The primary target of Tennysons poetry is Victorian greed and materialism. How far do you agree with this view of Tennysons poetry? In your answer you should either refer to two or three poems in detail or range more widely through the whole selection.

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The primary target of Tennysons poetry is Victorian greed and materialism.How far do you agree with this view of Tennysons poetry?

In your answer you should either refer to two or three poems in detail or range more widely through the whole selection.

Tennyson throughout his poetry focuses on greed and materialism when reflecting on the changing times in society and the growing of the work of the days of manand the golden age. He does this particularly in Maud’  In Morte DArthur.

Maudis poem written about a man who loses his father after he is murdered by a business friend . Tennyson uses this as the basis to explore the mental instability of the speaker which he uses to explore other issues such as Victorian greed and materialism.

In MaudTennyson undertakes a psychological exploration of the speaker maudwho seems to have gone mad after losing his father . He focuses on the greed and materialism on how the speakers father was unjustly killed by his fellow business partner .

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He says : gorged scheme that had left us flaccid and draind

This literally translates as sucked us dry which shows how selfish the business partner was so on the whole reflects societys greediness .

Then Tennyson goes on to criticise the actions of society and you can see this clearly when the speaker talks of how blessings of Peace?have been made into a curseby society. This implies to the reader that society has become so corrupt , greedy and selfish that even positive things , blessingshave been turned into bad things curses. The speaker ...

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