Zameena Jaffer, 10B

The Impact of Science on Gene Therapy

Science is the modern world's most essential asset. Most of our lives today revolve around science and technology, and without either, we would not be able to function in today's world. For instance, science has transformed old-age farming methods into high-tech genetically modifying methods that are greatly assisting today's farmers. Science has also made reproduction for women suffering from infertility and birth complications possible by providing aid in the form of 'test tube babies' and surrogacy. Another major step that science has taken comes in the form of Gene Therapy. 'Replacement' and 'modification' are the most commonly used terms associated with Gene Therapy. Defective genes are either replaced, added to, or modified using DNA injections, or genetic engineering  techniques to correct segments of DNA and genetic material so that it may act as a cure for patients that have defective genes or inherited defects.  Gene Therapy allows scientists to medically replace defective genes, or medically add to normal genes to living cells in the hopes of correcting or remedying a genetic defect. Gene therapy allows doctors, with the help of scientists, to cure genetically caused conditions by the insertion of corrective genes (Clay Farris). There are plenty of advantages that come from the use of gene therapy which will prove to be extremely useful in the future, especially because the diagnosis of new life-threatening diseases is increasing rapidly. However, gene therapy does not only provide advantages. Like most scientific methods, gene therapy can also reject our bodies when inserted, causing harm and even death. Gene therapy can also cause environmental hazards, human health risks and even economic concerns.

The process by which genes are 'used as medicine' is entirely based on science. This process involves the transfer of working or therapeutic genes into specified cells of an individual in order to attempt to repair  a faulty gene that is usually a result of a genetic defect (Centre for Genetics Education). There are two traditional methods in which doctors, with the help of scientists, perform gene therapy. The methods that the doctors used are generalized into two gene therapy techniques known as  'ex vivo' and 'in vivo' gene therapy techniques.


The ex vivo gene therapy technique consists of those methods  that require the cells from the affected tissue area in the patient’s body to be surgically removed. The doctors then inject or splice (merge) the new DNA that will correct the disease into the affected cells and allow the cells to divide. Once the divisions have occurred, the new and improved tissues are inserted back into the affected area in the patient’s body. In order to carry out these type of techniques, the doctors only require to culture the patient’s bone marrow. This is due to the fact that the bone marrow produces the blood that will travel, eventually, throughout the body – thus eventually reaching the affected area as well. Although the ex vivo technique is simpler, it is also more painful than the in vivo technique and usually requires the patient to undergo surgery twice. The reason behind the dual surgery is that the first surgery is conducted in order to extract the marrow and the second is conducted in order to replace the marrow back to it’s original position. The culturing of the DNA may also take many hours to complete ().


On the other hand, the in vivo gene therapy technique consists of those methods

that do not require anaesthesia or even surgery. This technique includes the therapeutic DNA being injected directly into the body cells of the patient. This is done vie one of two types of viruses. The most commonly used and the simplest virus used for this technique is a known as a retrovirus. The characteristics of the retrovirus greatly affect its success rate. The perfect retrovirus was created by a doctor named Richard Mulligan of MIT. He synthetically created a retrovirus that existed solely to deliver therapeutic DNA during gene therapy and had no reproduction sequence. The retrovirus contained only the new DNA that had been spliced into it and did not contain any viral DNA that could possibly make the patient sick. The remarkable thing about this technique is that the retrovirus dies after injecting the diseased and affected cell with the new therapeutic DNA. Retroviruses are a safe and effective vector to use for gene therapy as it provides long-lasting effects. This is the more complicated of the two techniques, but also the more effective technique. Although this retrovirus seems to only provide advantages, it does have some limitations. The new DNA injected into the patient’s body can only help the new daughter cells that the body creates, and not the daughter cells that already exist within the body. ().

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Another type of virus is known as the adenovirus and it too is used for the in vivo technique and it is equivalent to the common cold virus. However, the adenovirus does have some side effects. Patients who chose to use the adenovirus as a vector for their gene therapy will suffer from a runny nose and a temporary sore throat. Although the adenovirus works in similar ways to the retrovirus - it too dies after being injecting its spliced therapeutic DNA, it has a hand over the retrovirus because its effects are much more immediate. Also, scientists and ...

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