maths coursework-Height and Weight of Pupils and other Mayfield High School investigations

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At a Mayfield High School


This investigation is based upon the students of Mayfield High School, a fictitious school although the data presented is based on a real school. The total number of students in the school is 1183.

The line of enquiry I will choose will be the relationship between height and weight; I will use all of the students in school and begin by taking a random sample of 30 boys and 30 girls to see all the possible relationships. From the total number of students, I will choose 60 altogether. I will then analyse the sets of data I have in order to investigate the relationship between them.

I will begin by taking a random sample of 60 students, 30 boys and 30 girls and record their heights and weights. I will choose 30 boys and 30 girls so that both genders are the same and the data I have chosen is fairer. The way I shall take a random sample is to use the random number button on my calculator. All the 1183 students are numbered from 1 to 1183. I will press the SHIFT button then the RAN# button in order to give a completely random number. The number displayed is between 0 and 1 and because I need a number between 1 and 1183, I will multiply the number displayed on the computer by the total number of students which is 1183. I repeated this 30 times for girls and then 30 times again for boys. Now I have a random sample of 60 students from Mayfield High School.

Random Sample

This is my random sample of boys and girls of Mayfield High School. I separated them into boys and girls so it is easier to analyse the data.

Now that I have my data I will put them into frequency/tally tables to make it easier to read and it is a better way to represent the data.

Now I will record these results into different types of charts/diagrams to see the relationships between boys and girls and their heights and weights. I will first analyse the data I have by using a bar chart to compare the results I have between boys and girls.

Bar charts

Weight bar charts

Bar charts are a good way of analysing data as you can estimate the modal interval and the estimate the median interval. It is also one of the simplest ways of recording data.

This is a bar chart for the boys’ weight.

This is a bar chart for the girls’ weight.

  1. The evidence from these bar charts (sample) suggests that boys will tend to have roughly the same weight than girls. Although, in the group 50≤w<60, nearly double the amount of girls had the weight frequency than the boys did. I think this is because the girls’ weight is more condensed into to intervals of weight and boys tend to have a more spread out weight. My evidence also suggests that the boys’ weight is more spread out than the girls’ weight but my comments would me more accurate if the sample was extended.

Height bar charts

Now I will do the same for height. This is a bar chart for boys’ height.

This is a bar chart for girls’ height.

  1. The evidence from these bar charts suggests that boys have a higher height than girls and that the boys’ height is more spread. I know that if I have a greater sample than my evidence will be clearer.

Mean, mode, median and range

I will now use estimate mean, mode, median and range to give me a more information and more clear evidence about weight and height. Firstly I will consider weight.

Mean weight

I will use my frequency tables to find out the mean of the weight for boys and girls.


Mean = 1550/30

Mean = 51.66

The mean weight for the boys is 51.66 kg.

Mean = 1610/30

Mean = 53.66

The mean weight for the girls is 53.66 kg.

Modal weight

I can find the modal weight easily; I will just read it off my Stem and Leaf diagram which shows the most frequent value.

Modal weight for boys = 40≤w<50

Modal weight for girls = 40≤w<50, 50≤w<60

Median weight

As there are 30 people in each sample, the median will be half way between the fifteenth and sixteenth values.

Median weight for boys = 49 kg

Median weight for girls = 50+51 = 50.5 =

51 kg                                   2


Range of weight

This shows me how spread my data for height is for girls and boys

Range of weight for boys = 75-32 = 43 kg

Range of weight for girls = 86-38 = 48 kg

I will now summarise my results into a clear table. The table shows the estimate mean, mode, median and range of boys and girls and I can easily see the differences.

  1. From this data I can see that girls have a slightly higher estimate mean, mode, and median. The range is also greater so this shows that the girls’ sample is more spread than the boys and this could be a reason for my results. Although, I can see from my bar charts that a greater number of boys have small weights and a greater number of girls have larger weights, boys and girls will generally have the same weight when the mode is concerned.

  1. Evidence from the sample also suggests that 23 out of 30 boys, or 77% will have a weight between 40 and 70 and that 25 out of 30 girl’s, or 83% will have a weight between 30 and 60. This also shows us that boys will tend to have a higher weight and girls will tend to have a lower weight.

Now I will consider the difference between the height of boys and girls.

Mean height

I will use my frequency tables to find out the mean of the height for boys and girls.

Mean = 4950/30

Mean = 165

The mean height for boys is 165 cm.

Mean = 4880/30

Mean = 162.66

The mean height for the girls is 162.66 cm.

Modal height

Once again, I can find the modal height easily; I will just read it off my stem and leaf diagrams, which has the most values.

Modal height for boys = 160≤h<170

Modal weight for girls = 150≤h<160, 160≤h<170

Median height

Median height for boys = 163+164 = 163.5 = 164 cm                                 2

Median height for girls = 160+161 = 160.5

= 161 cm                               2

Range of height

This shows me how spread my data for height is for girls and boys.

Range of height for boys = 192-136 = 56 cm

Range of height for girls = 200-140 = 60 cm

I will now summarise my results into a clear table. The table shows the estimate mean, mode, median and range of boys and girls and I can easily see the differences.

  1. All of the measures of average (mean, mode and median) are greater for boys than for girls. The range of height is slightly greater for girls than boys. This could be a reason for the results. The mode was also close with the girls having the same amount of pupils in both 150≤h<160, 160≤h<170 intervals. Once again the results for boys and girls are quite close but more boys have a higher height than girls.

  1. So far from the evidence I found out, I can see that in my sample girls tend to have a slightly higher weight than boys. Also in my sample I can see that boys are slightly taller than girls and I can see that in my sample the data is more spread for girls than boys.
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As height and weight are continuous I can record them on a histogram. Histograms are a good, clear way to record data and they can also help me to find the modal interval and the mode.  



Since my class intervals are the same and that they are 10, I do not need to find the frequency density as if I multiply it by 10 ...

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