Abortion and Euthanasia

“Do you know that you are God’s temple and that God’s spirit dwells in you? If anyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy him.” (Corinthians 3:16-17)

This quotation fully outlines the importance of life. It shows that all life is sacred and only God himself has the right to take it away. The significance of this quotation is that if anyone destroys a life, God will destroy him. Through abortion and euthanasia man destroys a life, indicating abortion and euthanasia are wrong.

I am now going to discuss both issues of abortion and euthanasia. Both abortion and euthanasia have sparked much heated debate. I am now going to go on and study the arguments that both agree and disagree with abortion and euthanasia.

Abortion is the direct and intentional killing of an unborn child. It is the deliberate termination of pregnancy. An abortion is the premature expulsion from the body of an embryo or foetus. The belief of Roman Catholic is that abortion is the murder of an innocent child, “from the first moment of his existence, a human life must be recognised as having a rights of a person (Catechism 2270-2273). Roman Catholics believe in the statement “God gave life, only he can take it”, this means that God graciously gave life to that person who has a duty to play an important part in society and that no one, with the exception of God has the right to destroy that persons life. One of the Ten Commandments state “Do not kill”, Catholics see abortion as deliberately defying one of God’s Commandments, so in the eyes of some Christians it is obviously wrong.. Catholics believe that God set these rules as guidance in our lives, which should not be ignored or defied in any way. Medical science shows that babies in the womb can hear sound and respond to different voices and types of music – yet people still claim it is just a bunch of cells. Many Catholics also believe that life begins at conception. They believe the child in the womb is truly alive and from the moment of conception God has given this special child a life, which begins, in the womb. “Before I formed you in the womb I knew before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations” (Jeremiah 1:5). This quotation clearly shows that we are invaluable to God, even before we are born. God has mapped out are lives even before conception. God has chosen a path for each and every one of us to go down in our lives. God has obviously seen the importance of mapping out children’s life that he does no intend them to be killed before their birth. This quotation fully backs up the beliefs of Catholics. They believe life is so valuable and believe God has decided when to introduce us into the world and only God will decide when the time has come to be united with him in heaven.

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Christians consider that even the unborn child in the womb was considered an “infant already born”.

However, there are other denominations which believe that abortion is acceptable under certain circumstances i.e. protestant churches accept abortion under certain circumstances e.g. rape or incest, the woman cant be expected to bring up a child of a rapist. Has she not suffered enough trauma? Is it fair on a child to know that its father is a rapist?. “There are many Christians who would accept rape on compassionate grounds” (page 124 The Roman Catholic Tradition, J Cleave). The protestant church fully ...

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