Reconsidering the Fourth Estate:

Reconsidering the Fourth Estate: The functions of infotainment : Reconsidering the Fourth Estate Page 1 It is hardly possible to write a history of information separately from a history of the corruption of the press. Walter Benjamin (1973:28) Abstract Criticism that TV infotainment is "dumbing down" public discourse invites investigation into the relationship between journalists and their audiences and reflection on the applicability of "fourth estate " theory to contemporary conditions. Consideration is given to the genres of infotainment - lifestyle shows, reality TV, docu-soaps, docu-games, tabloid news, talk shows, mocumentary and news sit-coms. It is suggested that when considered as a totality, these genres actually offer greater diversity of viewpoints, acuity of representation and depth of critique than traditional news and current affairs programs presently provide. Introduction Traditional TV news and current affairs programs are shrinking in terms of audience reach and thus significance to public discourse. The challenge to these traditional forms comes from an emerging, still-formless genre, infotainment. We might begin the work of defining infotainment by noting that it refers to a grab bag of styles, formats and sub-genres whose only common feature is that they fall somewhere in the space between the two traditional

  • Word count: 7143
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Media Studies
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Ravinder Dhaliwal

Ravinder Dhaliwal Presenting Information Unit 1 Report on the six attached documents Survival Game Newsletter Topic- The first document I looked at is "The Survival Games Newsletter". This is a newsletter about the survival games in Autumn 1995. 2 Purpose - The purpose of the newsletter is to promote the games, inform about what will be happening at the games and when they will be taking place. The newsletter also advertises the event to potential participants. 3 Audience - The audience for the newsletter are young adults male and female who like sports and would be interested in taking part in the games. The audience could also be for the older age groups in their 30's or 40's who want to have fun and feel younger. 4 Common Elements - The common elements of the newsletter are as follows: * Heading * Sub Heading * Issue No. * Graphics * Columns layout * Body of Text * Date This newsletter contains most of these elements but it doesn't have an issue number anywhere on it. This is a bed thing because it makes it look unprofessional to readers. 5 Language/ Structure - The newsletter uses short sentences and paragraphs. This is to keep the readers intereted. Large blocks of text become tedious to read and people will lose interest very quickly. The language of newsletter is emotive, it is designed to excite the reader and to keep them interested in what they are

  • Word count: 7129
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Media Studies
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Thriller and Suspense Films

THRILLER and SUSPENSE FILMS Thriller and Suspense Films are types of films known to promote intense excitement, suspense, a high level of anticipation, ultra-heightened expectation, uncertainty, anxiety, and nerve-wracking tension. Thriller and suspense films are virtually synonymous and interchangeable categorizations, with similar characteristics and features. If the genre is to be defined strictly, a genuine thriller is a film that rentlessly pursues a single-minded goal - to provide thrills and keep the audience cliff-hanging at the 'edge of their seats' as the plot builds towards a climax. The tension usually arises when the main character(s) is placed in a menacing situation or mystery, or an escape or dangerous mission from which escape seems impossible. Life itself is threatened, usually because the principal character is unsuspecting or unknowingly involved in a dangerous or potentially deadly situation. Plots of thrillers involve characters which come into conflict with each other or with outside forces - the menace is sometimes abstract or shadowy. Thrillers are often hybrids - there are suspense-thrillers, action- or adventure- thrillers, sci-fi thrillers (such as Alien (1979)), crime-caper thrillers (such as The French Connection (1971)), western-thrillers (such as High Noon (1952)), film-noir thrillers (such as Double Indemnity (1944)), even romantic

  • Word count: 7124
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Media Studies
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Cyber Ethics @ Computer Ethics

Introduction Cyber Ethics @ Computer Ethics Ethics is the field of study that is concerned with questions of value, that is, judgments about what human behavior is "good" or "bad". Ethical judgments are no different in the area of computing from those in any other area. Computers raise problems of privacy, ownership, theft, and power, to name but a few. Computer ethics can be grounded in one of four basic world-views: Idealism, Realism, Pragmatism, or Existentialism. Idealists believe that reality is basically ideas and that ethics therefore involves conforming to ideals. Realists believe that reality is basically nature and that ethics therefore involves acting according to what is natural. Pragmatists believe that reality is not fixed but is in process and that ethics therefore is practical (that is, concerned with what will produce socially-desired results). Existentialists believe reality is self-defined and that ethics therefore is individual (that is, concerned only with one's own conscience). Idealism and Realism can be considered ABSOLUTIST worldviews because they are based on something fixed (that is, ideas or nature, respectively). Pragmatism and Existentialism can be considered RELATIVIST worldviews because they are based or something relational (that is, society or the individual, respectively). Thus ethical judgments will vary, depending on the judge's

  • Word count: 6978
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Media Studies
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Addressing the legal and ethical issues of electronic commerce.

Contents Introduction 3 Definition 4 Legal & Ethical Issues 4 Privacy 5 Website Self-Registration 5 Cookies 6 Protection 6 Self Regulation 6 Legislation 7 Intellectual Property 8 Copyright 8 Patents 8 Registered Trademarks 9 Domain Names 9 Free Speech 10 Protecting Children 10 Measures being taken in the UK 11 Controlling Spam 12 Methods of Control 13 Taxation 13 California Considers Online Sales Tax 13 What Sellers Have To Say 14 Watching from the Sidelines 14 Keeping Tech Businesses Going 15 Computer Crimes 16 Consumer and Seller Protection 18 Summary 20 Appendix A 21 TRUSTe's Consumer Privacy Protection Guidelines Appendix B 23 The rights of data subjects and data users Appendix C 24 Views of Internet Freedom Appendix D 25 Computer Security Institute 2002 Computer and Crime Survey Appendix E 26 Consumer Protection (Distance Selling) Regulations 2000 Bibliography 27 Introduction "Jane remembers her parents saying they spent a lot of time getting the kids off to school and then fighting their way into work through rush-hour traffic to sit at a desk in front of a big square box that would often 'crash'. Thank heavens life is so much easier now. Rush hours were eliminated

  • Word count: 6851
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Media Studies
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Indholdsfortegnelse - Forsvar i serie-landskabet

Indholdsfortegnelse INDLEDNING 2 FORSVAR I SERIE-LANDSKABET 2 SERIALITET 3 GENRE 4 TEMA 5 DRAMATURGI 7 VISUEL ÆSTETIK - EN NÆRANALYSE 11 KBH.'S BYRET - LEOS FORSVARSTALE 12 ØSTRE LANDSRET - MALENES FORSVARSTALE 13 PERSONGALLERI OG SEGMENTGRUPPER 14 KONKLUSION 17 LITTERATURLISTE 19 Indledning I denne opgave vil jeg foretage en dramaturgisk og æstetisk analyse af Tv-serien Forsvars episode 6 "Den man elsker". Løbende vil jeg inddrage relevante teorier der kan stå som belæg for min analyse. I overensstemmelse med eksamensspørgsmålets problemformulering vil jeg bl.a. redegøre for persongalleri, formsprog og den narrative struktur, om end ikke i nævnte rækkefælge. Ligeledes er en del af analysen slået sammen med den afsluttende diskussion om målgrupper. Dette er sket ud fra en pragmatisk beslutning. Der er desuden brugt nyt komma. Forsvar i serie-landskabet Hvis man tager et kig ud over det danske serie-landskab ser det både frodigt, hyggeligt og velbeboet ud, især hvis man vælger at kigge med seertals-brillen på. Da DR1 i 1997 søsatte deres nye tv-serie Taxa viste det sig at være startskuddet til en ny guldalder for dansk tv-drama. Endelig var der noget der kunne, hvis ikke hamle op med, så i hvert fald samle Danmark som Matador og Huset på Christianshavn havde gjort det i sin tid. Men i modsætningen til de gamle serier, er de nye serier

  • Word count: 6760
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Media Studies
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Portfolio On Burroughs and Cut-Ups, Including Comments On My Own Cut-Ups

PORTFOLIO ON BURROUGHS AND CUT-UPS, INCLUDING COMMENTS ON MY OWN CUT-UPS CONTENTS Page 1--------------------------------- Title Page Page 2---------------------------------- Contents Pages 3-22----------------------------- Commentary on Cut-Ups and Burroughs and word count Page 23-------------------------------- Bibliography Page 24-------------------------------- Example of a 'Picture Letter' Pages 25-27--------------------------- Original Text used for Cut-Ups Pages28-31---------------------------- Examples of Experimentation with cut ups with various songs Pages 32-34--------------------------- My own Cut-Ups commented on in pages sixteen to nineteen (see reverse of pages thirty-two and thirty-three) My Cut-Up Experience Cut ups essentially began when Brion Gysin "sliced through a pile of newspapers...made a mosaic out of the strips of newspapers...when he read it he thought it was hilarious...for Burroughs...Gysin's cut-up newspapers switched on the electric light bulb over the cartoon character's head"1 What was essentially an amusing accident, tied in with old surrealist games, for Gysin, was, for Burroughs, something completely different; it was a way of escaping the traditional format of word layout and communication on paper. It introduced an element of unpredictability and put the words and their meanings into different perspectives. This idea had been

  • Word count: 6708
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Media Studies
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ICT 3a Evaluation

3a EVALUATION Computer . Describe how you use the technology personally I use a computer personally when I want to type up my work. I also do my English homework on my computer and a lot other home works and course works. I research information for my course works and I also research information for anything else I need. I can find pictures and other items I want from the Internet for my work to brighten it up. When a teacher tells me to make a poster I sometimes make it on the computer to make it neat and eye catching. I don't need to colour the pictures with hand if I am making a poster at home I can just instead get pictures off the internet and paste them into Microsoft Paint and if they are black and white I can add a lot of colour to them. I burn music to my CDs if the music I want if it is on the computer and I also can put music on my MP3 player. I can use the calculator on the computer if I can't find my calculator at home and I can do my math homework. Microsoft Power Point allows me to make presentations for lessons that I need to make a presentation. I use a computer when I am bored and I can plays games on my computer because when I bought my computer it had already got a few games downloaded on. I can also download games or buy games from different places. I use Microsoft Excel when I need to make a grid with different working-outs. I use a computer when I

  • Word count: 6667
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Media Studies
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Sources of Film Financing within the U.K.

Sources of Film Financing within the U.K. Lottery In 1998, the National Lottery Act was released. It required each Lottery distributor to produce a strategic plan which sets out the policies that the distributor would pursue through the release of Lottery funds. The Act specifies that each strategic plan should also contain: a) An account of the policy directions given to the distributor by the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport b) A statement of the estimate of the likely amount of funds available to the distributor c) A statement of the distributor's assessment of the needs that it has the power to deal with d) A report of the distributor's priorities in meeting those needs. These statements will be looked at later in this section but first it must look at the primary source of funding for film-makers in the U.K. - the Film Council. The Role of the Film Council The Film Council was created by the Government to act as the lead body for film, with the purpose of providing strategic leadership for the whole film sector, creating rational strategies for addressing failures within the market and development within the film culture, and also to encourage greater effective and efficiency. The Film Council is in charge of all Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) funding for film (with the exception of the National Film and Television School and

  • Word count: 6529
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Media Studies
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How does Alfred Hitchcock create suspense and tension preceding and during the shower scene?

How does Alfred Hitchcock create suspense and tension preceding and during the shower scene? One of 'Psychos' most acclaimed aspects is that of the successful and effective use of suspense and tension. It is evident after watching the film, that Alfred Hitchcock believes in atmosphere, mood and audience emotion to be the chief concern in film making. To explain how Hitchcock creates suspense and tension we must first ascertain the various key methods, techniques and devices used in the production of the film; then to distinguish the in-film effects, parallels and references. Imagery and symbolism are also major factors in portraying the themes and morals. Most of the characters' decisions and personality changes seem to be based around the notion of normality and abnormality, and the pivotal difference between the two. Darkness and light, good and bad, right and wrong. Every sub-story event or meaning relates directly or indirectly back to the main theme of the Psycho; there are two sides to everything and that nothing is coincidental when dealing with a Psycho, a split mind. Changes will occur in the characters; but it is not knowing what the changes will be that creates a tense air, it's not knowing when or how they will happen. Every one of these fascinatingly subtle but substantial details go towards making 'Psycho' one of the most shockingly effective thrillers of

  • Word count: 6513
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Media Studies
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