The Life Campaign activist believe that, “Since human life begin at conception i.e. fertilisation, and since all human life should be equally protected by the law from conception to natural death, whether or not human being concerned is wanted or handicapped it follows that destruction of unborn life is always wrong.” The Life Campaign believes that the foetus is a human being straight from contraception, and it is just like killing any human being. Pure murder.
Both the Catholic trust and the Life Campaign both strongly disagree with abortion and it like killing any person around us. They believe the foetus has rights even though it hasn’t been born. They believe the baby is a human person, still developing, just like children to adults. They develop over a period of time. Does that mean they could be killed too and it would be ok?
But there are still people who are in favour of abortion. These are usually humanitarians who have their own point of view. Such as the National Abortion Campaign. “The decision to terminate pregnancy is so important that it can only be made by the person most involved- the women. Women must always have a choice and never have the decision forced upon them. Free abortion facilities should on the NHS for every woman who needs them. We believe that the right of women to control their own fertility is a fundamental human right. Women will not be able to take a full and equal part in the society when we can all decide for ourselves whether and when to have children.” The National Abortion Campaign believe women have the right to decide what happens to the foetus as it is a part of her body that period of time.
Other religions have their own points of view as well on abortion. They have different ideas of when they believe the foetus has become a human. Most religions all oppose abortion, but some think it can pass for certain consequences. For example, if the mother would be either mentally or physically damaged if she did have the child, if the baby would be disabled after birth or if there is a chance the baby will die anyway. Some times it depends at what stage the foetus is in development. As some believe it is from the moment of contraception, others believe it is just when the baby is actually born.
Euthanasia comes from the Greek word for ‘easy death’. Euthanasia is the act of purposely killing or helping someone die. It is instead of nature taking it’s course and cutting in and do it yourself with the help of someone else. It is really killing in the name of compassion.
Voluntary euthanasia is a request from the dying patient from a terminal illness. Passive euthanasia is not doing anything to prevent death and allowing someone to die. Active euthanasia is taking a toxicant (eg drugs) to cause a death and positive euthanasia is taking deliberate action to cause death.
Euthanasia is in fact illegal across the world except for the state of Oregon in America. It is widely practised in Amsterdam although it is illegal.
The majority of all religions disapprove of euthanasia unlike abortion where there were some exceptions. It was completely looked down by. This is because they believe that everyone is a part of God. They are all a part of his heart, eyes, and also creation. Christian’s believe that hospice movement is the alternative to euthanasia as it gives hope and loving care to the sufferers. They help to relieve pain, and also to help families and the patients face death in a good way. It is a good way to get over the very emotional stage in their lives.
The only people who really oppose euthanasia is the sufferer. They would be in a great deal of pain and would want the end to come as soon as possible and they would like the choice of doing that.
I think that everyone should have the right to how they wish to live their life. Although I should oppose euthanasia because of my religion, I know that if I was in a situation of being in a huge amount of pain, and knowing that I was not going to get any better, the one thing I would think about and want would be euthanasia. This is because euthanasia is not a suicide. Suicide leaves the people behind in a great deal of pain. Whereas euthanasia is what the family know what would be best and it is not an individual act, it is with the help of someone else. People who commit suicide usually can be helped beforehand because it is usually a call for help.
But yes it is true that someone who is terminally ill can be healed, it has happened previously from the help of special care and hospices and euthanasia does not even have to be considered. But there are also people who are being helped with life support etc who are not making any recovery and just staying the same or getting even worse, as their body continues to deteriorate.
But people believe that no one has the right to play God, just what Christian’s believe.
Euthanasia and abortion are both seen as murder. One of the Ten Commandments states ‘Thou shall not kill’. Although abortion has been legalised there are still lots of issues on the subject. People still oppose it and others still approve of it. This will always happen. Maybe one day euthanasia will be legal but many issues would follow it. There will be a lot of debate on the subject, but it will linger and carry on.
2. “God gives life and only God can take it away”
I have two different opinions about this. Yes, God made all life and he designed it to live and die naturally. Christian’s believe this and live by it. But if we have the chance in dying, why did God create this. Is this just an Adam and Eve story that we should not give into temptation? It was just there to test our faith? Maybe.
Some people believe that abortion is fair, it’s not murder, as there wasn’t really anything to murder. Others would say that was not true and that it was a human in the stages of developing. It was human from the moment of conception. It all depends on someone’s belief and religion. So to some this is playing God and competing against the creator, the one who’s will was to make God’s children.
There are people who approve of abortion and who don’t. There are many pro-life groups in the U.K recently, two of which are called Life and SPUC. They both do not approve of abortion but they don’t look down on women who feel like they want one. They help them out with counselling and if they really need to, they can get them a place to stay, whether they decide to keep the child or not. It is a very difficult time for women, especially young girls who are not sure if they would keep the child or not because of the consequences on their life. It is comforting to hear that there is someone to help them to get through this situation as it is having a huge effect on their lives. But they still do not agree with abortion as it is killing a human being. Many societies and religions believe that the foetus should have as many rights as the mother does. When a husband goes to court to prevent his wife having an abortion, it doesn’t work. It never has. Even though the foetus is just as much the father’s child as it is the mothers. Because it is in her and growing in her, she can decide what she would want to have done with the baby, as it is a part of their body at that time.
There isn’t a religion that supports euthanasia or abortion. But depending on the religion, they believe that in certain cases, an abortion can be used but it is still not an act of God. For many doctors who perform abortions, they would feel very uncomfortable performing the abortion when the foetus has grown as it becomes far more human and it is like murdering a little child. A foetus is often treated as if it was disease and should get rid or, but they are dealing human life. Some also believe that because a foetus has a heart, has a brain and eyes, the foetus would feel pain like any human would. But if the foetus has no chance of life when being born, it would be fine to have an abortion because it would not be fair on the child because it would have something but be taken away straight away. The same for a disabled child because they would feel depressed and would hate life. “Thou shall no murder” One of the Ten Commandments. Christian’s hear this and they know they causing a sin if this happened. They believe God created everything and when he wants to take it away, he can and he will. Whenever he wants, and that’s how life is just meant to be.
Dealing with euthanasia is the same, it isn’t fair on those who’s life is so full of pain and depression that there is no hope. But nobody is perfect, God made that happen. If he wanted some to be able to be killed, he would of mentioned it through maybe someone or a Ten Commandment. But he didn’t. He wants to let his people live and when their life has ended, that is when they are set free, and are happy.
Every Christian believes that they must respect life and not give away something so powerful that God had created for his earth. It is the sanctity of life.