Discuss the role of feedback in the learning of skills

In this assignment I am going to show how different styles of feedback and how they can benefit the leaning of skills for a team, individual and racquet sports.  There are many different types of feedback, which can help an individual learn skills.  Feedback is defined as

‘a reaction or response to a particular process or activity’ (, accessed 16th march 2007)

This means that when a skill is learnt, a response is made to the performed skill. It is said that learning can’t occur without feedback as otherwise we are not told what is right and wrong and feedback helps us to learn from our mistakes. Feedback is also linked to the information-processing model. There are two models for information processing Whiting’s model and Welford’s model. Within each of these models there are 3 stages of processing which I shall show in the table below.  

Citied from Honeybourne, Hill and Moors (2004)

The following explanation puts feedback in context and demonstrates its relevance to learning, and also explains it in the context of the information processing model.

Above is a diagram of the information processing model. The model shows four stages of input, the decision-making, the output and then finally the feedback. Feedback is linked to all of the stages and without it the model would not exist. It helps out at all stages with input selecting information and using previous feedback from surroundings to select what to do, decision making uses the past feedback from knowledge of performance and results as well as intrinsic motivation to help decide what to do and then finally this will have an effect on the output. An example of the model for badminton is shown below:

Welford’s model is very similar in what goes on but more complex in terms of feedback, with more stages (shown in the picture below). It starts off similar with input by sensory organs such as the eyes, ears, skin or proprioception, and sends it to the brain. Next information collected is perceived in the brain. Then memory is used to make a decision based on what has been done before by looking at past feedback from the last output and seeing if it was successful. This leads to actual decision making as the information has been interpreted a motor programme will be made for the movement. Decisions made are now put into action and impulses are sent to the nervous system which initiates the muscles to move through a motor output.  Feedback is then used either intrinsically or extrinsically to help for the next movement to be made.  Again feedback is useful at all these stages as it helps us to affect what we will do. The model above also shows how feedback links into the sensory input such as the crowd cheering, also how intrinsic feedback affects our sensory organs as a bad shot could leave your body sore and will affect how you do things. Furthermore, feedback will affect the response mechanism as the decisions made affect’s what motor programme to use.  

Feedback can be used in many ways by a coach and it is important for them to use to aid the performer in many ways. As well as feedback they can use guidance, the three types are:

Citied from Honeybourne, Hill and Moors (2004)

Feedback from a coach is essential to many factors such as improving performance, progression through the learning phases (explained in appendix 1) avoidance of incorrect technique and more importantly motivation. Below is a table showing how a coach’s feedback would affect these.  

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As you can see form the table above all of these factors are affected by one another and how the coach uses feedback. So if a coach was to motivate his athlete then more likely this will encourage the player to improve and will make them better at their skill and they will have no faults in technique. This will also help them to develop through the learning phases, so it almost a full circle of each helping the other to progress.

I have just used some of the types of feedback and now I will define of all them ...

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