Describe the Growth OF European Unity from 1950-1957

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Describe the Growth OF European Unity from 1950-1957

In 1950 the French foreign minister Robert Schumann came up with an idea he called this idea the Schumann plan. The outline of his plan was to improve Frances economy and security while also improving relations in Europe. West Germany was recovering from the war, with new leaders and a stabilising economy. Many people felt that a strong Germany may once again threaten peace within Europe, as Germany had now totally recovered with thanks to US for a large amount of Marshall aid money received, but Marshall aid also helped relations between countries in Europe as it meant they had to cooperate with one and other. Schumann believed French security could be achieved by creating a common market in coal and steel, this meant they could monitor the German’s activity and see if they were building tanks and munitions with their steel. This plan was put into action in 1951 when the leaders of France, West Germany, Italy and Benelux, who had shown how well trade links could work with the success they shared between them (Britain was invited but opted out) all met in Paris to put the Schuman plan into action. By 1952 there was a common market in coal, iron ore and steel between the six countries. This also improved both countries relations and economies as they had to work together with France having the iron ore and Germany the coal. This was the formation of the European Coal and Steel community, it brought the countries together, they had to work together to achieve their common goals but could also be assured of their safety as they knew what one and other were doing. The Schumann plan was the first major step towards European unity.

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In 1955 European leaders from the nations who were members of the ECSC met at Messina to discuss ways in which they could further economic cooperation and create a common market so that trade could be increased. For example completely abolish trade barriers such as customs duties between European nations, and improve agricultural trade. They discussed lots of issues and by the time they met in Rome two years later  decisions had been made.

In Rome in 1957 the six leaders who were involved in the EEC met to sign a treaty to set up the first ...

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