver e analisar diversos filtros digitais adaptativos para melhorar a relação sinal-ruído de imagens de diversas modalidades médicas, em especial imagens de Medicina Nuclear e Ecocardiografia, de modo a permitir segmentações e quantificações de estruturas de

  • Word count: 5159
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Engineering
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O Barroco é abrangente e alastra-se sobre todas as artes: Literatura, Arquitetura, Pintura e Escultura.

O Barroco é abrangente e alastra-se sobre todas as artes: Literatura, Arquitetura, Pintura e Escultura. Nas formas é grandioso e refinado. É complexo. É uma crítica a crises do período. É a resposta do povo às guerras e sofrimentos a que são expostos pelos governos absolutistas da época. Surge no Brasil, no final do século XVI, e sua importância é enorme pois são as primeiras manifestações genuinamente artísticas, e que manifestam os primeiros sentimentos nativos e nacionalistas. Autores Pioneiros Os principais representantes da Literatura Barroca no Brasil são: Bento Teixeira, autor do poemeto heróico Prosopopéia, publicado em Lisboa, em 1601, que é considerada a obra inicial de nosso Barroco, Botelho de Oliveira, o primeiro autor nascido no Brasil a ter um livro aqui publicado, autor de Música do Parnaso, impresso em Lisboa, em 1705, e Gregório de Matos, considerado o maior poeta barroco em Língua Portuguesa, porém há muitas dúvidas sobre sua vida e principalmente com relação a autoria de muitos poemas a ele atribuídos. A REFORMA PROTESTANTE E A REAÇÃO CATÓLICA Durante a Idade Média, a Igreja Católica foi objeto de diversos movimentos que se propunham a reformar suas estruturas, corrigindo abusos do clero e recuperando a pureza original do Cristianismo. Entretanto, todos os autores dessas reformas - papas, bispos, fundadores de

  • Word count: 13629
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: European Languages, Literature and related subjects
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English for business

English for Economic Sciences Adriana Vintean Communication is essential to life and imperative if business is to prosper and survive in a competitive environment. It can be: Verbal - the written word Oral - the spoken word Visual - the illustration Numerical - the written and interpreted number Electronic - using a computer Communication should be received and understood so we must ask ourselves not what we want but what the audience wants. The term communication skills covers a number of defferent areas, including: -speaking clearly, fluently, convincigly. -understanding and responding to non verbal communication(body language). -Producing effective written communications, including briefs and presentations. In business life it' s important not only to be efficient and do your job but also to look and sound friendly, confident, sincere and helpful. Poor communication is the cause of all breakdowns in business relationships. When they try to communicate people go through different stages and the lack of care at any of them lead to confusion and wasted time and energy. 1.The need or desire to communicate with someone else- aiming. 2.The translation of internal thoughts and feelings into an external means of transmitting them as a coherent message- encoding. 3.The transmission of the message(spoken, pictorial, written, body language, tone of voice,

  • Word count: 337686
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Business Studies
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The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci

The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci Author: Leonardo Da Vinci Edition: 10 Language: English The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci Volume 1 Translated by Jean Paul Richter 888 PREFACE. A singular fatality has ruled the destiny of nearly all the most famous of Leonardo da Vinci's works. Two of the three most important were never completed, obstacles having arisen during his life-time, which obliged him to leave them unfinished; namely the Sforza Monument and the Wall-painting of the Battle of Anghiari, while the third--the picture of the Last Supper at Milan--has suffered irremediable injury from decay and the repeated restorations to which it was recklessly subjected during the XVIIth and XVIIIth centuries. Nevertheless, no other picture of the Renaissance has become so wellknown and popular through copies of every description. Vasari says, and rightly, in his Life of Leonardo, "that he laboured much more by his word than in fact or by deed", and the biographer evidently had in his mind the numerous works in Manuscript which have been preserved to this day. To us, now, it seems almost inexplicable that these valuable and interesting original texts should have remained so long unpublished, and indeed forgotten. It is certain that during the XVIth and XVIIth centuries their exceptional value was highly appreciated. This is proved not merely by the prices

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  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Art
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