TASK: To design and create a database of customer details to replace the old card system.
DATA TO INPUT: I will need to input the field names these will be customer name (1.forename, 2. surname), address (1.street name and house number, 2. area, 3. town or city) post code, telephone number, mobile telephone number, most used product or service (for use with the mail merge letter in task 4). There will also be a key field to create a unique identity for each customer. Once I have done this I will enter all the details using the old card system.
TASK: To design and create a database of customer details to replace the old card system.
DATA TO INPUT: I will need to input the field names these will be customer name (1.forename, 2. surname), address (1.street name and house number, 2. area, 3. town or city) post code, telephone number, mobile telephone number, most used product or service (for use with the mail merge letter in task 4). There will also be a key field to create a unique identity for each customer. Once I have done this I will enter all the details using the old card system.