How Does Technology Affect Family Life.

How Does Technology Affect Family Life. Technology has affected every part of family life. We are spending more time in doors than we are outside. The time spent on the computer, watching TV etc.. is about 8 hours a day. This time is usually spent alone and not with the rest of the family. With all the technology we have nowadays we don't need to get out of the house anymore, you can do everything from the comfort of your home. Almost everything revolves around technology now. What do most people do when they come back from school? They usually go watch TV, go on the computer or something else like that. People take all of this for granted, what would they do if there was a power cut and they couldn't watch TV or go on the computer? Most people would just laze about doing nothing until the power came back on. Not many would pick up a book or do any of the things they would have done when none of these things were round. Technology has cut into the time you spend with your family not the other way round. We spend less and less time with our family or outside and more indoors. Nowadays most people eat in front of the TV instead of eating together at the table. They would rather spend time watching TV than spending time with their family. It has made very anti social, in the mornings how many people say good morning ? Most people just grunt or mumble something, they say that

  • Word count: 323
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Media Studies
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My brief for my A2 coursework was to produce a film trailer that advertises a horror film. My trailer was meant to be at least two minutes long and was aimed at an 18 certificate audience. The

Critical Evaluation My brief for my A2 coursework was to produce a film trailer that advertises a horror film. My trailer was meant to be at least two minutes long and was aimed at an 18 certificate audience. The coursework that I have chosen this year is a very different medium from the coursework that I completed last year. Last year I chose print for my coursework, so u have done a filming project. Other than the major difference that my AS coursework was print and my A2 coursework is film; my AS coursework meant that I had to market a whole product (in my case a magazine), this year I am producing an advert (a film trailer) that if shown in the cinema or on television its intention would be to encourage a large audience to go and see the film. I think that in the marketing world it is much harder to produce a successful film trailer; as no one pays to see them, so the producers receive no money from the showing of the film trailer, so unless the trailer successfully does its job in persuading large audiences to go and see the film that is being promoted, the film companies do not get any revenue. After studying a variety of horror trailers, it was noticeable that they all strongly followed the typical conventions of horror trailers for example: speech from the film, the eerie music, a fast action and non-linear sequence; the trailers very rarely deviated from the

  • Word count: 300
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Media Studies
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Un Film - Little Nicky

Un Film - Little Nicky La semaine dernière, chez moi, j'ai regardé un très bon film dont le titre est Little Nicky. C'est un film d'action, un film d'amour et surtout un film comique. C'est un film qui me fait pleurer parce que c'est très marrant. C'est un film d'aventures qui a lieu en trois emplacements principaux : un pays inconnu, l'enfer et au ciel. L'action se déroule à l'enfer et il s'agit d'un homme qui s'appelle Nicky - Adam Sandler joue ce rôle. Il est le fils du diable et son père doit choisit un héritier. Il ne choisit pas, et frustrés donc les frères de Nicky décident de partir. Ils gèlent les portes de l'enfer et le père de Nicky commence à briser en morceaux. Nicky doit aller à la terre pour trouver ses frères. Pendant son séjour sur la terre, Nicky meurt plusieurs fois, mais revient à l'enfer. Une fois cependant, il se sacrifie et monte au ciel où il rencontre sa mère qui est un ange. Le reste de l'intrigue est très drôle et Ozzy Osbourne fait son début. Nicky sauve la vie de son père et décide de vivre sur terre avec sa nouvelle épouse. Avant de regarder ce film, j'ai lu les revues et on a dit que c'était bien comme film. Je suis d'accord avec les revues et je pourrais regarder ce film beaucoup plus de temps. Si j'avais su que c'était drôle, je l'aurais regardé plus tôt, mais pas quand j'étais malade. Tom Makey

  • Word count: 276
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Media Studies
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Anchorman Review Magazine Style

Write two reviews for the film anchorman Tabloid Version Certificate Want some raw comical content in the classical frat pack style? Want to laugh harder than ever before? Want it now? If correct this film is made for you; set In the stylish, sleek, and sexual 70's, includes slap stick, up-front and cringe worthy comedy. Starring the classic frat pack member, Will Ferrell (old School) playing the role of the glamorous and popular San Diego anchorman, backed by his zany motley crew, who include faces like Steve Carrel (40 Year Old Virgin) and David Kochner (Talladega Nights). They rustle up a string of embarrassing yet amusing moments together, especially when testing and abusing the new female employee to her limits, and dealing with enemy news crews in the true western style. This wild, masculine and boundless barrel of laughs, were sure will go down a treat with a few brews with the lads. We like it; they like it and we know you'll like it and remember "if Ron Burgund y says's the truth". Rating: * * * * Would recommend it to: The

  • Word count: 186
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Media Studies
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