Write a comparison of the ways Wilfred Owen and John Scott present ideas about slaughter and sacrifice, how far do you agree with the view that Scott's poem is more effective than Owens in communicating its message?

Write a comparison of the ways Wilfred Owen and John Scott present ideas about slaughter and sacrifice, how far do you agree with the view that Scott's poem is more effective than Owens in communicating its message? The Send Off and The Drum both explore the truths about war outlining the horrors and effects of war through language and poetic techniques. Owen attacks the understanding between those at home who promote war as a romantic, glorious and heroic exercise and dying for one's country as an act of nobility and with this who fight and die in war and who know the true horror of the battlefield. Scott explores the desperations caused by battle. He also makes clear that he does not consider war as a fight of honour; more as a gruesome game to see who can be more stubborn to admit what they are doing is wrong. Both poets show similar thoughts about war and how it is betrayed to a glorious act of heroicness. In the opening stanzas of the drum the poets mention the sounds and tones which follow the soldiers. In The drums case it is the 'drums discordant sound'. This instrument is used for the historical march of the soldiers. Which in this case is confusing to the men. As they are 'parading round, and round'. This gives a sense of never ending war. Each day the men follow the same routine until it is there turn to face the enemy in battle. Owen immediately challenges the

  • Word count: 1318
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: English
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Using materials from Item A and elsewhere assess the contribution to our understanding of functionalism on families and the household.

Using materials from Item A and elsewhere assess the contribution to our understanding of functionalism on families and the household. Functionalists argue that society is based on consensus and on social institutions such as schools, work, media, political and legal systems, religion and the friends and family each of which contribute positively to the maintenance of stability of society as a whole. It is said that these seven agents are to be vital functions for societies as a whole. But functionalists believe that families are most likely linked with education, the economy and religion. Broadly speaking it is assumed by functionalists that societies operate in the interests of all of their members so it is absolutely essential for individual happiness and wellbeing, and for the maintenance of society. Murdock & Parsons The two main Functionalist theorists who we associate with the family are G P Murdock and Talcott Parsons. They both believe that all people benefit from a family and that the family performs three vital functions. The first is primary socialisation, where children learn basic values, norms and roles (consensus). The second is stabilisation of adult personalities (warm bath theory), whereby adults should receive emotional support and relief from the outside world. Yet this ideological theory that men come home to a relaxing environment is out dated and

  • Word count: 987
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: Sociology
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We studied a number of film trailers and came to the following conclusions about their conventions. Each one of them has the common features that I have discovered.

Movie Trailers We studied a number of film trailers and came to the following conclusions about their conventions. Each one of them has the common features that I have discovered. At the start of every movie trailer, there is a production company logo and name. This is very important in every trailer because it notifies the audience that the movie was made by this particular company. Each company has its own logo brand and copyright name/logo, as it has been used for many years, on different types of movies. I have also noticed that a company can make and supports a certain type of genre film. There are many different production companies that have been around for many years; 20th Century Fox, Pathé, DreamWorks, Universal, Miramax Films, Walt's Disney, Paramount, Warner Brothers etc. These companies have made so many different films which people would now recognize in a flash, even without looking at the name of the company. This is because the company is so familiar and we see it in everyday life, all around us. After a trailer has shown the production company (which only takes about two to three seconds), the film shows a very brief number of clips/images taken from the movie - but only the most exciting moments. These clips and images inform the audience about the genre of the film, it also gives us the some idea of the film, whether its genre

  • Word count: 2195
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: Media Studies
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To What Extent was the victory of the North in the United States Civil War due to its superior industrial resources and manpower?

To What Extent was the victory of the North in the United States Civil War due to its superior industrial resources and manpower? Faraz Ahmed pd:3 The civil war was like hell broke loose on earth. Many deaths and casualties occurred during this time period with endless blood battles. After the North and the South separated and became rivals, conflicts broke out between the two that played a role in damaging each side. Due to the differences in economy between the North and the South, the North had an upper hand. The North gained victory in the Civil war due to its Massive industrial resources with manpower and most importantly the turning point, the Battle of Gettysburg. The advantages of the North guided them through their industrial resources and manpower to over come challenges and win the civil war. The Union outweighed the Confederacy in almost every way. Nearly 21 million people lived in 23 Northern states. The South claimed just 9 million people including 3.5 million slaves in 11 confederate states. Despite the North's greater population, however, the South had an army almost equal in size during the first year of the war. The Confederacy had only one-ninth the industrial capacity of the Union. But that statistic was misleading. In 1860, the North manufactured 97 percent of the country's firearms, 96 percent of its railroad locomotives, 94 percent of its cloth, 93

  • Word count: 803
  • Level: International Baccalaureate
  • Subject: History
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Medea - Euripides lived during the Golden Age of Athens, the city where he was born and lived most of his years.

Medea Context Euripides lived during the Golden Age of Athens, the city where he was born and lived most of his years. Born in 484 BC, his infancy saw the repulsion of the Persian invasion, a military victory that secured Athens' political independence and eventual dominance over the Mediterranean world. His death in 406 came as Athens was surrendering its supremacy as a result of its protracted defeat to Sparta, its main rival, in the Peloponnesian War. Sandwiched between these two wars lies a creative period of political, economic, and cultural activity that spawned many of Western civilization's distinctive traits, including the flourishing of tragic drama. The art was mastered by Euripides' older contemporaries, Aeschylus and Sophocles, playwrights who created the dramatic tradition that he would amplify significantly. Although he is reputed to have written 92 plays, of which 17 (more than any other Classical playwright) survive, Euripides' standing as a dramatist has often been disputed, especially during his lifetime. While Aristotle heralded him "the most tragic of poets," he also criticized Euripides' confused handling of plot and the less-than-heroic nature of his protagonists. Aristophanes, a comic dramatist, constantly mocked Euripides' tendency towards word-play and paradox. Euripides' role as a dramatic innovator, however, is unquestionable: the simplicity of

  • Word count: 9454
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Classics
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The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien is a trilogy that includes The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers and The Return of the King.

The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien is a trilogy that includes The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers and The Return of the King. While others have tried to bring these stories alive by using video, animation and radio recreations, there is a problem with these video adaptations. The directors seem to alter the original story in order to make it into their own interpretation and to make it more cinematic. Looking specifically at the book The Two Towers within the trilogy of The Lord of the Rings and comparing the novel to the animated film by Ralph Bakshi and to the recently released film by Peter Jackson, one can see ideas and important elements that are left out or recreated in order to fit the new director's vision. Noticeably different in the two dramatizations are the addition and the deletion of scenes and changes made in the plot. The directors show the development of characters in a different way as more focus is put on what the actors do than what they say, or think. The director's interpretation is limited or enhanced by the available technology as well. By exploring important scenes such as the meeting of the Riders of Rohan, the development of characters like Aragorn, Gollum and Faramir with Frodo and Sam, and the time given to Helm's Deep, it can be seen how both directors used their own imagination to tell the epic adventure story. In the same way both

  • Word count: 2757
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: Media Studies
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How are Act One Scene One and Act Three Scene One of Romeo and Juliet made exciting for the audience?

How are act 1, scene 1 and act 3, scene 1 of Romeo and Juliet made exciting for the audience ? Act 1, scene 1 Romeo and Juliet is one of Shakespeare's most famous plays. He starts the drama with an epic prologue. Shakespeare knew what appealed to the people in the theatre. They liked jokes about: sex, female and male relationships, racy jokes and puns. Shakespeare has tangled all of these and more into a magnificent piece of dramatic art. One of the ways Shakespeare makes this scene dramatically effective is the way he uses fighting and conflict for example "Do you bite your thumb at me sir?" "I do bite my thumb, Sir" This quote sparks off the main fighting between the Capulet's and the Montague's. This quote plays a big part in the play because its shocking. It shocks the audience and offends the character. Because it's a common swear word in a non - common environment. Therefore making it offensive and making an action packed start to the play. Shakespeare turns the smallest fight into a big brawl. By the end of this scene the whole of Verona is in on the fighting for example "Clubs, bills and partisans ! Strike, beat them down. Down with Montague's ! Down with Capulet's !" This quote shows that the villagers are neutral - This means they can't decide who to support. For example, they may feel that if they support the Montague's - and the Montague's lose - then they

  • Word count: 1028
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: English
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Examine the nature of social and sexual prejudice in Hardy's "The Son's Vito" and Harper Lee's "To Kill a Mockingbird."

Examine the nature of social and sexual prejudice in Hardy's "The Son's Vito" and Harper Lee's "To Kill a Mockingbird." The book "To Kill a Mockingbird" is based on racial prejudice and the different views that different people have on it. "The Son's Veto" is a short story in which a low-class maid marries the vicar of whom she is serving to. Although the whole of Maycomb subscribes outwardly to traditional gender roles and class distinctions, Aunt Alexandra plays the greatest role in reinforcing these notions within the Finch family. Alexandra believes that because the Finch family comes from a long line of landowners who have been in the county for generations, they deserve greater respect than other people do, and they must behave according to their status. She refuses to associate with both black and white citizens alike because they do not fill the same social position. She annoys Scout with her snobbery and her insistence on lady;ike behaviour and she even annoys the patient Atticus by her barely concealed racial prejudice, as when she tries to persuade him that Cal should be dismissed as a bad influence on the children. Atticus on the other hand, urges his children to sympathise with others and to "walk in their skin" before they judge or criticise. It is important to notice that later on in the novel we begin to sympathise more with Aunt Alexandra. She loves her

  • Word count: 1017
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: English
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'In the light of ethical theory, discuss arguments for and against pacifism.'

'In the light of ethical theory, discuss arguments for and against pacifism.' Pacifism subscribes to the idea of peace being the best goal and they best means of achieving peace is always through peaceful methods. So pacifists reject the use if physical force, even in the defence, and maintain war is always wrong. When it comes to pacifism there are arguments both for and against its wide spread use. Arguments for include the teachings of Jesus, which show that he taught about love our neighbours as ourselves and that we should turn our cheek to violence against us. This is shown in Matthew 26:52 Jesus instructs Peter to drop his sword and not fight the Roman guard and says 'all who live by the sword, will die by the sword.' And again in Luke 6:7 where he instructed 'if someone strikes your cheek, turn to him the other also.' These show Jesus was very much a pacifist himself and as we are taught to follow Jesus example we should also adopt pacifist views. Another argument in favour of pacifism is that of the Hebrew idea of Shalom. Shalom is a Hebrew word, which can be translated to mean peace. However the idea behind shalom is much more than peace. It embraces wholeness, a complete well-being, and a lively harmony. It is about trust, openness, caring and justice. Shalom is a gift from God and was brought to earth by Jesus. Different Christian organisations have taken what

  • Word count: 1077
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Religious Studies (Philosophy & Ethics)
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What is the purpose of judicial interpretation, and how does it operate?

Studying Law essay What is the purpose of judicial interpretation, and how does it operate? Use must be made of case law examples to illustrate your answer. This essay will deal with the purpose of judicial interpretation, what the interpretation means and what sort of rules must be followed. The importance of interpretation is to achieve the purpose of law. "Legal purpose is not simply authorial intent at a high level of abstraction." The proper system of interpretation should express the role of judges. The interpretation is a judicial activity that gives meaning to a legal text. The legal interpreters must resolve ambiguities rather than exposing various meanings. The interpretation is depends on a tradition of legal system. However, the tradition can or must be changed by effect of other countries. In translating statutes, the court has to decide what a particular word or phrase means. Some people looking for the purpose of the words, what those words are trying to say. Therefore, judiciary has to give life to the words by interpreting what they mean and how they are meant to apply particular situation. This is the meaning of the Statutory Interpretation. Lawyers have classified the basic means of reading documents under four headings. These are: the Literal Rule, the Golden Rule, the Purposive Rule and the Mischief Rule. These rules are there, for the judiciary to

  • Word count: 1140
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Law
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