JORDAN GRAY EXPLAIN WHAT CHRITIANS BELIEVE ABOUT THEIR RESPONSIBILIY FOR OTHER PEOPLE After studying various sources of information and using my own knowledge and experience I have come to a conclusion about the responsibility of Christians for other people. Throughout the bible, both in the new and old Testaments, it makes many references to how Christians should have responsibility for other people, Christian and non-Christian, and in order that the people could understand better, as was the practice of the day, these points were told in the form of stories or parables. In the Old Testament, 'The Law of Moses' (the Torah) it teaches the Jews that it is an important part of their faith to treat people of different races in the right way. Leviticus 19: 33-34, Moses tells the Israelites to treat the foreigners as they would treat a fellow Israelite. It is also important to note that this passage comes very soon after he has given the people the commandment "love your neighbour as you love yourself" Jesus strengthens this further by saying that this was one of the two greatest commandments and throughout his life he told many parables to illustrate his desire for us to treat all men as equals. As Christians we believe in helping and contributing toward others and we are guided/taught to put others before ourselves. The Roman Catholic Church along with other Christian

  • Word count: 571
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Religious Studies (Philosophy & Ethics)
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A Comparison of London by William Blake and Ozymandias by Percy Bysshe Shelley

A Comparison of "London" by William Blake and "Ozymandias" by Percy Bysshe Shelley Essay By Ozhan O'Sullivan This essay compares two poems, "London" by William Blake, and "Ozymandias" by Percy Bysshe Shelley. Both writers were very romantic, heavily influenced by the revolutionary ideas and rapidly changing social and political values of the late 18th and early 19th century. Similarities Themes A theme of Mortality lives in both poems. In "London" Blake talks about the death and suffering of people, and in "Ozymandias" Shelley talks about the death of a civilisation. A sense of someone dominating, someone with greater power occurs in both poems. In "London" the rich have this upper hand against the poor, in "Ozymandias" this great leader is said to have this strength over his enemies and his own people. In "Ozymandias" Shelley writes about a fallen empire, a civilisation that must have gone down hill because now there is no sign of it. In "London" Blake tells us that the poorer people of this city are going through a bad time, their empire has fallen like Ozymandias's empire, but in this case London has not collapsed. Blake writes about how London had drifted to a time of poverty and disease. Moods The two poems, both give a feeling of depression and melancholy to the reader. Shelley uses different words to create this effect, while Blake writes how everyone is sad

  • Word count: 553
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: English
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Surreal films.

Surreal films La Cloche (The Church Bell) (Jean L'Hote, France, 1964) This film shows surrealist objects in action. It is about a man who is accidentally trapped beneath a church bell but as it is about to be installed he walks off with the bell. The bell then moves through the streets of Paris, creating a surreal object by simply displacing it from is customary surroundings. Eaten Horizons (Spiste Horisonter) (Wilhelm Freddie, Denmark, 1950) Two men are using the back-side of a woman as their table, they eat a loaf of bread and then proceed to cut a hole in the woman's body and eat her insides. An Eater (Kazutomo Fuzino, Japan, 1963) A waitress falls into a dream where a chef is operating on her. He removes gurgling fluids, spaghetti, an eye, and a man whose nose he cuts off. This dish is then served to eaters who devour it. She then awakens and vomits an endless string which envelopes all the eaters. Finger Exercise (Robert Schaer, Switzerland, 1969) This short film plays on suspense. There is a well groomed eater hovering above a severed hand which is also well groomed, with nail varnish and a wedding ring. The very white plate and the impending dissection of the finger make this a very unsettling piece. Le Cadeau (The Gift) (Jacques Vasseur & Dick Roberts, France, 1961) This is a cartoon which uses misplaced sounds to shock its audience. It features a cow that

  • Word count: 552
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Media Studies
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Le Petit Prince

Avec les Amitiés, viennent beaucoup des Responsabilités 2 Pages Stephanie Dryden Mme. Mendlow FSF 3U1 Le 17 décembre 2008 Partout dans l'histoire, le petit prince a créé les amitiés avec le pilote, le renard et la rose. Le petit prince a été responsable pour enseignement le pilote au sujet de les leçons qu'il a apprend de les autres personnages pendant qu'il était sur son voyage. Il a appris au sujet des rituels et les liens par le renard. Il s'est senti entièrement responsable pour la rose et il s'est senti l'amour incontrôlable vers elle. Le petit prince apprend au sujet de les responsabilités qu'on a vers les gens et les choses, par les amitiés qu'il atteint. Le petit prince a eu la responsabilité d'enseigner le pilote au sujet des leçons que d'autres personnages l'ont enseigné, " Oui, dis-je au petit prince, qu'il s'agisse de la maison, des étoiles ou du désert, ce qui fait leur beauté est invisible! Je suis content, dit-il, que tu sois d'accord avec mon renard " (page 60). Le petit prince et le pilote ont eu les responsabilités de garder l'un l'autre, comme quand ils sont allés trouver le puits, " je le pris dans mes bras, et me remis en route " (page 60). Il a eu subconscient la responsabilité d'enseigner le pilote comment être un enfant encore. Le pilote et le prince ont gagné les connaissances de garder d'une autre personne et

  • Word count: 591
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Modern Foreign Languages
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Mon Journal.

Le lundi 24th de décembre, Sa Veille de Noël et je suis très excité de demain. Je ne peux pas attendre jusqu'à ce que le matin parce que je vais à reçoit beaucoup de présente. Je vais au sommeil dans mon lit de couchette de freres ce soir pour que nous pouvons reveiller et pouvons ouvrir nos bass ensemble. Je ne pense pas que je puisse au sommeil ce soir parce que je suis si excité. Le mardi 25th de décembre, Ce matin que je suis réveillé à huit o'clock et a couru en bas à ouvre mon est beaucoup de présente. Il y avait au moins quarante présentent sous mon arbre de Noël pour me, mon frère, mes parents et autre relatif. J'étais si excité, donc j'ai ouvert tout mon présente dans la moitié une heure. J'ai reçu quelques grand actuel, qui a inclus de nouveaux entraîneurs et un nouveau personnel mini le joueur de disque. Ma famille et j'ai dépensé le repos du jouer avec nos dons et les jeux qui jouent. Il était un jour très spécial Le mercredi 26th de décembre, Emballait Aujourd'hui le Jour, qui est le jour après le jour de Noël. Toute ma famille est venue le rond à ma maison aujourd'hui aux dons d'action avec nous et à reçoit une partie de leur propre. Nous avons eu un grand temps jeux et la conversation drôles qui jouent. J'ai reçu plus présente. Ceux-ci étaient, un livre, un mug et quelque underwear. Je me suis couché très tardif

  • Word count: 579
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Modern Foreign Languages
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The Language of Performing Arts.

The Language of Performing Arts Music In Performing Arts our second section was music. In a group of three, we improvised rehearsed & performed a short piece, which lasted three minutes. This incorporated the five different elements of music, which are rhythm, melody, harmony, timbre and texture. During a series of lessons, each of these elements were emphasised upon i.e. how to apply them to music to create an effective piece. We studied the elements of music, to do this we listened to a variety of music where we identified rhythm and we were given an introduction to the Reason software. The material essence of music lies with its melody, harmony, rhythm, and dynamics. Melody gives music soul, while rhythm blends the expression of harmony and dynamics with the tempo of the passage. All are necessary to create a recognizable pattern known as a "song." Improvisation Firstly through improvisation we started to experiment with the different elements. In order to do this we experimented with a wide range of instruments. Our piece of music was based on pressure. We looked at the elements and instruments that could tell a story, which conveyed pressure and how it would set a certain mood throughout the atmosphere. Firstly in our group we looked at how to produce rhythm and how we could incarcerate the elements of music to express pressure within our three-minute piece.

  • Word count: 590
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: Music
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Home Economics - Why is nutrition important to sports people?

In order to obtain an idea for a task I could research, I decided to do an initial brainstorm of all the areas that would be possible to complete the project on (see fig1, next page). The factors that would affect my decision of what area to choose, were how easy it would be for me to research the topic, whether I knew people I could speak to about it and whether it was something that interested me. Because of these, I decided to research into nutrition for rowing. This was because I am a rower myself which meant that it would interest me, I would already know about the topic and I knew a variety of people who would be able to provide information and help on the subject. For research: To start the project I needed to carry out some preliminary, general research into the sport and its demands. The following are some things I needed to research: o Sports nutrition o Nutritional requirements of a normal person o Nutritional requirements of a rower o What a rower should eat on the day of, and during the week before, a race. Preliminary research Sources To ensure that I could gat a balanced set of information I decided to use data from several media types. These could include magazines, people, websites, books and companies. The following are some sources I thought would be useful: o ARA (amateur rowing association) o Internet - including rowing websites, BBC website,

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  • Word count: 4862
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: Science
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The effect of toliet cleaning products on E-coli

Is the bacteria Escherichia coli (e coli) adversely affected (killed) by King white cleaning products. Higher level biology 4/04/2010 Contents page Page Content Title page 2 Contents page 3 .1.1- Focus question, 1.1.2- Hypothesis, 1.1.3- Theory 4 .2.1- Variables , 1.2.2- Control experiment 5 .3.1- Martials and apparatus, 1.3.2- Safety aspects 6 .3.2- Safety aspects (cont) 7 .3.3- Method, 1.3.4- Experimental setup 8 2.1.1- Changes to experimental design 2.1.2- Qualitative data , 2.1.3- Raw data table 9 2.2.1- Overview, 2.2.2- Calculations, 2.2.3- Experimental setup 0 2.3.1- Processed data table, 2.3.2- Process data graph 1 3.1.0- Conclusion 2 3.1.0- Conclusion (cont) 3 3.2.0- Limitations of experimental design 4 3.3.0-Impovements to experimental design 5 Bibliography .1.0 Experimental design .1.1 Focus question- Is the bacteria Escherichia coli (e coli) adversely affected (killed) by King white cleaning products. .1.2 Hypothesis - King White toilet cleaner will most adversely affect (kill) the bacteria Escherichia coli (e coli) to the highest degree when compared to a range of toilet cleaning products. .1.3 Theory- Escherichia coli (E coli) are bacteria which causes severe stomach cramps and diarrhoea. It is the leading cause of bloody stools and in older people/younger children certain strains of e coli can be fatal

  • Word count: 5204
  • Level: International Baccalaureate
  • Subject: Biology
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Ethical Criticism of McDonalds

Ethical Criticism of McDonalds Arguably the most important aspect of an organization is its emphasis on ethical behavior. The key premise was that by 'doing the right thing' internally and externally, businesses created a good working atmosphere, while also benefiting society and the environment. The problem is that many ethical issues are subjective and based on one's values and beliefs. As a result, they are often difficult to enforce and easy to neglect. The result of this is that 'when the costs are added up, the social balance sheet contains enormous debts to society' (McEwan, 2001). It is the notion of an organization's 'debts to society', which led to the branch of ethics known as 'corporate social responsibility'. This refers to 'the economic, legal, ethical, and philanthropic expectations placed on organizations by society at a given point in time' (Carroll and Buchholtz, 2000). This theory of responsibility to society is based around two headings, stated by Wells (1998). Social Responsibility deals with 'the purposes for which companies should act' (Wells, 1998), and Corporate Responsibility is the 'liability attached to a company for actions done in its name' (Wells, 1998). Corporate Social Responsibility has increased in importance over the last 15 years, as globalization has led to increased pressure to meet society's ethical demands and expectations. This

  • Word count: 4802
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: Religious Studies & Philosophy
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The past a few years saw the boom and bust of the Internet sector, which is perhaps one of the most dramatic business events for several decades.

Introduction The past a few years saw the boom and bust of the Internet sector, which is perhaps one of the most dramatic business events for several decades. Shutdowns of Internet companies more than doubled in 2001. However, based on a conservative estimate, only at most ten percent of significant Internet companies have shut down or declared bankruptcy. With the burst of the Internet bubble, people now are becoming more rational. Internet has become an important part of business and government, and less a part of frenzied speculation. Electronic commerce, which covers a much broader scope than mere Internet companies, has been penetrating our life to various degrees. It is no longer time to consider whether it should get involved in our existence but time to examine its implications and so as to make it bring positive changes to us. This paper provides an overview of e-commerce and an analysis of the opportunities and challenges for the world, especially the developing countries. Emphasis is placed on the evaluation of trade-related issues. Electronic Commerce Defined Kevin Kelly, the author of New Rules for the New Economy, describes the new business landscape, "It is global. It favors intangible things - ideas, information, and relationships. And it is intensely interlinked. These three attributes produce a new type of marketplace and society, one that is rooted in

  • Word count: 4856
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Business and Administrative studies
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