Religion in contemporary world politics.

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Chapter 9


Jeff Haynes

This chapter talks about the widespread interaction between religion and politics, which a is predominant feature of contemporary world politics. The author brings many example to illustrate how the impact of religion is taking place even in the states that have long undergone secular principles, and to show that religion is on the top of political agenda in nearly every country of the world.  In 1990s the civil war in Bosnia- Herzegovina among Croats, Serbs and Bosnians became a religious conflict. The conflict in Kosovo bet. Ethnic Albanians and Serbs could be defined as a conflict bet. Muslims and Christians. In Russia, the Orthodox Church became major social and political actor after the communism. An so on.

Religion and Globalization

It is widely accepted that globalization and the rebirth of religion in the world politics are strongly connected. Held states that although global interconnections have existed for centuries their impact in the past has been comparatively minor.

Undoubtedly, religion did have political consequences in the past: Christianity and Islam grew to become world religions though conquest, colonization and the expansion of the global trade. But the rise of European empires put end to Islam as a cultural force and European influence became widespread across the globe.

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Fascism and communism did not survive either. It is believed that the fall of Soviet Union was due, in part, to globalization, which facilitated available methods of communication such as telegraph, telephone and Internet. Communication gave rise to the development of transnational in conjunction with national religious communities.

Rudolph and Piscatori state that “ links bet. Religious and political actors both in and bet countries have multiplied due to the ease of communication.

Religion in contemporary world politics.

Religion as aspect of cultural behavior is one of the issues on agenda for international relations. Acc to ...

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