Estar vs. Ser. Estar describes a nouns current state of being and its temporary and changeable qualities. This verb focuses on the present and how the subject feels and/or appears today. Also, it is used with location and mental/physical states. Ser de

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Areli Flores

Emily Gallegos

Exaber Gabriel

Part 1: Reporting What Happened

Hypothesis 1: Estar describes a noun’s current state of being and its temporary and changeable qualities. This verb focuses on the present and how the subject feels and/or appears today. Also, it is used with location and mental/physical states. Ser describes the essence of a sentence’s subjects and the subjects inherent traits or permanent qualities.

An example that we found that can be used to support this hypothesis is the situation we examined during fieldwork that had to do with location and origin. If I were currently in California, you would say: Yo estoy en California. Estar is used in this case because it describes a noun’s current state of being. If I were to say that I am from California, you would say: Yo soy de California. In this case, ser is used to describe the permanent traits of the sentence’s subject.

An example that we found that can be used against this hypothesis is the situation that had to do with soft and hard bread. While conducting fieldwork we found that if a person were to describe the loaf of bread they bought last week, a reasonable statement in this context would be the bread was soft, but now it’s hard. In Spanish, this translates to El pan fue (ser) suave, pero ahora está duro. This example seems backwards to our group because ser is used with more permanent characteristics and being soft, in the context of bread, isn’t remotely permanent. Anybody with knowledge of bread knows it goes stale eventually. Also, the use of estar in this scenario is different from the hypothesis because the hypothesis states that estar is used with temporary qualities. This seems unreasonable because how does hard bread change. We couldn’t imagine a state the bread could change to. Based on this example, the group’s proposed hypothesis doesn’t match what we learned in the fieldwork.

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Hypothesis 2: Ser is used when “x” is true in all contexts. Estar is used “elsewhere” (or in all other contexts).

        Our group thinks this hypothesis is very vague and difficult to understand. We came to a conclusion that this hypothesis is not a strong hypothesis because it is very hard to test and in class we learned that a well-written hypothesis is one that is very testable. We still tried to test this hypothesis with certain situations that we examined during fieldwork.

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