Were there any significant ideological differences between Nazism and Fascism during the inter-war period?

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  • Were there any significant ideological differences between Nazism and Fascism during the inter-war period?

Behind the official image of the new regimes in Italy and Germany was to be found the decomposition of nineteenth century liberalism. The ‘new orders’ established a different set of values and purposes as a reaction to western individualism and the laissez-faire society that was seen as decadent. The entry of the masses into politics and the intellectual revolution in social thought where 2 important developments at the turn of the century.

In contrast to Britain and France, Italy had achieved national unification in the 1860’s. Strong regionalism and weak inefficient governments presiding over an agricultural economy created social tensions. These were greatly heightened in 1896 when Italy was defeated in Ethiopia whilst trying to expand its fledgling empire.  

In Italy, in 1919 Mussolini’s Fascist movement emerged onto the political scene. A revolutionary radicalism of the right, action orientated, ultranationalism, anti-Marxism, anti-liberalism, anti-democracy, anti-pacifism. Later that year a similar movement but far more racist and violent, Adolf Hitler’s National Socialism, emerged in Germany.

Ideologically the state, not the individual, counted.

Politically, dictatorship from above, not consent from below was imposed.

Institutionally, repression of the rights of the citizen, not respect for them, was practiced.

Both Benito MUSSOLINI and Adolf HITLER boasted that they would provide strength were weakness had prevailed.

The sacrifice of civil liberties for the communal promises of the dictators was made without a whimper by large segments of the new masses and old middle classes.

The Enlightenment ideal of the self-sufficient man, capable of determining his own destiny seemed fraudulent, giving oppressive personal responsibility at variance with the contemporary social and economic conditions. Liberty was seen to result in meaningless struggle and not self-improvement. The individual was a small piece within a social order made up of the masses, incapable of understanding or controlling the world in which he lived. The obvious answer was to reject individual responsibility in favour of ‘leaders’ willing to assume political authority.

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Both Mussloni and Hitler made opposition to communism a major element of their ideologies. Fascism and Nazism gained popularity as defenders against the Communist menace with the successful advent of communism in Russia that threatened to take away private property.

In the 1920’s Mussolini provided a compromise between uncontrolled capitalism and the uncontrollable materialism of communism. Fascist Italy provided the necessary amount of order and state control without severe interference with the old economic system. Sociologically, fascism meant a blurring of what had been rigid class distinctions and a lessening of monarchial power. Culturally fascism celebrated the artist, ...

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