Blue Nile pestel analysis. Blue Nile is a publicly traded company. The company was established in 1999 and is headquartered in Seattle, WA and is one of leading online retailers of diamonds and fine jewelry.

Final paper Lars Isaksaetre, Henrik Oiseth, and Jason Casey BUSA 499, Section One Professor Pham May 13, 2009 Table of contents Executive summary........................................................................ page 2 Company profile.............................................................................. page 3 Overview of the jewelry industry....................................................... page 4 External environment.................................................................. page 5 Industry analysis........................................................................ page 10 Jewelry supply chain................................................................... page 16 Industry value chain, Jewelry Retail.................................................. page 19 Company analysis........................................................................ page 24 SWOT....................................................................................... page 46 Financial ratios.............................................................................. page 50 Strategies.................................................................................... page 53 Preferred strategy.......................................................................... page 60

  • Word count: 26188
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Business and Administrative studies
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REVISION - CRIME, PUNISHMENT AND PROTEST INTRODUCTION Crime, Punishment and Protest covers a period of more than 2500 years. Although you will not need to remember

LONDON REVISION - CRIME, PUNISHMENT AND PROTEST INTRODUCTION Crime, Punishment and Protest covers a period of more than 2500 years. Although you will not need to remember masses of detailed information, you will need a broad understanding of the main changes - and the factors behind those changes - from one period to another. Key definitions: Law - the formal rules of a society or country, which all members are expected to obey, and which are intended to control the behaviour of individuals. Depending on the period or country being examined, laws are made either by various individuals or by larger political organisations or authorities. Crime - an action which breaks one or more of the laws of any given society. In many cases, most members of a society will agree that certain actions (e.g. murder) should be illegal. Sometimes, however, certain sections of a society might find some behaviour acceptable even though it has been defined as criminal by those with the power to make laws (e.g. kings or governments). Punishment - part of the process of law enforcement, and refers to the sanctions or penalties imposed on those who break the law (i.e. commit crimes). These can vary from fines, to imprisonment or to different kinds of physical punishments. Punishments can also have several different functions, ranging from revenge to reform. Protest - any action against or

  • Word count: 25987
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: Sociology
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A CASE STUDY OF PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL IN A SMALL PUBLIC SECTOR ORGANISATION: THE GAPS BETWEEN EXPECTATIONS AND EXPERIENCE JOHN MOONEY A dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the University of Chester for the degree of Masters of Business Administration CHESTER BUSINESS SCHOOL December 2009 Acknowledgements To my beloved wife Lesley, and children, Liam, Shaun and Hannah, who tolerated my regular withdrawals from normal family life throughout my MBA studies. And to the talented and approachable lecturers and staff on the Chester MBA programme. Abstract The research project sets out to identify the gaps between expectations and experiences of performance appraisal in a small public sector organisation. The document explains how Passenger Focus, the rail watchdog, has undergone a successful corporate transformation from the previous federal network of regional committees into a new credible consumer body. The organisation has a new vision, and robust business planning processes have been introduced. However, there is a need to improve performance management through a new performance appraisal system. The overall purpose of the research is to assess the gaps between expectations and experiences in order to inform a new system. The literature review explains the background to the development of performance and its measurement in the public

  • Word count: 25875
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Business and Administrative studies
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Coyuntura Economica en Venezuela

Entorno Económico y Análisis de Países: Informe de Coyuntura - Venezuela 2000-2005 ÍNDICE A. CONTEXTO INTERIOR . BREVE HISTORIA DE VENEZUELA.................................................3 2. ESTRUCTURA FÍSICA.......................................................................6 3. ESTRUCTURA POLÍTICA E IDEOLOGÍA.........................................7 4. ESTRUCTURA INSTITUCIONAL.....................................................10 5. ESTRUCTURA PRODUCTIVA.........................................................17 6. ESTRUCTURA SINDICAL................................................................27 7. ESTRUCTURA POBLACIONAL Y EDUCATIVA.............................28 B. CONTEXTO EXTERIOR 8. BALANZA DE PAGOS.....................................................................31 C. POLÍTICAS ECONÓMICAS 9. POLÍTICA CAMBIARIA...................................................................49 0. POLÍTICA MONETARIA..................................................................51 1. POLÍTICA DE PRECIOS Y SALARIOS...........................................58 D. ANÁLISIS DE COYUNTURA 2. DEMANDA AGREGADA..................................................................60 3. ANÁLISIS DEL MERCADO DE BIENES......................................... 70 4. MERCADO

  • Word count: 25523
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: European Languages, Literature and related subjects
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Notes on the History and Development of the Arab-Israeli Conflict

516 Ottomans rule over Palestine, lasts until 1918 882 Beginning of Jewish immigration to Palestine (first Aliyah) 897 First Zionist Conference in Basil 915 Oct-Nov McMahon-Hussein correspondence 916 May Sykes-Picot Agreement 917 November Balfour Declaration 921 Haganah formed 922 July League of Nations ratifies British Mandate of Palestine 937 July Peel Commission Report 942 May Zionist Conference at Biltmore Hotel, NYC 945 March Arab Leaugue founded in Cairo 946 July 22 British headquarters in King David Hotel, Jerusalem, are bombed 947 November 29 UN General Assembly approves the partition of Palestine December Arab-Jewish war breaks out in Palestine 948 May Plan D implemented by Israel 4 Proclamation of the state of Israel 5 First Arab-Israeli War begins 28 Jordanian Arab Legion had occupied East Jerusalem and the West Bank June 1 UN truce, Israel now has 1/3 of partition territory July 1 War resumes 949 Jan-July Armistice agreements reached between Israel and Arab states December UN resolution 303 calls for the internationalisation of Jerusalem 950 Jordan annexes the West Bank and the Gaza Strip comes under Egyptian control March Knesset passes the Absentee Property Law. July Knesset passes the Law of Return 951 Knesset passes the National Law which gave Israeli-Arabs freedoms (in theory) July King

  • Word count: 25485
  • Level: International Baccalaureate
  • Subject: History
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The Challenges of Network Security

The Challenges of Network Security Remediation at a Regional University A thesis presented to the faculty of the Department of Computer and Information Sciences East Tennessee State University In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Master of Science in Computer Science by William R. Simons May 2005 Dr. Qing Yuan, Chair Dr. Phillip Pfeiffer Mr. Steven Jenkins Keywords: computer, system security, network security, security audit, security hardening, vulnerability, remediation, Nessus, Nmap 2 ABSTRACT The Challenges of Network Security Remediation at a Regional University by William R. Simons This thesis describes challenges encountered during a year-long effort to improve the security of the 3,300 node administrative computer network at East Tennessee State University. The key remediation strategies used included employing the vulnerability scanner Nessus to profile the network, analyzing the scan results, and attempting to remove the most critical vulnerabilities found. The project succeeded in decreasing known "high" criticality vulnerabilities on campus by 26.1%, and confirmed four standard observations about the challenges of network administration: Vulnerability scanning is a lengthy task best performed in parallel and supported by automated data analysis. Securing a network is like trying to hit a moving target, due to an

  • Word count: 25338
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Mathematical and Computer Sciences
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La Politica Ambientale: L'Evoluzione Storica

CAPITOLO I LA POLITICA AMBIENTALE: L'EVOLUZIONE STORICA 1. La "Questione Ambientale" a) Il concetto di "Qualità Ambientale" Il concetto di ambiente presenta alcuni caratteri di ambiguità, a causa dei numerosi e differenziati contesti in cui tale termine può essere utilizzato. Se nel linguaggio corrente esso assume dei toni prevalentemente naturalistici, nelle varie discipline può essere usato con significati diversi. Gli obiettivi di questo lavoro esulano dal trattarne le varie "Categorie Descrittive"[1][1],facendo riferimento a un concetto di ambiente inteso soprattutto come habitat[2][2], o come "punto di intersezione tra società e sistema naturale"[3][3], in cui si pone l'accento sul rapporto uomo-contesto ambientale. Proprio da queste definizioni discende che i problemi ambientali ai fini della "policy" non hanno un'esistenza oggettiva in sé, ma solo nella misura in cui la società ne percepisce l'esistenza e avverte l'esigenza di un intervento. Molto più importanti ai fini del prosieguo di questo lavoro sono gli elementi che caratterizzano la qualità ambientale: Rarità. E' definita come una condizione di scarsa disponibilità di un determinato elemento all'interno di un ecosistema ( talvolta il termine può essere sostituito con quello di scarsità). La rarità può essere riferita sia alle specie animali che vegetali in relazione con la

  • Word count: 25176
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: European Languages, Literature and related subjects
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Produce a case study comparing two business organisations, investigating the extent to which each has developed an effective customer service programme, and evaluating the effect of those programmes on customer satisfaction.

Task: You need to produce a case study comparing two business organisations, investigating the extent to which each has developed an effective customer service programme, and evaluating the effect of those programmes on customer satisfaction. The organisations that I am comparing are Marks & Spencer Plc and Tesco. Marks & Spencer Plc (a) Describe the importance of customer service to each organisation. Customer service Their Vision 'Leading standards wherever we trade epitomises the Marks & Spencer approach to both the way we serve our customers and the way we run our business. As one of the UK's leading retailers, we have annual sales in excess of £8 billion. We employ more than 60,000 people worldwide, operate more than 400 stores in 28 countries, and serve tens of millions of customers every week. Whether we're working at home or abroad, within our own stores or in partnership with our franchisees, our Vision, Mission and Values remain the same. Ensuring we meet our customers' needs with appealing, superior quality products at attractive prices.' People are the lifeblood of our stores' success They launched their Foundations For Success programme to set out new ways of working in stores, and new levels of customer service to aim for. The initiative focuses attention on 'power hours', the key time of day when each different store is at its busiest, and everyone

  • Word count: 25048
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Business Studies
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Smart Card System

Chapter 1: Client- Server Technology .1 Client-Server Concept and Architecture The term "client/server" implies that clients and servers are separate logical entities that work together, usually over a network, to accomplish a task. Client/server is more than a client and a server communicating across a network. Client/server uses asynchronous and synchronous messaging techniques with the assistance of middle-ware to communicate across a network. Client/Server uses this approach of a client (UI) and the server (database I/O) to provide its robust distributed capabilities. The company, Sigma has used this technique for over 15 years to allow its products to be ported to multiple platforms, databases, and transaction processors while retaining a product's marketability and enhanced functionality from decade to decade. Sigma's client/server product uses an asynchronous approach of sending a message to request an action and receives a message containing the information requested. This approach allows the product to send intensive CPU processing requests to the server to perform and return the results to the client when finished. Sigma's architecture is based on re-usability and portability. Sigma currently uses a standard I/O routine, which is mutually exclusive from the user interface. Sigma's current architecture supports character-based screens and a variety of

  • Word count: 24944
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: Computer Science
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Sovereignty, opinion and revolution in Edmund Burke.

History of European Ideas 25 (1999) 99}120 Sovereignty, opinion and revolution in Edmund Burke Richard Bourke* Department of English, Queen Mary and Westxeld College, Mile End Road, London E1 4NS, UK . Introduction Edmund Burke's involvement in the politics of empire during the mid-1760s obliged him to confront the practical signi"cance of the doctrine of sovereignty at the very outset of his parliamentary career. This confrontation was to recur throughout his published writings over the next 30 years. It took the form of a sustained attempt to elucidate the relationship between liberty and authority both in Britain and between it and the extended empire [1]. The defence of liberty as it appears in Burke's commentaries on the American crisis, on Ireland and on the Indian sub-continent had been a defence of moderate government. There was a connection in his mind between moderation in government and the security of property in modern states, but ultimately moderation implied a kind of commerce and compatibility between the designs of rulers and the aspirations of the ruled. It had always, however, been part of Burke's case that moderate government had to be founded on an absolute and uni"ed sovereignty. As he put it in 1765, the &unlimited Nature of the supreme legislative authority' was &very clear and very undeniable' [2]. Supremacy implied that ultimate

  • Word count: 24944
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Social studies
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