To determine the water potential of a potato tuber cell using varying salt solution.

Aim To determine the water potential of a potato tuber cell using varying salt solution. Introduction Osmosis is the diffusion of water molecules from a region where it has higher water potential to a region where it has lower water potential through a partially permeable membrane1. As osmosis is a type of diffusion the same things that affect diffusion have an effect on osmosis some of theses things are: * The concentration gradient - the more the difference in molecules on one side of the membrane compared to the other, the greater the number of molecules passing through the membrane and therefore the faster the rate of diffusion2. * The surface area - the larger the area the quicker the rate of diffusion * The size of the diffusing particles - the smaller the particle the quicker the rate and polar molecules diffuse faster than non-polar ones3. * The temperature - the higher the temperature the more kinetic energy the particles have and so the faster they move. From the diagram4 we can see the process of osmosis in a simple expression. On the right side there is pure water, which has the maximum water potential of 0. Water potential is the pressure created by water. As you can see from the diagram the pure water is pushing its way through the semi permeable membrane at a high pressure. This is its water potential. Water potential is measured in kilopascals (kPa)

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  • Word count: 5471
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Science
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To what extent will does correlation and extrapolation assist Nintendo in forecasting sales?

To what extent will does correlation and extrapolation assist Nintendo in forecasting sales? (34 marks) Correlation is the relationship between two variables. Extrapolation is related to correlation, as it involves plotting a linear regression curve (also known as a line of best fit) which is based upon how two variables are correlated, and extending the line to predict future values. For Nintendo, a computer game and console manufacturing company, a common example would be the relationship between the level of advertising expenditure and the effect of this on sales of its products. The graph to the left shows a strong positive correlation between sales and advertising, meaning if Nintendo increases its advertising, they can expect to see an increase in sales. Because all values are close to the line, as advertising expenditure increases on the x-axis, sales on the y-axis increase proportionately. The regression line can be extended past the '80' figure (meaning £80million) to predict what sales will be like if they spend £100million or even £900million. The uses of such analysis to Nintendo are to an extent very valuable. By creating a scatter graph like the one above, Nintendo can spot trends and forecast future events. For example, they could estimate demand at a certain point in the coming year. One would expect demand to surge at Christmas time when people are

  • Ranking:
  • Word count: 955
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Business Studies
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Investigating how language has changed in children's literature; in relation to interaction between children and characters of authority in a boarding school setting.

Contents Contents Page Number Introduction 3 Hypothesis 3 Methodology 3 Initial description of 'The Doctor' 4 Initial description of 'Miss Loy' 4 Initial description of 'Miss Potts' 4 Initial description of 'Albus Dumbledore' 4 Discourse 5 Grammar 5 Semantics 7 Phonology 8 Graphology 9 Speech extract from Tom Brown's School Days 0 Speech extract from School Girl Chums 1 Speech extract from Malory Towers 1 Speech extract from Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone 2 Comparison between extracts involving exchanges between lead characters, and characters of authority 2 Conclusion 5 References 6 List of Tables Table Number Name of Table Page Number Books chosen for comparison 3 2 Acknowledged frameworks 3 List of Figures Figure Number Name of Figure Page Number Comparison of sentence type in initial description of character 5 2 Number of adjectives in the initial description of character 7 3 Word count demonstrating conversation dominance 3 4 Number of adjectives in the speech exchange 4 Introduction Stories of children at boarding schools have always been a popular genre choice amongst both young and young adult readers. They emulate scenarios that children can identify with, more specifically the relationships between the students and their teachers/head teachers. As a result the language used

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  • Word count: 7106
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: English
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Biology CourseworkTo determine if the distribution of flora across Ellerbeck is due to chance. The valley containing Eller beck possesses a huge variety of different species of plant life, particular species are often found in specific places

Biology Coursework To determine if the distribution of flora across Ellerbeck is due to chance. The valley containing Eller beck possesses a huge variety of different species of plant life, particular species are often found in specific places across the valley, to find out why these particular plants grow in the particular places I mean to investigate where different species of plants are located and what the conditions in those particular places are, investigating the effects of several factors on the distribution of these different species across a specific area of the valley. I believe that the varied distribution of the different species investigated is directly related to, and can be explained by the differences in the factors I will be measuring, that certain plants will grow in certain places in the area because they are more suitably adapted, in whatever way to the conditions in that specific place. This is a rough diagram of Ellerbeck. I plan to perform my investigation using two information gathering techniques, after first establishing a straight line across the valley by taking a bearing using a compass from one point at the top of the South side of the valley and following that bearing down the valley, across the beck and up the other side whilst performing both a line transect and an interrupted belt transect. I also plan to perform an interrupted belt

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  • Word count: 2444
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Science
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Explain how twin and adoption studies attempt to distinguish genetic and environmental factors underlying the onset of schizophrenia within families. Review the studies and discuss two limitations of this.

Psychology Essay Explain how twin and adoption studies attempt to distinguish genetic and environmental factors underlying the onset of schizophrenia within families. Review the studies and discuss two limitations of this. Schizophrenia is the label applied to a group of disorders characterised by severe personality disorganisation, distortion of reality, and an inability to function in daily life. Symptoms are mainly disturbances of thought processes, but also extend to disturbances of emotion and behaviour. There are two symptom categories - acute schizophrenia characterised by positive symptoms, such as hallucinations and delusions; and chronic schizophrenia, characterised by negative symptoms such as apathy and withdrawal. However, DSM-IV has now moved away from these definitions and classified schizophrenia into three main sub-types: paranoid, disorganised and catatonic. Understanding Schizophrenia More research has, probably, been devoted to trying to understand the nature of schizophrenia than any other mental disorder. Somatogenic approaches have focused on the role of genetic mechanisms influencing the propensity to develop schizophrenia, while psychogenic approaches emphasise the effect of adverse childhood experiences, particularly abnormalities in family interaction in the aetiology of the disorder. Twin studies Twin studies offer a

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  • Word count: 1708
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: Science
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Catholic discrimination in Northern Ireland in terms of Housing and Employment

There has been a long history of violence, prejudice, and discrimination between Catholics and Protestants in Northern Ireland, particularly highlighted throughout the 1960s, when Catholics were discriminated against by the Protestant Stormont Government in both employment and housing. Hence, in order to understand in what ways and how much it occurred, both these areas must be investigated. Firstly, one must look at how the Catholics were discriminated against in terms of employment, and to what extent this occurred. In the public sector, Catholics suffered great difficulties being employed, as there appears to have been some bias towards employing Protestants, especially in senior levels of the civil service. For example, in a report by the Cameron Commission in 1969, it is stated, "[As of October 1968] In County Fermanagh, no senior council posts, (and relatively few others) were held by Catholics" and according to the Sunday Times, in the same county, in 1961 "322 of the [370] posts, including the top ones, were filled with Protestants. This shows how during the 1960s, the Catholics in Fermanagh did not have many jobs at a high level in the public sector. This is particularly interesting because the majority of people in Fermanagh were Catholics, hence highlighting the extent of their discrimination. The Sunday Times also wrote that in Derry "of 177 salaried employees,

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  • Word count: 1152
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: History
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How the structure of cells is related to their function.

How the structure of cells is related to their function. All living things are made up of cells, whether its plants, humans or even bacteria. There are two different types of cells one is the prokaryotic and the other is the eukaryotic. The name cell was used by an English man who in 1665 use the first microscope and reported seeing what he described looked like the sleeping chambers in the monasteries that were called cells, in a piece of cork.1 The first of the two types is the Prokaryotic cell, the pro meaning before the nucleus as this cell has no true nucleus.2 Prokaryotic cells are surrounded by a cell wall and a cells membrane, and in some ways this makes them similar to a plant cell which is eukaryotic, but they have no nucleus or organelles inside, but they do have flagella's and cilia on the outside. The flagellum is a long whip like tail attached to the end of the prokaryotic cell which helps with its movement. The cilia are small spiked hairs that help to transport fluid in and out of the cell and for protection against harmful substances. They are also found in abundance in the eukaryotic cells in the human trachea where they collect dirt, they either by moving it down into the stomach or push it back up into to the mouth to spit it out.3 One of the most common prokaryotic cells would be bacteria, they are the smallest cellular organism, and each human being

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  • Word count: 1693
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Science
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A Foreboding Night. Ian sat on the curb, his hands buried deep inside the pocket of his jeans.

A Foreboding Night Ian sat on the curb, his hands buried deep inside the pocket of his jeans. Puddles of rain filled the gaps between the uneven concrete, reflecting the eerie glow of the streetlamps. The oppressive night air never failed to release its grasp on him. The hairs on his arm tingled as the chilling wind breathed into his face, whispering unnerving secrets into his ear. He glanced at his wristwatch. At last, with its headlights flashing, a taxi broke through the end of the street. Ian sprang up and waved frantically at the car. The tires screeched as it skidded to a halt. Ian opened the door and felt a rush of relief as he plopped himself onto the worn-out leather seat. A faint yellow glow emanated from the lights on the peeling ceiling. The taxi driver peered at him through the rearview mirror. His eyes were bloodshot, devoid of all emotions. "Where to?" he rasped. Ian glanced around uneasily. "Where do you want to go?" the driver repeated. The harshness of his tone struck Ian into silence. His throat felt tight as he struggled to think of a place. Sweat began to trickle down his neck. Something wasn't right. Trees, bushes, and streetlamps whirred by as the car sped along the streets, its headlights piercing through the wilderness of night like the eyes of a wolf. Spilling out its light onto the ribbon of slick concrete, the crescent moon followed the car and

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  • Word count: 656
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: English
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Relating the structure and function of cell organelles

Relate the structure and function of cell organelles Cells are like cities with intricate organelles 'living and working' in it. There are basically two kinds of cells, namely Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic. Both plant cells and animal cells are eukaryotic while prokaryotic cells are simplier organisms that possess non-membrane bounded organelles. In most cells they contains the following organelles which carry out unique functions and allow cells to work properly. To start off with, nucleus is a large roundish organelle enclosed by a double membrane with numerous openings, namely nuclear pores, for nuclear traffic. It contains chromosomes and one or more nucleoli. Nucleolus is a spherical site where ribosomes are formed. Chromosomes contain DNA which tends to be packed in form of chromatin. Only during interphrase (a stage before a cell divides in a cell division process), chromosomes will be unravelled for easier replication. Tiny, hollow cylinders of protein called centrioles form a network of spindle fibres in the nucleus during nuclear division to pull chromosomes apart. The inner membrane of nucleus will break down and allow chromosomes lying freely in cytoplasm. DNA contains the genetic information and control the synthesis of protein. Each cell contains millions of ribosomes. They are very tiny, non-membrane bounded organelles made of protein and RNA which consist of

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  • Word count: 968
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: Science
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Outline and evaluate research into obedience (12)

Outline and evaluate research into obedience (12) In Milgram's original obedience to authority study, his aims were to set up a situation in which single individuals were ordered to act against a stranger in an inhumane way and to see at what point they would refuse to obey the order. Milgram advertised for male volunteers by placing an advert in a local paper, which offered $4.50 as payment for taking part in a study of 'punishment and learning'. 40 respondents from a range of backgrounds were selected and were told to attend the laboratory in Yale University. They were greeted by the experimenter, and were introduced to a 'supposedly' participant, Mr Wallace, but actually he was a confederate. They were both experienced to a role-assignment but it was rigged so that the real participant was the teacher. The experimenter explained to the teacher that it was his job to teach the learner a series of word pairs and then test their recall. If an error was made in the answer, an electric shock was made, starting from 15V working upwards each time. As the shocks became higher, the learner screamed and became more dramatic, and complained of a weak heart at around 180V. The participants showed signs of extreme tension, even showing nervous laughing fits, but they were still told to 'please go on' even though they didn't want to continue. Along side that, when the teacher refused

  • Ranking:
  • Word count: 891
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: Psychology
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