Nazism and the New Age.

By Will Boulala Aged 16 Nazism "Creation is not finished. Man is clearly approaching a phase of metamorphosis. The earlier human species has already reached the stage of dying out.... All of the force of creation will be concentrated in a new species... [which] will surpass infinitely modern man.... Do you understand now the profound meaning of our National Socialist movement?" (Adolf Hitler, quoted by Hermann Rauschning, _Hitler ma'a dit [Hitler Speaks]_ p.147, translated in _The Occult and the Third Reich_, Jean & Michel Angebert, p.178.) "You'll think I'm crazy, but listen to me: Hitler will bring us to a catastrophe. But his ideas, once they have been transformed, will acquire a new strength." (Joseph Goebbels to his aide-de-camp, Prince Schaumburg-Lippe, quoted in Angeberts, p.234) Nazism and the New Age While most Jews are sure that Hitler represented the Christian community, his associates knew better. In this section we see not only that Hitler rejected Christianity, but that there is also ample research showing that Hitler founded far more than a political regime - the Third Reich was an occult-based religious movement to usher in the same New Age examined in this series. [For documentation besides the Angeberts, see also D. Sklar, _The Nazis and the Occult_; Joseph Carr, _The Twisted Cross_; Robert G.L. Waite, _The Psychopathic God - Adolf Hitler_; Gerald

  • Word count: 13325
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: History
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Running Head: THE IMPACT OF RELIGIOUS CULTURE ON INTERNATIONAL TRADE The Impact Of Religious Culture On International Trade [Name of the writer] [Name of the institution] Chapter 2 Literature review ?ntr?duct??n Th? ?mp?ct ?f r?l?g??n ?n th? d?v?l?pm?nt ?f hum?n?ty h?s l?ng b??n ?f ?nt?r?st t? s?c??l sc??nt?sts. But wh?l? r?s??rch?rs h?v? ?ggr?ss?v?ly ?x?m?n?d th? c?rr?l?t??ns b?tw??n r?l?g??us ?r??nt?t??n ?nd ?lm?st ?v?ry ?sp?ct ?f m?nt?l h??lth, hum?n psych?l?gy, d?v??nt b?h?v??rs, ?nd s?c??l?g?c?l ?p?n??ns, d?sc?rn?ng th? fund?m?nt?l r?l?t??nsh?p ?m?ng r?l?g??us ?r??nt?t??n, ?ntr?pr?n?ur??l b?h?v??r, ?nd ?c?n?m?c d?v?l?pm?nt h?s pr?v?n much m?r? ?lus?v?. Th?s ?s p?rtly du? t? th? l?ck ?f surv?y-b?s?d ?mp?r?c?l r?s??rch ?n th? f??ld ?nd p?rtly du? t? th? c?mpl?x?ty ?f th? ?qu?t??n th?t t??s r?l?g??n ?r??nt?t??n t? ?ntr?pr?n?ur??l ?ct?v?ty ?nd ?c?n?m?c ?ch??v?m?nt. ?n? l?n? ?f th?ught sugg?sts th?t s?c??-?c?n?m?c ?nd r?l?g??n-r?l?t?d r?s??rch sh?uld m?r? cl?s?ly ?x?m?n? th? p?rc?pt??ns, ?tt?tud?s, ?nd b?l??fs ?b?ut h?w m?rk?ts ?nd ?c?n?m?c ?nst?tut??ns funct??n w?th?n ?n ?ntr?pr?n?ur??l c?nt?xt, ?nd wh?th?r th?s? p?rc?pt??ns, ?tt?tud?s, ?nd b?l??fs th?n ?nflu?nc? v?r??us typ?s ?f ?c?n?m?c b?h?v??r. Th?s study f?lls squ?r?ly w?th?n th?s p?rsp?ct?v?, ?nd ?ff?rs ? pr?l?m?n?ry ?nv?st?g?t??n ?f b?th th? th??r?t?c?l ?nd ?mp?r?c?l r?l?t??nsh?ps b?tw??n p?rc?pt??ns ?f m?rk?t

  • Word count: 13814
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Business and Administrative studies
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Inhoudsopgave - Communisme & Kapitalisme

INHOUDSOPGAVE Inleiding Hoofdstuk 1: Communisme & Kapitalisme .1 Het kapitalisme .2 Het communisme Hoofdstuk 2: Lenin en zijn ideologie 2.1 Lenins leven 2.2 Lenins ideologie 2.3 Lenins ideologie in de praktijk 2.4 Afweging: In hoeverre heeft Lenin zijn ideale staatsideologie kunnen doorvoeren? Hoofdstuk 3: Gorbatsjov en zijn ideologie 3.1 Gorbatsjovs leven 3.2 Gorbatsjovs ideologie 3.3 Gorbatsjovs ideologie in de praktijk 3.4 Afweging: In hoeverre heeft Gorbatsjov zijn ideale staatsideologie kunnen doorvoeren? Hoofdstuk 4: Lenin & Gorbatsjov Bronnenvermelding Bijlage 1: De staatsinrichting in de Sovjet-Unie 2 3 4 9 3 4 6 20 25 28 29 30 31 34 36 37 38 INLEIDING Wat u hier voor u heeft liggen is een werkstuk over Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov oftewel Lenin en over Michail Sergejevitsj Gorbatsjov. Wij hebben voor dit onderwerp gekozen omdat de evolutie van de Sovjet-Unie ons beiden erg interesseert. Aangezien wij niet zo standaard de "Russische Revolutie" wilden kiezen zijn wij op zoek gegaan naar een ander onderwerp dat ons interesseerde, en waar wij ook nog eens een mooi werkstuk bij konden maken. Met "De overeenkomsten en verschillen in de opvattingen en ideeën tussen Lenin en Gorbatsjov" hebben wij gekozen voor een origineel en boeiend onderwerp. Ook hebben wij een aanzienlijk deel van ons werkstuk besteedt aan het

  • Word count: 14237
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Modern Foreign Languages
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History research - Early Australian bushrangers. English writing -my region and favourite authors.

Early Australian bushrangers / ????????????? ??????????? ? ?????? ????? McFarlane & Erskine, Gold escort attacked by bushrangers, 187-, print: lithograph. Image courtesy of the National Library of Australia: nla.pic-an8420450. Bushranging - living off the land and being supported by or stealing from free settlers - was either chosen as a preferred way of life by escaped convicts or was a result of the lack of supplies in the early settlements. Australia's bushranging period spanned nearly 100 years, from the first convict bushrangers active from 1790 to the 1860s, through the outlawed bushrangers of the 1860s and 1870s who were able to be shot on sight, to the shooting of the Kelly Gang in 1880. While many bushrangers had populist reputations for being 'Robin Hood' figures; some bushrangers were brutal and others harassed the gold escorts and diggers returning from the goldfields. The popularity of bushrangers and their ethos of 'fight before surrender' was commemorated in bush songs and folklore. Escaped convicts Bushranging began soon after the British colonisation of Australia. The bush surrounding the settlement was unexplored, but this did not deter the desperate convicts from escaping - happy in their aim to make their way to Batavia (now the city of Jakarta on the island of Java, Indonesia ) or China. While some perished, others joined up with Indigenous people

  • Word count: 14782
  • Level: International Baccalaureate
  • Subject: Languages
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Research into Function and Design of Theatres.

CHAPTER 4 Project Profile Analysis 4.1 Historical Background 4.1.1 History of theatre and performing arts in the world The history of performing arts goes back thousands of years. Highlights of the important events are that, first, Greeks embraced the concept of drama and wrote plays to be performed. Standing out among the best are the plays written by Sophocles. It is also believed that there were performing artists in parts of China at around the same time. Elements of music have been found across all civilizations throughout history. Many of the performing arts stopped in the years after the fall of the Roman Empire. The Christians, who had stopped all public performances, started allowing them again sometime after 900 to celebrate Easter. The new performing art type of ballet was introduced in Italy around the 1500s. A century later, Shakespeare's plays were being performed. Romeo and Juliet became the first Shakespeare play to be performed in America. Later in 20th century brought modern technology to the performing arts with innovations in film and television. Theater probably arose as a performance of ritual activities that did not require initiation on the part of the spectator. Introduced by the Romans, the first building used for theatrical performances were Amphitheatres who copied theatres from ancient Greece. These were semi-circular structures, constructed

  • Word count: 15472
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Architecture, Building and Planning
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iPhone - A global perspective. The report is designed to comprehensively document the efforts to market Apples iPhone. It will analyze the international marketing environments, Political, Legal, Economic, Technological, Socio-Cultural, Geographic

TERM PROJECT PREPARED BY: AMY FARINA MENG-CHUN HUNG SACHIT BHJANGE GEORGE VIT DAVE PIREK TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Introduction................................................................................................................. 3 A. Purpose (Sach) B. Scope (Dave/Amy) C. Organization of Report (Amy) Political Environment (George)......................................................................................... 4 Legal Environment (Amy)............................................................................................... 5 Economic Environment (Dave).......................................................................................... 8 Technological Environment (Sach)....................................................................................... 9 Socio-Cultural Environment (Amy)..................................................................................... 10 Cannibalization and Creative Destruction Issues (Amy)............................................................ 12 Geography, Climate and Natural Resources Environment (Meng)................................................... 15 Infrastructure Environment (George)..................................................................................... 17 Competitive Environment

  • Word count: 18975
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Business and Administrative studies
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Marketing Dissertation. An investigation of Celebrity Endorsement, with particular focus on the long-term marketability of celebrity sports personalities

MSc Marketing 2008/10 An investigation of Celebrity Endorsement, with particular focus on the long-term marketability of celebrity sports personalities By Charlotte Louise Blake Confidentiality Statement The dissertation may be made freely available immediately for academic purposes. Charlotte L Blake, May 2010 Acknowledgments I would like to dedicate this work to my fiancé, Miguel Rodriguez, as if it wasn't for his support I would not have had the option of returning to university to pursue my ambition to get a masters degree, and change the direction of my career. I would also like to thank my family for their lifelong support; my father for always being the best source of advice, and my mother for always being there. Furthermore, I would like to pay my gratitude to John May for being a great lecturer throughout the year, and a good supervisor who always pointed me in the right direction. It is also imperative that I mention my classmates for the past 2 academic years, which have all proven to be a great bunch of people to be around, in and out of the classroom. Finally, thank you to everyone who participated in my research, I couldn't have done this without you. In particular Jessica Cole and Jessica Brittan, who not only participated in my focus groups, but also set them up, and hosted the events at their home. Whilst not forgetting, the legendary, Mel Stein,

  • Word count: 23446
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Business and Administrative studies
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Produce a case study comparing two business organisations, investigating the extent to which each has developed an effective customer service programme, and evaluating the effect of those programmes on customer satisfaction.

Task: You need to produce a case study comparing two business organisations, investigating the extent to which each has developed an effective customer service programme, and evaluating the effect of those programmes on customer satisfaction. The organisations that I am comparing are Marks & Spencer Plc and Tesco. Marks & Spencer Plc (a) Describe the importance of customer service to each organisation. Customer service Their Vision 'Leading standards wherever we trade epitomises the Marks & Spencer approach to both the way we serve our customers and the way we run our business. As one of the UK's leading retailers, we have annual sales in excess of £8 billion. We employ more than 60,000 people worldwide, operate more than 400 stores in 28 countries, and serve tens of millions of customers every week. Whether we're working at home or abroad, within our own stores or in partnership with our franchisees, our Vision, Mission and Values remain the same. Ensuring we meet our customers' needs with appealing, superior quality products at attractive prices.' People are the lifeblood of our stores' success They launched their Foundations For Success programme to set out new ways of working in stores, and new levels of customer service to aim for. The initiative focuses attention on 'power hours', the key time of day when each different store is at its busiest, and everyone

  • Word count: 25048
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Business Studies
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Criticism on Hamlet

**HAMLET** [189] Act I. Scene i. (I. i. 63.) He smote the sleaded Polack on the ice. Polack was in that age, the term for an inhabitant of Poland: Polaque, French. As in a translation of Passeratius's epitaph on Henry III of France, published byCamden : Whether thy chance or choice thee hither brings, Stay, passenger, and wail the best of kings. This little stone a great king's heart doth hold, Who rul'd the fickle French and Polacks bold: So frail are even the highest earthly things. Go, passenger, and wail the hap of kings. Act I. Scene i. (I. i. 138.) If thou hast any sound. The speech of Horatio to the spectre is very elegant and noble, and congruous to the common traditions of the causes of apparitions. Act I. Scene i. (I. i. 153 foll.) Whether in sea or fire, &c. According to the pneumatology of that time, every element was inhabited by its peculiar order of spirits, who had dispositions different, according to their various places of abode. The meaning therefore is, that all spirits extravagant, wandering out of their element, whether aerial spirits visiting earth, or earthly spirits ranging the air, return to their station, to their proper limits in which they are confined. [190] Act I. Scene ix. (I. v. 154) Swear by my sword. Mr. Garrick produced me a passage, I think, in Brant ôme, from which it appeared, that it was common to swear upon the sword,

  • Word count: 32767
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: English
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