Book Review: Working With Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman

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Book Review:

Working With Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman

When I was in school, my mates always enjoy sticking with those endless IQ quiz and tirelessly comparing results with each other, to see who the smartest one is. However, Daniel Goleman did not think it works.

What is this all about?

On this cutting edge book of Emotional Intelligence, Goleman intensively promoted his idea that the real determinant factor of human intelligence is something other than IQ, something refers to our 'capacity for recognizing our own feelings and those of others, for motivating ourselves, and for managing emotions well in ourselves and in our relationships'1, something that has been defined as Emotional Intelligence.

He believed that it success has nothing to do with things like how high IQ we have, how hard we were working and how much work experiences we held. Rather, it is based on how well we are aware of our emotions and being able control them; it is based on how much we can understand other's emotions and accordingly adjust ourselves appropriately with well developed social skills.

On the commercial field, Daniel Goldman believes that the radically changing business environment created serious problems on organisations' survival. The business hard time left employees heavier works and responsibilities. Therefore, a more mature and stable human relationship is required for the organisation, emotional intelligence then became vital.

The author went on to discuss the applications of emotional competence at work in detail. He gave out twelve job capabilities laying on the personal emotional competences of self-awareness, self-regulation and motivation, and another thirteen human relation skills founded on social competences such as empathy and social coordination. Moreover, after presenting an in depth explanation of these competences with vivid and latest case studies, Goleman gave out another 15-step guideline for organisations to improve their staffs' emotional intelligence.
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At the end of the book, Goleman further developed his EI-Work theory to the organisation level, showing how firms should adjust their organisation culture, values, norms and policies with emotional intelligence to win on the cruel battle field of today's business world.

What can we learn?

As the author of New York Times bestseller, Daniel Goleman did gave managers some inspirations in his second book on EI.

Firstly of all, he drew a clear picture showing why today's organisations should focus on emotional intelligence. By looking into the human relation problem caused by the sound ...

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